Chapter 3 - Panic! At the sleepover.

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“Are you kidding?” I question. Lele vigorously shakes her head. “I am not! Do you think I would joke about this sort of thing?” Lele quipped then offered her phone to me “Look”. If Lele’s sharing her phone then this must be serious. I slowly reach for the thin iphone about take it away from its overprotective owner. Moving slowly so as not to scare her. Much like a lion to a flighty gazelle, one slip of the hand and Lele would yank the phone back and I would never have a chance to borrow it again. 

I held the phone carefully and glanced at the group chat on Facebook discussing the party. I did a re check of the number of people going on this party. Wow, over 50? That’s a lot of people. “Yo, L. This is a house party right?” Lele perches on my shoulder, rolls her eyes and sighed into my hair fanning my hair around my face. “Ron, seriously it says there in black and white. Just look you silly poo!”

 I scroll up the conversation that just so far consisted of people mainly commenting what they were going to bring for drink. And stupid comments like OMG! Gon b the fav party of the year! XD. I often wonder if my previous school friends were dyslexic. Do they use proper grammar and punctuation? I feel like I’m looking at five year olds communicate. Until I finally scrolled up to Tyvion’s message at the start of the group chat. 

Hey guys! Haven’t seen most of you guys since graduation. So I decided to throw a “Hey haven’t seen you guys in a while” house party! You can bring drink, music and you can sleepover. If you guys bring you know, sleepover stuff. It’s going to take place on the 5th of August. If all of you could make it, it would be awesome! 

 Well at least Ty doesn’t have any grammar issues. I silently thank. Tyvion has always been well spoken. But not in a snobbish way, that was one of the many, many reasons why I'm attracted to Ty. I finally glance up at Lele still perched on my shoulder. “It’s in two days. We can get all the stuff ready. And make ourselves extremely hot by then right?” I ask Lele. 

Lele finally got up from my now aching shoulder and starts pacing. Then folds her arms behind her back like an army officer. “Well Ron we’ll be cutting it close “Lele pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes. Slowly letting out a breath, “But I think we can do it.” I whoop, then jump up and start to do a happy dance. 

Lele forever the ball of energy grabbed my arms and starts swinging me around my bedroom. Yelling “we’re going to a party; we’re going to a party!” I giggle while I'm getting swung around by my crazy best friend. I’m just kidding were both crazy.

Panting from the unplanned dance session Lele and I flop ourselves on my bed and stare at the multitude of dream catchers on my ceiling. Lele turns her head to me her eyelashes almost nonexistent. As earlier, she had wiped all of her mascara and eye makeup off, her blonde coloured eyelashes were practically see through. 

With ought her makeup Lele looked younger and more vulnerable than the blonde fox she was with make up. Only my family apart from hers had seen her like this. Makeup less, pale, uneven toned skin with a couple blemishes here and there. Lele’s makeup less face gave me hope, because as much of the perfect girl Lele tried to portray when people (that wasn’t mine or Leles family) were around, she was just as insecure and scared about the world as me. She just hid it better. 

Lele frowned at me “why are you looking at me like a specimen you’re going to cut up and examine?” she inquires. “Oh just looking at your bald eyelashes.” I reply. “OH SHUT UP!” Lele gets up from the bed and covers her eyes. Lele’s eyelashes were a bit of a sore spot for her, that was mainly why she caked her eyelashes with mascara. “I know I have my dad’s eyelashes Ron! You have such long eyelashes; you know I’m insecure about them.”

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