Chapter 1- Sticks and stones may break my bones but words are really annoying.

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      The summer sun burned my eyes, even though I had on sunglasses. What the hell? There meant to block it out, not attract that burning fire ball. Apart from that minor flaw, these sunglasses look awesome on me. The reason for the glasses is obviously, because the Welsh short dark and rainy spring days had finally transformed into long summer days and even longer nights. It was finally summer time. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to waste it. I glanced around the field I had been sat in for the last half hour. Verdant grass spread out for what seemed like forever. Ah, summer days were the bestThe stirring of grass behind me disturbed my train of thought. I wonder who that could be. I thought sarcastically while rolling my eyes. And then was abruptly tackled to the ground and shoved to the earth.

The small furry body cemented me to the ground, thoroughly soaking me with its wet tongue. As I shrieked and cackled until I was breathless. Now you’re thinking ‘whoa what the hell is that animal doing maiming her?’ but calm down everybody it’s just my beautiful pooch. “Stop! Blythe stop!” I screeched she continued to smack her tongue against my cheek. Yeah, she loves giving kisses. 

Satisfied with the very high amount of saliva on my cheek. She sat back on her haunches and tilted her head slightly to the right, playfulness sparkling in her deep-set hazel eyes. Awww, that look got her out of so many rows, mainly because it was so adorable. No one could resist it. Not even the time when she had unrolled all of the toilet paper in the bathroom. It’s like she knows it’s a weapon to make any person in a ten meter radius forgive her, and she uses it well.She then turned and splayed her small body across my lap, her breath whistling out of her nose. As if she was saying come on! Let’s play! Okay, maybe sometimes I interpret what my dog is going to say if we were able to have a conversation. Oh shut up. It’s not that weird. 

I absentmindedly stroked my loyal companion. Pushing my fingers through her ebony fur. That has always calmed me and my multitude of thoughts down. As my best friend, Lele has always said “you’re such a worrier Ron”.My runs with Blythe always relaxed me. Letting all my crowded thoughts go to the back of my head. Enabling me to contemplate what may be in my future, which stressed me out a lot. “Come on Blythe, let’s go home” I murmured. Heaving myself up from the ground and trudging back home. I picked my way back through the field trying to avoid trampling on the knee high grass. Mam would kill me if I flattened the grass. Blythe ran with abandon through the fields flattening the grass in- between her long lopes. Leaving me wondering, if could ever run as free as my companion. Probably because Blythe couldn’t understand half of my mother’s nagging.

We arrived at the cream coloured cottage called Cilcain Cottage or home, as I called it. Blythe snuck through my legs and ran through my front glass doors that were open. I wandered into my humble abode calling out to my mother while kicking off my wellingtons. “Mam!” I bark. “Has Lele phoned yet?” I ask. My mother ambled around the corner of the kitchen. Her lustrous Blonde hair was swishing in the bright sunlight making it look like there was halo over her head. And there was a sunny smile plastered on her face. She loved the summer, and it clearly showed when she walked around like goddamn drugged up fallen angel.

 I was forever jealous of my mother looks wise. She was practically perfect. Athletically built, but had the right amount of voluptuousness to look like a goddess. An oval shaped face, which made any hairstyle she had look good on her. Piercing, almond shaped eyes the colour of butterscotch. Which were now wrinkled with laughter lines. I wish I could age as well as she has. Full, pink lips which were almost always plastered in a grin. 

She constantly looked fit to walk on a catwalk, even when she was casually attired in tracksuit trousers and a Nike T-shirt. However when I was attired in similar clothes as she is in now, I just looked like the female version of the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. My mother’s whole demeanour screamed warm, delicate and a girly mother. If only looks matched personality.

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