Chapter 1

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"Aime I swear if you are still in the bed when I get out of the shower I am going
to hot glue your sneakers to your feet!" Charlotte screamed from next door and it was way more then I needed this early. Charlie is always exercising and most times it's quite inspiring. the only problem is that she constantly is trying to make me exercise with her. I can proudly say that I watch her work out quite diligently. It's the whole me participating part that I can't get into. I mean I don't even know why she does it. I think it's just to throw it in my face that she could quit her job toad and become a swim suit modal. Big deal, so could I if I wanted....alright maybe a nice hand modal. I don't know what world I was in last night but somehow charlie was able to convince me to work out with her today. Obviously she drugged me, but until that is proven I'm stuck going with her this morning. The part I don't get is why we have to wake up at 5 am. Do you burn more calories earlier in the morning? maybe if I close my eyes and pretend to be "Aimelynn Nicole Pine!" Oh gosh there is completely no reason to be that loud. "I'm up!" did she need to know that "up" didn't quite mean what she wanted me to be doing? I don't think so. "Are you ready?" Ready for breakfast ? Yes. yes I am. "I'm getting my shoes on. have you seem my other sneaker?" I really couldn't find it,but to be honest I wasn't searching high and low either. "It's in the kitchen by Adonis." Of course that little mutt had my shoe. It should have been the dirt place I looked. Whenever I loose something somehow it always finds it's way over to him. We rescued Adonis from the pound about a year ago and he is most times the pride of my life My parents say that I love him like he is my baby, and that's because he is, I don't see the problem. "Adonis why do you have that buddy?" I looked him right in the eye. "Are you expecting him to answer! Come on we are already late." Sometimes I have very vivid visions of myself holding a very fluffy pillow over her perfectly toned face.

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