Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

                “Charlie how much do you love me?” She looked at me inquisitively. “Very much, why?” gosh did she think I was going to ask her to help me hide a body it was just a small favor, goodness! “Can you go to Andrew’s and pick up his study cards. I have to take Adonis to the vet but need his cards so I can be read for the patient we have tomorrow. He took them yesterday and I told him that he could use them until today, but I forgot that I had to take Adonis to the vet. Please...please…please…” she rolled he eyes and went towards to put her shoes on. “I love you so much girlie!” “See you later” she said as she walked out of the door. Charlie was a really good friend and I was so lucky to have her. She made moving all the way across the country trivial. She has been there since the beginning and I loved her more than anything. For the last couple of days Adonis has been eating little to none of his food. It started to scare me so I had to take him in today so I could find out what was wrong. “Come here buddy!” He came but it wasn’t with his usual vigorous excitement.  The door started to open and Charlie walked in. “Aime I forgot, I am supposed to meet my parents for lunch in an hour and it takes two hours to get back home.  I’m sorry girlie I have to leave now. My parents are going to be pissed. Sorry love you.” Dang it what was I supposed to do now. Adonis had an appointment in an hour. It takes 20 minutes to get to Andrew’s. Then the vet is 35 minutes from Andrew’s place.  I guess I could make it, or at least just in time. “Come on buddy we are going on a trip to uncle Andrew’s.”

                I knocked on the door and waited for Andrew to open it. “Hey what are you doing here?” Tyler answered the door, let me in and looked down at Adonis. “I have to go to the vet with Adonis but I just came to get the patient cards from Andrew. I needed them for tomorrow. Is he in his room?” “No he just left not to long ago to get groceries for the apartment, but I can go in his room and get them for you if you want?” He offered. “Thanks but I’ll get them I don’t even know where they are.”  I guess I should have called Andrew before I got here but I didn’t even think about it. I was in a rush. “No I’ll find them it’s no worries.” Why was he acting all fidgety? “I know where his room is thank you nut if I get lost I promise to send out a distress call.” I handed Adonis’s leash to Tyler and walked towards the back of the apartment.  Andrew’s room was a mess. Ugh he put up a good front in the kitchen, for that was spotless, probably because he loved cooking so much. But this room…it was a tragedy.  After several minutes of a failed search warrant I called Andrew and asked him where the cards were. Of course I had to chastise him about the biohazard he lived in first. Apparently the cards had been under that mountain he calls paperwork the entire time. I found them and closed to door on my way out. No reason for anyone else to have to experience that. I looked down at my phone and smiled I still had 30 minutes until the appointment and with slight speeding and no traffic I should make it on time. As I was looking on my phone I bumped into something completely to hard. “Oh hello stranger, why am I always finding you in the same places I am? Are you stalking me?” I looked up to see David; he was such a cocky douche. “Shoot I keep forgetting the part when you aren’t supposed to let them see you. It’s much harder than you would think. I mean after the planning and mapping, and strategizing a person is beat.” I acted like I actually gave a flying flip about what he was doing from day to day. “I knew it, but no worries, from now on I will just act like I don’t see you throwing yourself into my arms every chance you get.” Dear God, why on earth did you make a creature with such an enchanting smile? Sincerely girl losing her resolve.  “You are too kind.” “Aime” Tyler startled me and I looked at him with urgency. “Yeah, what’s up?” His eyes shifted from me to David and back again. “Did you find the cards you were looking for?” Cards…..oh yeah! “Yes I called Andrew and asked him for directions through his jungle of a room.” I laughed but Tyler just gave a weak smile. “Who’s dog?” When did he even move across the room? “Mine, this is Adonis my perfect pooch.” David looked at me for a while and smiled. “I like his name.” “Thank you, we are heading to the vet he hasn’t been eating much for the last couple of days and its scaring me a little.” Why was I sharing all this information with him? “That sucks. Maybe when he is feeling better we can take our dogs out…together.” Did he just ask me out? “Maybe, thanks again Tyler. I’m leaving now.  “No problem Aime you know you’re always welcomed here.” I smiled and hugged him before heading out the door. For some reason the stupid smile wouldn’t leave my face. I was crossing my fingers it had nothing to do with David.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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