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Things had been a little awkward at first. You had moved in with Namjoon into his condo in the middle of Seoul. Namjoon was never home. He only showed up when you had certain events that needed you to leave together. He would also show up when his parents were in town. He always loved putting on a show for them. Being a housewife made you feel sluggish so you decided to pick up dancing. You had always loved dancing, but you had never actually pursued it. Namjoon had forbid you to go to a dance class with what he considered common people. So you decided to hire a private instructor. You were sitting in the studio that you had built in. "Mrs. Kim you instructor is here." "You can let him in." "Ah, Y/N it's nice seeing you again." "Thank you Andre for coming." You said as you hugged your instructor. He had been your cousin's dance instructor. You noticed a handsome man standing next to Andre. "Y/N, this is Mr. Park Jimin." "Nice to meet you, Mr. Park." You looked at Andre a bit confused. "You see Y/N. I'm actually not going to be able to be your instructor. I have a family emergency and I need to go back home. But I can assure you that Mr. Park is Just as good as me. Even better I would say. "I hope that is not going to be a problem Y/N, I mean Mrs. Kim." "Don't worry, you can call me Y/N. I don't think it will be a problem. I will miss you though." You turned to Andre. "Don't worry Y/N. I will come and visit you, I promise."Once Andre had left you got to know each other before you started dancing.

It had been about a year after your wedding and honestly you did not notice. Life was a bit more hectic since Namjoon decided to actually move in from his other apartment. He was beginning to think that some of his investors were getting suspicious about your marriage. He had become unbearable. He would come home drunk and try to pick fights. You knew he when he was angry because he would send the staff home before he started acting out. He never got physical with you, but he would verbally take out his anger on you. He would try to have sex with you on those drunken nights so you started locking the door to your room. He would pound on your door all night until he fell asleep in the hall. Sometimes you would wake up before him and you felt bad for leaving him on the floor, but he deserved it. You were not going to show him any kind of remorse.

Last night had been one of those drunken nights, the only difference was that you had fallen asleep with your door unlocked before Namjoon had come home. He tried to start things with you but you ended up sleeping in your bathroom. When you woke up you showered and changed. Thankfully your bathroom and closet were connected. You tried to quickly leave your room without waking Namjoon up, you failed. "Where are you going?" "Out." You walked out ignoring whatever he had to say.

Things between Jimin and you had changed over the past couple weeks. You had always been attracted to him. How could you not? He was the total opposite from the man you had at home. About 2 months into your dance lessons you had confessed the lie you were living. Jimin had been understanding and he didn't judge you, which only made you feel more attraction towards him. Now you two were dating and you had never felt happier. You were on your way to Jimin's cabin to spend the day. He had texted you the address the night before. You loved spending time with him but it was hard being married to Namjoon and not be followed by the occasional paparazzi. They were always interested in his life. You arrived at the cabin around noon, you would have gotten there sooner but you were going around in circles making sure no one was following you.

"Baby! You made it safe and sound." Jimin yelled across the driveway. You ran up to him and he pulled you into a big hug snuggling your face in his chest. "I missed you Jimin." he gave you a kiss on your forehead. "I missed you too baby." he said between kisses.

You walked inside to the most wonderful sightS he had cooked you dinner and you had just finished watching a movie.

"Do you have to go baby?" Jimin whined as you gathered your stuff to leave. "I do love, I have to go to this gala dinner with Namjoon. Trust me if I could stay I would do it in a heartbeat." He pulled you into one last kiss. Suddenly a knock on the door pulled you out of it. "Are you waiting for someone?" you asked confused. Jimin quickly got up and looked through the window by the door. "There's a silver audi outside." "oh, no. Its Namjoon. Don't open. Wait but how does he know i'm here?" The pounding became more impatient. "Y/N I know you're in there! Open the fucking door." Jimin lost it and opened the door "Don't speak to her like that!" Namjoon quickly shoved jimin inside and locked the door. "Can you explain this shit to me!" Namjoon screamed.

Namjoon POV

I was sitting at home with a killer hangover when Teresa my secretary called me. "Mr. Kim, you might want to check dispatch. It is really bad. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. But there are pictures of your wife." I hung up on her before she could finish. I quickly went on the dispatch website. Right on the front page was a picture of Y/N. she was getting out of a car. I clicked on the next picture and it was a school picture of a man named Park Jimin. I felt my skin start to boil. How could she be so stupid. I told her not to get caught with anyone else! But if I had to be honest with myself, that wasn't what was bothering me. After what had happened on our honeymoon I couldn't stop thinking of Y/N. I wanted to start something more, but after that day I was not going to let myself get rejected again. I grabbed my phone and called the person in charge of dispatch. "Hello, hi this is Mr. Kim Namjoon. Name your price to take down the pictures of my wife." They were quick to name the price. They acted quickly and removed the article. Thankfully only a couple thousand people had seen it. There wasn't much incriminating shots so the PR team could make something up. I got the directions for the location Y/N was. I didn't think twice before going to my car.


Namjoon's face was bright red. He had thrown his cell at you and you were now reading the screenshots. Dispatch had taken a picture of you outside of the cabin. Thankfully They had only uploaded the pictures of him hugging you and you getting out of the car. "I swear, I was trying to be careful. I went in so many circles. I thought no one followed me here." Namjoon completely ignored you. He was focusing on Jimin. "Who the fuck are you. And why are you with my wife?" You stepped in front of Jimin. "It's okay Namjoon. You don't have to pretend to be jealous. Jimin knows the truth about us." That was the last thing Namjoon needed. He pushed you aside making you fall to the ground. He grabbed Jimin by the collar and slammed him on the couch. Namjoon gave Jimin one hard punch to the jaw. Jimin shot up quickly running to your side. "Are you okay baby?" he said as he helped you up. "Don't call her that. She is my wife. And from now on you will leave her alone. Whatever this shit is, it has to stop. For all of our sakes. Y/N, get your things we are leaving." You grabbed your coat and frowned at Jimin. "I'm sorry love, I have to go."Jimin grabbed you arm. "Please don't leave. You don't have to do this. Please stay with me. Let's go away and never come back." You got loose from his grip. "I'm sorry Jimin, you know I do this for my family. And no matter how much I love you I can't let them down." You walked out, not wanting to look Jimin in the eyes.

The car ride home was an awkward one. You didn't want to act out or ask why he had done everything. You stayed quiet and once you pulled up to the parking garage you were anxious to get out of the car. "Look, It looks like you and this Jimin guy like each other, But you need to stop seeing him. He is not good for you or your family. What would people say about you if this gets any bigger." You sighed. "You mean, what will people say about you and your family. Look Namjoon, don't pretend to care about me. It only makes me HATE you that much more." Your harsh words cut through him like butter. Before he could stop himself his hand was already on your cheek. Your face stung like a million little ants biting on your cheek. He saw the fear in your eyes and began to reach for you thigh. " I'm sorry Y/N!" "Save it, I knew you were a monster but I didn't think you would ever lay a hand on me." A tear fell from your eyes. "Give me the keys, I want to go to bed." He let go of the keys and you walked away. Once you were far enough Namjoon let himself cry. A much needed scream slipped his lips. He was pounding his fists on the steering wheel when he heard a knock on the glass. He looked up expecting to see you, but instead his eyes were met with Jimin's.

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