Chapter 3

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"Aimelynn what do you want for breakfast? I'm thinking eggs, turkey bacon and toast." That actually sounded right up my alley. And gosh was I starving after the boot camp she put me through this morning including a yelling match with one who will not be named. That shouldn't be to hard since I never got his name. "Yeah that good, thanks for cooking. What time do you go in tomorrow?" I asked. "I go in at 7:30 and finish at 1:30. It shouldn't be that bad. I'm with Dr. Schmitt and he lets you get pretty hands on." I wasn't going to tell her that she was about the only inter he let get that hands on. It was obvious to everyone except her that he had a total thing for her. He practically stalked her around the practice on a slightly creepy scale. He was shockingly adorable with sandy brown hair and a 6'2 build. He was funny and could talk about the mind of a child for days. He was a catch for anyone but Charlie. Poor thing didn't even stand a chance. Charlie had a boyfriend, Andrew, and they loved each other more than anything. Andrew and I went to the University of Tennessee together and met each other sophomore year. Andrew was from Knoxville and I was from Nashville, both just as country as the other. Since we had the same majors we basically had the same classes and just clicked. We became each other's best friend and study mate. We were each other's go to person. I made him start watch Greys Anatomy just so I could call him my person and he would understand the reference. Ha it annoyed him to no end and that only made me want to do it more. I almost thought about stopping until I got a birthday card signed "your person" letting me know that secretly he loved the phrase. When senior year came we both knew that we were continuing with psychiatry but didn't want to go straight into medical school. Our professor told us about this intern program through one of the alumni in California. The internship was paid ad included a dorm/ apartment type living arrangement. We both applied with urgency. There were many drafts that we went over and over until we were sure we had the best applications possible. Thankfully we both got in and we were so excited. About a month before move in day we had to go to California to meet the doctors and other inters participating in the program. It was also a chance to find a roommate before you were just assigned one. When we got to Malibu there were about 100 other interns in the building and 25 doctors. All of the doctors worked at the practice, Malibu Patience. That's where we would do our internship. When we got there, the head doctor of the program, Dr. Green, gifted with superfluous amount of information about the practice and program. "Ladies and gentlemen this will be a time of complete learning and excitement. You have the privilege of seeing and being a part of things that not many people do. Congratulations this is quite an accomplishment. I am excited to be working with all of you and getting to know you all on a personal level since I assume I will be writing quite a few recommendations letters for medical schools." Andrew looked at me and I smiled. We both planned on going Emory medical school in Atlanta after this two year program. "I hope you all enjoy the mixer get to know your peers and mentors I'm sure this will be an amazing time." We got up to leave and file into the ballroom. There were drinks and food for everyone to indulge in and I was getting pretty excited. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll meet you t that table after I come back and get some food." "That's fine! See you when you get back." I asked one of the waiters where to bathroom was and she pointed me in the right direction. Once I came out of the stall there was a tall blond girl standing over the trash can and had a slight sheen to her forehead. "Hey are you alright?" I felt like I should go get someone before she decided to hurl. "Yeah I'm fine. This whole experience is just becoming a little overwhelming and I got a little nauseous. Thanks for asking. I'm Charlotte Fleur." Once she stopped dry heaving over a trashcan she was actually really pretty. "Aimelynn Pine, nice to meet you. Are you eating with any friends? " She looked like she would be fun company. " No, I haven't really spoken to anyone yet, just you" she said with a smile. "Well I'm sitting with my friend Andrew if you want to sit with us." I was hoping she would say yes or this would be awkward. "I'd love to, thank you so much." "No problem come the table is over this way. So where are you from Charlotte?" I saw Andrew sitting at the table with his face in his plate. You bring a southern gentleman all the way to California and he loses all sense of manners. "Oh, I'm from San Diego. Where are you from?" I totally sensed the California girl feel coming from her and it excited me to meet someone who was so different from me. "I'm from Nashville. You're a lot closer to home then I am" I said jokingly. "Ha yeah but that's a good thing. My parents have been asking me to visit home and I haven't even officially moved here yet. "I laughed and walked up to the table, "hey Andrew this is Charlotte we just met but I already think she is better than you." Charlotte laughed and sat down. Andrew just stared at me with gentle laughing eyes and a shocked face. "And here I am sitting waiting for my one and only to come back and you find someone else in a bathroom no less! I'm done with the way you treat me. I deserve better than this." I couldn't help but laugh at his Oscar worthy performance. Charlotte was laughing herself out of her seat. "Oh bravo, that was absolutely brilliant. Forget the whole science thing, you and I are packing and heading for Broadway tonight." Andrew looked at Charlotte and formally introduced himself, this time without all the theatrics. The three of us talked and laughed together all night. One of the interns decided to drink way too much and started to dance on the table singing their rendition of the national anthem. It was after the performance that the mixer was brought to a close and we were all headed home. As we were walking out Charlotte turned to talk to me. "Hey Aime I know we like just met but I think you're really awesome and I was just wondering if you would like to be my roommate?" I was completely flattered and looked at Andrew who was smiling at me. "That sounds cool to me. Thanks for asking I was kind of scared to ask you." "Pft kind of?" Andrew murmured under his breath. I elbowed him in his side to shut him up. Goodness he talked too much. "Ha it's not a problem at all. Ill text you and we can chat about everything. Night, it was nice meeting you Andrew." She said with a slight gleam in her eyes. " It was nice meeting you to. Have a good night." He said with some cheesy flirt smile I had seen him do a million times. "That was fun! I'm even more excited to move in now." My initial excitement was for the program but nor that I started to build connections with other people I was getting really excited. "Yeah me too. Hey do you think you could put in a good word for me with Charlie?" I knew this question was coming but good gosh not 3 minutes after we leave her. "We were literally just with her. Why didn't you give her your number while we were at the table talking for the last 3 hours? You know I hate doing this it's weird and makes me feel like some sort of pimp. I'm going to start being friends with ugly people so you won't bother me anymore." He just looked at me for a few seconds. "So is that a yes?" he asked me like he wasn't sure if I would say yes or hit him. Unfortunately for him I did both. "Ow! Gosh Aime that actually does hurt you know! Please just do. I promise that we will have a full weekend Greys marathon at my house and I'll cook." I looked at him and tried to find a loop hole. There was no way he was offering something that good for some girl he hardly knew. "Fine I'll do it. But it better be good food. I don't want hotdogs and cereal all weekend long." I know he would try to send those off as meals. "Ok ok real food I get it. This is why I love you you know." "Our relationship is becoming increasingly sad." Andrew just laughed and walked beside me.

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