Just the beginning

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Being out of school and into the real world had always scared you. Even if you were used to it. You had started working since you were 15 and you had always wanted it that way. Your family came from a lot of money, old money to be exact. Your great great something found oil somewhere and well the rest is history. You honestly didn't care. You thought everything was so stupid. Your family always cared about social stance and stupid money related stuff. That is why you had left the U.S and moved to Korea. You wanted to separate yourself as much as you could.

You were lost in thought and had almost missed your bus stop. Today was your first day at a new job. You had applied as a secretary while you finished your schooling. It was going to be tough but you knew you could do both. Besides you weren't the only secretary. There were 2 secretaries above you. Apparently the CEO of this company needed 3 in order to function. You didn't bother getting to know him since one of the other secretaries had told you that they would tell you everything you needed to know about your new boss. You had heard horror stories on how rude and how cold he could be so you had prepped yourself this morning. Making yourself feel so confidant, no one could make you feel bad.

"Ah you must be Y/N! You're early, I like that. My name is Sunni and I'm Mr. Kim's main secretary." she extended her hand and you gave it a firm shake. "Tiffany is upstairs with Mr. Kim right now. She will be filling me in today. Poor girl." she said as she gave you a sad look. "Okay follow me, I'm going to take you to our office." You quickly followed behind. "We have an office?" you asked with a shaky voice. "Yes we have a small office. Mr. Kim gave us that room so all his things can be in one place. Plus that way all his paperwork is safe from prying eyes. It's not too great but it's better than a small desk in the halls like everyone else. Plus when Mr. Kim is busy outside of the office he has other secretaries. That's when it gets fun because we can talk and listen to music while we work in our office. "Everything seems very fast paced. I'm kind of worried." You laughed nervously as she opened a door. "Don't worry, you will do fine. To be honest you have the easiest job out of the three of us. Anyway, please sit down.

You walked into the office, bigger than you had expected. There was a small grey couch and white rug in the center and three desks along the walls. The walls were a mint color and had twinkling lights on the wall. "This is so nice." "Thank you Y/N. I hope you like it. Feel free to add things here and there." you nodded.

It had been 2 hours since you had gotten there and she had gone over all the rules with you. You signed privacy papers and papers about falsification , you felt like you had signed your life away. "Mr. Kim is very careful huh?" "yes he is. That's why he has a total of 5 secretaries. He keeps his life organized." "Can I ask you a question Sunni?" she nodded putting all your papers in a folder. "So we basically went over everything he likes and how he is and all the rules. But what exactly am I going to be doing?" "oh Y/N, how silly of me. I forgot to tell you the most important thing. You will be taking care of his meetings. You will Schedule in any meetings that he might have and also schedule in his trips for said meetings. Also when he has meetings here in the office you will take notes for him. Any more questions?" You shook your head. "Let's go meet Mr. Kim." your stomach turned. You were nervous to meet this man.

"Mr. Kim I would like you to meet Y/N. She is your meeting coordinator." You bowed and he nodded. "Thank you Sunni, you can step out. I have some questions for miss Y/L/N." She looked surprised as she left the room. "Please, sit down." you sat down quickly. He kept looking you up and down, and that had made you so nervous. You felt your blood rush to your face and thinking about it only made your legs begin to shake. "So, why did you come to work for me miss Y/L/N?" "Well, I need a job to pay for school and i'm an organized person so I thought I would be great for this job." He nodded. "I think you are in the wrong profession. You should be an idol or a model." You were surprised by what he had said. You didn't know how to respond so you just stayed quiet. He turned around to look at you. "You don't think you're pretty he?" he asked as he leaned on the desk in front of you. "I, ugh. I guess I am a little." He smiled and it made you melt. Mr. Kim Namjoon was so handsome but you tried not to look at him or you would blush. "Pretty and modest. Hard to find these days. May I ask you something miss Y/L/N?" you nodded. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked as he sat next to you to rub your thigh.

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