New beginning

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"Its time, Y/N  you are fully dilated. On the next contraction i'm going to ask you to push with all your strength." You nodded. "You can do this. You are strong and brave and I believe in you." Everything had happened so fast. You were struggling to push your baby out, but suddenly the pain disappeared and you felt a great relief. You heard a loud cry, which was always good news. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Welcome your baby boy to this world." The doctor laid your baby on your chest. "You did great mama. I Love you." Namjoon kissed your forehead. You were surprised by his words, but you knew they were only said because of the moment. "Let me get baby, to clean him up. We will be right back. Daddy do you want to watch." Namjoon nodded and followed the nurse. In that moment you felt truly happy. You started to cry. You had never imagined this would ever happen to you. And especially not with Namjoon, but now you were glad it was with him.  Your happiness washed away as soon as you noticed Jimin sitting in the corner. His eye cold and sad. "Congrats." he mouthed as he stood up and left. "So what is this little guys name?" The nurse asked Namjoon. He turned around and looked at you. " Kim Jae-Joon." I said with a huge smile. "Kim JaeJoon, that's his name." Namjoon said as he picked up his son.

Being home with a newborn was a bit strange. Namjoon had taken time off to be with the two of you and it felt nice. You were a little surprised when Jimin wasn't home, but your heart broke into a million pieces when you noticed all his things were gone as well. Namjoon was catching up the nanny on the things she should help with and the things she needed to ask you before doing. He knew you would be a very hands on mother but he wanted someone helping you while he was gone. "Y/N, I hope you don't mind if I move into the spare bedroom. I just want to be with Jaejoon as much as I can." "It's okay Namjoon. You don't have to ask. This is your house." "Yes, but you and Jimin live here and I don't want to make things awkward." He joined you on the couch with Jaejoon in his arms. "Jimin is gone, so are his things. I guess he didn't want any part of this weird family." Just than Ana walked in "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Mr. Park is here and would like to see the both of you." "Let him in." Namjoon said in a stone cold voice. "Thanks for seeing me." "Please sit down." You said in a trembling voice. "What are you doing here?" "Look, Namjoon I don't want any problems with you. But this is between Y/N and I. You don't have to leave but please let me get everything out in the air." Namjoon nodded and looked at you. "Why did you leave?" "I wasn't sure you wanted me here after what happened. Look I'm not gonna say that i'm not a piece of shit because I am. I felt so excluded from everything. I craved attention and I wasn't getting it at home." "So you went and fucked your dance partner...In my house." You were now shaking. Namjoon placed his hand on you knee sending quivers of jealousy down Jimin's chest. "I know that it was wrong. I regret doing it. I love you Y/N. Even if you had a baby with another man. I love you." "Well I don't know if I can give you another chance. You showed me that you don't love me with your actions. And if you don't love me how are you going to love my baby. You left as soon as he was born! You don't even know his name."

Namjoon's POV

I could see the pain in Jimin's eyes. He was truly sorry. Part of me wanted Y/N to send him away. To make her push him away. But I could see how much it hurt her as well. I know I have feelings for her, but i'm not sure they are as strong as the feelings they have for eachother. Jaejoon's happiness should come first, and if his mother isn't happy neither will he. "Y/N I think you should give Jimin another chance. I know what he did is wrong, but in his defense I did keep you from him through the whole pregnancy. I can tell that he loves you. Or else he wouldn't have come to clear things up with you. As for you Jimin, you have to leave that insecure bullshit out of your relationship. Y/N loves you , and if she for some reason didn't have time for you it doesn't mean that she has stopped loving you. I won't be in your way like before. All I ask is that I have equal legal custody of my child. I want you to be good to him. I want you to be good to Y/N. If you ever hurt my son, or Y/N again I will make sure you never come back into their lives." I looked down at Jaejoon. I knew this was for the best. Even if my heart felt on fire. "Y/N as soon as I can I will make the arrangements for a divorce, and a public announcement will be made. Your family will be able to do whatever they want and you will be free to make what you want with your life. All I ask is you let me be in his life. And maybe we can be friends." I could feel the knot in my throat. I pushed it back trying hard not to cry. "Namjoon, I can't ask you to do this. You have given me so much and I have been an ass to you for the most part. I can't let you do this. I know how much your family name means." "I don't care about any of that. All I care is that Jaejoon and you are happy."

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