Proffessional actor

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The wedding had been a huge event. A lot of powerful people attended and it made you feel sick to your stomach. You looked at yourself before walking down to be escorted by your father. You looked so beautiful in your lace dress. It had long lace sleeves and a lace back. You would have been happy if this was under different circumstances. The service was quick and everyone moved to the party room. You pretended at being the happiest. Namjoon actually behaved and was acting sweet towards you. If anyone saw the wedding photos they would say you were madly in love. But how could you be in love with a person you had only met 2 months ago.

You were dancing with your best friend Mark when Namjoon approached you. "Love are you ready to leave?" You looked at him confused. "To our honeymoon remember?" You laughed and nodded. "Oh my gosh Y/N, I'm so happy for you! I hope you have a great time! I love you!" You blinked quickly to chase the tears away. If only he knew how miserable you were. "Thank you Mark. I'm going to miss you." Namjoon grabbed your arm and pulled you away. As soon as you were far enough his smile dropped and he let go of your arm. "I'll meet you by the stage to say our goodbyes. You should get changed as well." It made you sad how cold he was towards you. You didn't expect him to be sweet or anything but he could at least be cordial with you. You went upstairs to change. You were going to go to Germany and it was going to be a bit windy. So you chose a black dress and jacket along with knee high boots.

"Thank you so much for coming. Please enjoy the rest of the party. I am so happy that everyone got to see our beautiful union." Namjoon was smiling so big. You couldn't help yourself and look at him with disgust. He was such a great actor. "Now my lovely wife will say some words" he handed you the mic. "Umm thank you so much for everything. I hope you all had fun today. Please enjoy the rest of the party!" You smiled and gave the mic back to the DJ. You walked off stage with Namjoon behind you. "You could have been a bit more enthusiastic." He said through his teeth. You nodded and continued walking arm in arm to the car. Once you were in the limo you popped in your earphones and looked through your phone. It made your heart break that your family had not said goodbye. Not even your siblings, you imagined your parents had scorned them for being at your side the whole beginning of the wedding. You started to cry, but you quickly dried your tears. "Are You okay?" Namjoon asked, not even looking at you. "Please don't talk to me." "Fine by me."

You had arrived to a magnificent hotel in München. The plane ride was comfortable, you had taken Namjoons private jet. Even so you felt so drained. "Stay here, I will be right back." You stayed in the car waiting for him to come back. You shifted in your seat, nervous with what was going to happen next. "Come on, let's go. " Namjoon had opened the door. You walked into the hotel. The bell boy was following behind you with the bags which made Namjoon hold your hand. "Können sie die Koffer im Zimmer 805 bringen. Aber die schwärzten Koffer im Zimmer 905 bringen." You looked at Namjoon in awe. "Close your mouth sweetie." He smiled and led you to the elevator. Once you were alone he handed you a key. "This is your key. I'll be a floor above you. If you go out please be discreet. Text me or call me if you need me." You looked at him confused. "Oh, we aren't staying together?" He pulled you in by your waist. "You want to stay together?" You quickly pushed him off. "No thanks." You said disgusted. "You got off on the eighth floor. And stared back at Namjoon. He winked at you before the doors closed."What an ass" you whispered to yourself.
You were amazed at the room Namjoon had gotten. It was a huge suit  with a fully stocked kitchen, living room and bathroom. Upon more exploration you saw that you had a balcony with a jacuzzi outside. It was all amazing, but all you could do was go to sleep. You wanted to sleep the sadness away.

