I will be...

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7 months had gone by so fast that I didn't have time to breathe. Even though my heart ached for Namjoon, I couldn't help but become friends with Kyungmi during the wedding planning. I was happy that Namjoon had found her. She was a great woman and she was going to be an especially great step mom to Jaejoon. It only made me feel worse for wanting her future husband. "Y/N I'm so nervous, I hope everything goes right tomorrow." I was stuck in my thoughts when I noticed her looking at me. "Y/N are you okay? You seem a little off today." "Ahh yea I'm good, I'm just a little tired. And please don't worry, the wedding planner and I have everything under control." "I'm so happy to have you. I don't have lots of family so it's nice being part of yours." Her smile broke my heart even more. "Well, I'm gonna get going. You get some rest and please don't worry." She nodded and I gave her one last hug before leaving.


From: Jiminie

Baby what time are you coming home? Jaejoon is in bed and I wanted to spend some alone time with you!

To: Jiminie

From: Y/N

I'm sorry Jimin, I have to finish some stuff up before the wedding tomorrow. Rain check?

To: Y/N

From: Jiminie

Alright love, don't worry. If I'm asleep just let me know you arrived home safe.

To: Jiminie

From: Y/N

Don't wait up love. I'll see you later.

I couldn't handle my emotions right now so I decided to go to a bar/club to drink them away. I had called Mark to join me but he was busy with his girlfriend. I was on my 5th drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N!!! What are you doing all alone over here?" Namjoon said while going in for a hug. "Namjoon? What are you doing here?" "It's my bachelor party! I'm here with my boys! Come join us!" He smiled at me. That smile could make me do just about anything. "Fellas this is Y/N! She's gonna join us! Y/N this is Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin. They are my best friends." It was strange because I had never met them before. He had never opened his world to me and it felt a little strange that he was doing it now. "Wow Namjoon, this was your ex wife. Why did you let her go!?" A drunk Yoongi slurred. "Yea Namjoon! She's so pretty." Hoseok said as he came closer to you. "Thank you. But today isn't about me! Today it's about Namjoon!" I screamed as I downed my shot of tequila.


The night went by so fast that you didn't have time to think of your troubles. Seeing Namjoon so carefree and having fun was something you had never seen before. You were having so much fun going club to club that you hadn't noticed the time. "Gotta go, Jimin is waiting for me." You slurred. "What you're leaving now? You can't!" Namjoon held on to you to keep you from falling. " I have to, you should go home too. You get...married tomorrow." You gulped. Namjoon laughed " Y/N you can't even stand up right. Come on. Let's go home." You felt sudden panic "wait Jimin can't see me like this." "Fine let's just go to our old condo. I'm staying there since I can't see Kyungmi until tomorrow." Namjoon quickly dialed his driver while you said your goodbyes. The boys didn't want to leave so they stayed in the club. "C'mon Y/N the drivers here." You nodded and went with him. 

"Namjoon I don't feel so good." You said as you reached the door. "It's ok hun. I'll give you some coffee to make you feel better."

After a trip to the bathroom and a cup of coffee you felt much better. "Y/N I'm going to bed. I'll stay in the guest room. You can stay in my room." "I'm going to shower first if that's okay." He nodded and went toward the stairs with you in hand.

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