✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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1 - comfort snuggles!
tw(s) - use of the q-slur, abuse

Travis' dad was abusive. Emotionally and physically. This particular time, Travis was trying to resist his father's push of religion. Not a smart idea. Without getting graphic, it left Travis scared and bloody as he ran blindly into the dark woods out back of his house.

"I'll kill you boy, c'mon back here! Fucking queer, I'll kill you!"
This only encouraged Travis to speed up, running until he couldn't hear his father's yells.

It felt like he ran for hours before he reached a building that he recognized well. It was the back of Addison's Apartments. These were the same walls he would climb to reach his boyfriend's apartment. He normally wouldn't risk going in the normal way, in case he was seen, but he was just too tired to climb up trees and jump in windows.
"Oh, just fuck me," he muttered, walking into the front doors.

He was greeted by a woman in her mid-fourties in a navy blue uniform. He recognized her as Lisa, Larry's mom.
He offered a polite smile, then went on his way. He climbed into the elevator and pressed number four.
He was pissed, confused, and sad. He just wanted a hug from his boyfriend.

Once the elevator finished climbing all the floors, he knocked on apartment number 402. Sal emerged, looking tired but grew concerned when he saw the state of Travis. He quickly ushered Travis in and to the bathroom.

He sat Travis down on the toilet seat while he searched in the cabinet for bandages and anti-septic.
"Oh my poor baby," he muttered as he pressed a alcohol-soaked cotton ball to the boy's face. Travis winced at the stinging sensation his face felt.
Sal sighed, wrapping the taller boy's cut knees.

"It's a shame I don't have a murderous bone in my body," Sal started, "your dad would be the first to go."
Travis cracked a smile, even though it hurt to do so.
"I know."

There was comfortable silence for a good 2 minutes while Sal continued to tend to Travis's wounds. That is, until Sal decided to break it once he finished bandaging up the last cut.
"So," he started, "what happened this time?" He asked. Travis sighed,
"He kept pushing me into Catholicism and stuff, the usual. Only this time, I decided to push back," Travis explained. Sal say, listening intently.
"Obviously, he didn't like that very much. Started off with just screaming, I tried to shake it off. Then he started punching me. It sucked, but it wasn't too bad at first. But then, once I was down, he didn't stop. He kept punching and kicking and slapping."
Sal inhaled sharply, his knee shaking violently.
"Once I saw my opportunity to run, I did. Now I'm here."

Sal sighed, leading his boyfriend out of the bathroom and to his bedroom. He threw a pair of sweatpants and a worn band shirt. Sanity's Fall, it had been his favorite band since he was introduced to Larry. It was a size large, seeing as Sal liked oversized clothing, so Travis knew it would fit him. He threw it on while Sally had his back turned.
"You decent, sunshine?" Sal asked before turning around.
"Yea, you're good," he stated blandly. He crawled up to the top of the bed frame and laid down. Sal leaned down and placed a sloppy kiss upon his forehead, smiling gently.
"You get comfortable now, my prince. I'm gonna make heat up some pizza rolls, the remote is on my bedside table. Pick a movie if you want," he said. Travis smiled and nodded, reaching over and turning on the T.V. remote as Sal walked out the door.

He decided on romcom. It would be fun to make fun of with Sal. A moment or two passed before Sally walked back through the door with snacks in hand. He placed the food at the end of the bed and snuggled up next to his boyfriend.
"50 First Dates, huh?" Sal asked amusingly.
"Oh definitely, it's the epitome of everything that makes a good movie. I mean, it's got Adam Sandler!" Travis said sarcastically, earning a laugh from Sal. Travis presses play on the movie and they sat in silence, waiting for the credits to end. Sal kept gazing at his boyfriend worryingly. He was safe now, that's what mattered. He reached over for Travis's hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly. Travis offered a soothing smile, but shook his head no.
"All I want to think about is you and maybe Adam Sandler," Travis said, whistling through his nose at the last part. Sally kissed his boyfriend softly, running his fingers through those blonde locks that he adored so much.
"I actually fucking hate you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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