You had slept in until 9 o'clock. Your body thanked you for the sleep that you had derived yourself because of the wedding. After your shower you decided to go look for Namjoon. You were feeling bad for being so rude in the car the night before. He had told you that he would be directly above your room. You knocked on the door. No answer, you tried again this time a little harder. The door opened, right when you were going to go in a girl stopped you. "Excuse me, who are you." You felt your blood rushing to your face at the sight of a woman in a towel. "Baby someone is at the door, I think its your wife." she said with a smirk letting you in. You slowly walked in behind her. Namjoon was laying on the couch watching T.V. "Hey Y/N, what's up?" "What do you mean what's up. I should be asking you." you were screaming at him. He turned off the television and turned to the girl who was still standing by you. "Get dressed and leave. I'm done with you." she nodded and walked into the bathroom. "Who is she?" you stood right in front of Namjoon. "Why do you care?" he said annoyed. "I'm your fucking wife that's why. I'm not going to let you make a fool out of me." The door slammed making you jump. Namjoon grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you on to his lap. "Look she was just a call girl, we didn't even do anything. Plus just because we are married doesn't mean we can't see or do other people." he smirked and you slapped him. "Fuck you Namjoon! You never told me that. Plus aren't we supposed to keep up with appearances. What if you get caught? Then i'm the one left looking like a dumbass." "Look i'm just horny okay, you looked so good in the black dress last night. I woke up like this and called her." he said as he caressed your thigh. "Fine do whatever you want." You were about to get up but Namjoon held on to your waist. "Let go of me Namjoon." you looked at his face. His face filled with desire. His eyes full of lust. You couldn't help but bite your lip as you stared at his. He swiftly turned you to face him. Your legs wrapped around his waist. He kissed you. At first it was sweet and gentle. Then he lost control and kissed you hard, almost angrily. He moved the kisses down your neck to your collarbone. He bit hard making you scream. "You like that Y/N?" you nodded. "Is this what you wanted. Did you want me to fuck you instead of me fucking her." He moved his hand under your shirt undoing your bra, then he swiftly took off your top and bra. You tried covering your chest but he held your hands up above your head. "Don't" he said as he kissed your breasts. You could feel his hard member on your ass. He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. You were surprised when he threw you on the bed. "Take the rest off." He said as he got undressed. You quickly did as you were told. He quickly got on top of you kissing your neck. You were sure that he had marked you, but at that moment you didn't care. Your hands hovered over his toned arms. You reached for his hair and pulled him down towards your abdomen. He got the memo and slowly made his way to your warmth. You gasped at his mouth on your warmth. "Honey how are you this wet. I thought you hated me." He picked up his speed making your back arch. You grabbed onto the sheets. He quickly started moving his tongue faster making you scream. "I need you inside me!" you breathed. He nodded and slowly inserted himself into you. He looked so magical with the sun catching his eyes. You felt so content. He started off slow making you moan his name. You could tell that it drove him crazy hearing you say his name. "Namjoon, please. I need you faster." He pulled out and turned you around. You gasped at the sudden movement. He grabbed a handful of your hair and shoved himself inside you. You screamed in pleasure. "Namjoon, I'm going to cum. Don't stop!" That was the last thing that made him cum. You came right after. He kept pumping through your climax. You felt so exhausted. Like you had run a million miles. "Well that was something." Namjoon said as he tried to catch his breath." You laid on the bed quietly. As you came down from your high you realized what you had done. You quickly wrapped yourself in the sheets and got up. "Where are you going Y/N?" Namjoon said as he tried to grab your arm. "Bathroom. You grabbed your clothes from the floor and living room and ran to the bathroom. You quickly changed and looked at yourself. You felt so disgusting that you slept with the man that ruined your life. You were about to cry but you held it in. "Y/N, come out. Are you okay." You opened the door to Namjoon wearing a towel around his waist. "Come on let's take a shower." He grabbed your hand and kissed it. "Don't touch me, you disgust me." He dropped your hand and looked at you confused. "What the fuck is wrong with you. You were about to fuck some hooker and then you just fuck me. I don't know why I did that. But don't expect it ever again." You left him stunned. "Well it wasn't even good." he yelled at you as you left the suite.

The week had gone by so fast that you hadn't noticed. You had spent most of your time in your suite and two of the days you went to the city to sight see. You had not seen Namjoon since the incident. And you were glad. You were embarrassed about everything. But it was too late to go back now.

You were ready when you received a text from Namjoon

From: Namjoon

I'll be down to your room in a minute. Be ready to put on a face because my mother called the German paparazzi and security said they are outside by the car.

Just as you finished reading it, you heard Namjoon's Knock. Right as you walked out of the door a lot of bright lights blinded you. You never expected it to be this bad. It was as if Namjoon was a celebrity. "Why are they acting like this?" you asked as you held on to Namjoon's arm for dear life. "My family may or may not have donated a lot of money to rebuild Munchen after world war 2. We are highly appreciated. I don't know why my mother had to contact them. Just smile okay. All eyes are on us right now."

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