Chapter 5

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                Wasn't this the same crazy girl who tried to tell me how to treat my dog? What was she doing here and why was she dancing with Tyler standing behind her like he had some claim over her? I sure didn't want a witch like her. "Why are you here?" She was looking at me like she wanted to say something but was to shocked for anything to come out. "What all of the sudden you can't speak? If you're not going to use it for talking I can think of a different job for it. "I said with a smirk. I had an affinity for the way her eyes turned to fire when I said something she didn't like. "David man, she isn't like that. Don't talk to her like that. This is my friend Aimelynn I told you I invited her, my roommate Andrew and his girlfriend Charlotte." He said defensively. I didn't even look at him.  My focus was still on this chick, what did he say her name was again...oh yeah Aimelynn. She was still just looking right in my face. "How do you guys even know each other?" I looked at Tyler and answered him in the most provocative way possible. "She tried to steal my dog." Aimelynn's eyes glazed over completely. Maybe this was a bad idea. "I didn't try to steal your dog your douche! I saw you as some douchebag who leaves his dog sitting in the extreme heat to pant to death. I had no reason to steal your dog! I was actually going to go inside to get him some water you douche." Was it strange that I was slightly enjoying this?  "If I really wanted to steal your dog I wouldn't sit in front of the store in front of thirty witnesses and make a big deal about taking the dog!" I smiled because it sounded like she had a history in this. "And what the heck are you smiling at. Do you think I'm funny? Maybe I should rethink my career and go into comedy!" I mean she was a little funny even though I would never be the one to tell her. "I mean as long as you're not going into criminal justice. I don't think they tolerate a history of thievery in the force." She shoved me in the chest, well that's what she was attempting and screamed "Screw you!"  I walked closer to her and Tyler pulled on her arm. What the hell was he doing? I wasn't like I was going to touch her or anything. "Maybe we should all just calm down." Her blonde friend was saying something but I really could care less. "David is it? Aimelynn really just goes hard for the things she believes in. She wasn't going to steal your dog believe me I wouldn't have let her. I think this whole thing had been blown to an unnecessary level that we should all come down from. Right?" I looked at Aimelynn and smiled "Yeah let's be friends.  Aime is it?" She just huffed and headed towards the kitchen. Ha this girl was going to be fun. "What was that all about dude?" I looked at him. I really didn't know what his problem was. "What happened to Katie you were practically consummating my couch before I left?" "I don't know. I sent her up stairs after a while. I'm sure she found someone else to sleep with.  But what was that war between you and Aime?" God he was still on that. "You know me always after the ladies" Tyler looked at me like he wanted to say something but instead just nodded and gave a weak smile. "Hey David!" Some chick walked up to me, I think I slept with her last week, ugh. Screw me I could not remember her name.  oh well might as well try to get something tonight. "Hey sexy..."


I can't believe he actually had the nerve to talk to me like that. I don't care if you're the freaking emperor of Rome! What makes him think that he had any right? You know what I'm going to go find him. "Woah ha ho there tiger where do you think you are going? Because you are out of your mind if you are thinking of going back in there to start some trouble." The only trouble I was going to be to Andrew's face if he didn't get out of my way. "I'm just going back to the party to have some fun." He looked at me like he knew that the gentleness in my tone was more dangerous than anything else. And let's be honest he was tight to think so. "Aime please, don't do this I don't want to have to punch that guy in the face if he says something else disrespectful to you, and if you provoke him like I know you can he will end up saying something  and I will end up in a fight." I don't think it's fair for him to use those eyes. They were basically chemical warfare. "Fine," I sighed "I won't start anything but I'm definitely not staying here. This party has completely ruined my night and I'm going home." Would he at least let me do that? "Yeah I feel you. Let me go find Charlie and we can leave. Sorry I invited you and this happened. I didn't know Tyler's friend would be such a douche." I had to make sure I heard him right "did you just say that you didn't think TYLER"S friend would be a douche?" Obviously Andrew lost his mind. "Yeah smart behind, just wait by the door." I was walking to the door when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around. Oh gosh why does my life suck so much? "Where are you heading angry face?" This dude was serious wasn't he? "That's really none of your concern so if you would let go of me I would certainly appreciate it." I snatched my arm away and continued for the door. He reached for my shoulder "why do you feel the constant need to touch me? Touch me again and I swear you will not like the way I touch you back." "If you're touching me baby believe me, I'm fine." Why did he say everything with a smile? What did he have to be so dang happy about all the time? "Don't you have guest to attend to? This is your party correct?" "Aren't you a guest at my party?" He stepped closer to me... "I'm tending to you." David grabbed my face aggressively and kissed me square on the mouth like he had been training for it his entire life. His lips molded with mine and his tongue pushed against my bottom lip asking for entrance. I wouldn't, no couldn't let him in. Jesus what in the world was I doing? I pushed him off of me and slapped him and reddened his cheek. "Aime what the heck?" Charlie screamed at me and I just walked out the door wishing that I wasn't relaying that kiss in my head over and over again.

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