Chapter Twenty-Six

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 She comes closer and now I can see she's jogging. Her hair is flying everywhere and she has tears on her cheeks. Why do I always make her cry? Even now, she's the brightest star in the night.

My hands are still in my hair, pulling hard; trying to snap myself back to reality where she isn't here. Where she's at the party with Shane. But it doesn't work, so I pull harder and clench my jaw tighter. I squeeze my eyes shut and rock back and forth, mumbling to myself that she's not real and I need to wake up. Not real; need to wake up, not real; need to wake up. Not real! I need to wake up!

But a soft palm touches my cheek and she feels real. Oh so breathtakingly real. My breath hitches in my throat and a sob sneaks past my clenched teeth. Her other hand is touching my face now, wiping the moisture away and gently detaching my stiff fingers from my hair. My head hurts, but she massages the pain away.

I don't dare to open my eyes, even when she starts kissing my cheeks and whispering my name. I've stopped rocking, I notice, and my fists aren't clenched anymore, but my jaw is still achingly tight.

"Dallas, please open your eyes. Let me see those beautiful eyes," she whispers, her voice is the sweetest melody. I shake my head stiffly, squeezing my eyes tighter. But my muscles are relaxing with every stroke of her palms on my face. My arms. In my hair, and soon my jaw is slack and my eyes are just closed.

It's then I notice I'm shaking. Shivering. I must've left my jacket somewhere because I'm freezing. My teeth are chattering and my lips are probably blue. Warm hands rub my arms, increasing the circulation and warming me a little.

"Please look at me, love," she pleads, stroking my eyelids with her fingers, then my cheekbones, jawline, and finally settling on my lips. She has one hand in my hair, gently massaging the stinging follicles. I sigh, enjoying the heat her hands bring. She kisses my jaw and I lean into her, loving the feeling of her lips on my skin. My hand reaches out of its own accord and grips her waist. Her breath hitches and she stops kissing me. I let go of her, thinking that's why she stopped, but she quickly grabs my hand and moves it back before continuing on her path to my ear.

When she reaches her destination, she whispers in my ear. "I'm real, Dallas, and I'm not going anywhere." Another sob slips past my lips and more tears fall. I slowly peel my eyes open and look at my knees, which Jules is kneeling between. She tilts my head up so my eyes meet hers. My sobs are uncontrollable now and she buries my head in her chest and tangles her fingers in my hair, kissing the top of my head and shushing me while rocking me from side to side.

I can just imagine how pathetic I look, but I can't bring myself to care. She's here! She's really here! I'm not hallucinating. I can smell her sweet strawberry scent that is just so right, and her hair is falling over my shoulders and tickling my ears. Suddenly I need to tell her I didn't do it—I didn't sleep with that girl.

I grip her jacket frantically, tilting my head up and looking into her clear green eyes. "I didn't do it, Angel; I didn't sleep with her. I couldn't do that to you." I look into her eyes, begging her to believe me.

"I know, Dallas. Believe me, that girl made it very clear she wasn't happy." She shakes her head, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"You do? How?" My head is swimming from both confusion and the abundance of alcohol.

"She came down the stairs looking thoroughly pissed off. When she saw me, she stormed over and got in my face, telling me I was a manipulative whore who couldn't just have one guy," she pauses, looking at me meaningfully before continuing. "She was right, of course. I realized how big of a mistake I made by letting you walk out that door. It'd be easier for both of us in the long run if you left, but I'm selfish and even though my head told me to let you go, my heart said if I let you get away, I'd regret it for the rest of my life. I love you. You hurt me bad, Dallas, but I love you. Maybe that makes me a fool, but I don't care."

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