Forged Chains

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Pet was frozen in the chair, slamming her eyelids shut against Negan's hard stare. Daryl's fingers were digging painfully into her shoulders and Rick had taken his place against the wall, his arms folded across his chest.
"Closing your eyes isn't going to make this go away." Rick stated flatly. "So you might as well open them like a big girl."
"Yeah, Pet." Negan chimed in. "Open them."
She did as requested even though she didn't want to. Negan was still crouched down, his elbows resting on his knees. He actually reached through the bars and tilted her chin up to meet his sparkling hazel eyes and this time Rick didn't stop him. Negan's touch was like an electric shock that pulsed through her body in a white hot flash. He used to do that all the time during his teasing lectures before he punished her in the way only he could.
"There it is." Negan purred, biting his lip playfully. "That shine. I missed that. You're afraid, aren't you?"
Afraid was the understatement of the year. She was beyond terrified. Everything was falling apart and she had done it all by herself. She cursed herself for ever writing her heart and soul on paper but she was about to find out it wasn't just her little journal that brought her down.
"It took four days for you to train the last horse." Rick began. "That's exactly how long it took me to take a little trip to Sanctuary."
Pet's shoulders slumped in defeat. She new what was coming next and she gritted her teeth, bracing herself. This was not going to be pretty.
"You're familiar with a man named Dwight?" Rick inquired, approaching her.
He grabbed the legs of the chair and spun her so she could face him instead. It also made sure his back wasn't turned towards Negan.
"Of course!" She hissed. "He was the right hand. HE was the one that brought Negan down."
She heard Negan give a sharp bark of a laugh.
"Well that's why he's in charge over there and he certainly remembers you." Rick told her.
"He's in charge because of you, Pet." Negan growled. "What was I doing when Prick shot me in the back?"
Daryl reached over and yanked her head back by her hair, forcing a gasp from her. Rick was looming over her, his icy blue eyes boring into hers. He knew everything. She could tell.
"Dwight told me about you. He told me you were a leader of one of Negan's communities once and then one day you were back under the dragon's wing." Rick said coldly. "You moved up quickly, he tells me."
"By spreading your legs." Daryl snarled.
Pet had enough and began a fruitless struggle as both men held her down, forcing her to be still and listen to everything that traitor Dwight had said. He had seen a lot, including when Negan commanded  her to get on her knees and please him in front of Simon. She had done it too, stark naked and with a smile to boot. She felt her face turn scarlet at the memory.
"You led me and my people into a trap, knowing we were heading for a slaughter. You told me you were a prisoner when we saved you the first time." Rick reminded her harshly. "When in truth you went back to Sanctuary and made a pact with Negan, signed and sealed by his brand seared into you. It was a choice YOU made."
It was true. All of it. Except there was no way Dwight could have known that it was consensual. His burn mark sure as hell wasn't. Pet twisted her head out of Daryl's grasp and spun it to shoot a poisonous glare at Negan. She found him smiling, standing straight up and looking at her slyly.
"You talk about my mouth?" She spat. "You're an asshole. How could you tell him?"
Negan let out a gravelly, taunting laugh.
"Who wouldn't want to brag about a beautiful woman agreeing to wear my name like an extreme tattoo? Also, like you said, I'm an asshole." He smiled, clearly enjoying her torment.
It was Pet who wanted to reach through the bars this time but strong arms held her back from trying to rake his eyes out. She was completely out of her realm with these three and defeat was imminent.
"And then the final blow." Daryl continued, pulling her rolled up journal out of his vest pocket. "Interesting reading."
"You can read?" She taunted.
Her snide remark was met with a slap to the back of the head. Pet audibly groaned at the prospect of what was coming next. This was too much to bear. It was bad enough that she had to listen to Dwight's version. She was about to hear her very own words read aloud in all their vivid glory. She cringed.
"What is it?" Rick asked, taking it from Daryl's hand and flipping through the pages.
"Everything you found out from Dwight and more." Daryl replied, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I went to see if she was hiding weapons and I found that. These two have a long history and it's like nothing I've ever seen. I'm glad you did what I told you to do."
Rick was nodding, flipping over to the middle of her book, his eyes widening as he read something she was sure was terribly explicit and humiliating. Pet stole a glance over at Negan, his smile was as brilliant as ever as he watched her suffering.
"He put a collar on me tonight as he had me tied to that damn weight bench. I should have known it was for something other than exercise. I was drunk and jealous and this was my punishment. I've never experienced anything quite like it." Rick began, speaking as if he was reading a bedtime story. " I don't really understand the hold he has on me. I thought I should hate him after left me strung up and when he cut me down I hit him. But I couldn't hate him. My body wouldn't let me."
She heard Negan give another low chuckle and she felt anger overtaking her fear.
"That was a great fucking night." Negan agreed, wrapping his hands around the bars. "You were always so god damn wet and ready for me, even as I was lighting your ass up till you were panting like a bitch in heat."
Pet felt queasy and she was clenching her jaw so tight, she thought she was going to crack her teeth. This was excruciating, all three of them mocking her and her most personal secrets. Rick flipped a couple pages and continued.
"He released his wives for me. I paid for it though. I'm wearing his marks and I've come to expect them, maybe even anticipate them. I'm so glad I don't have to share him anymore."
"That was an error on my part." Negan muttered.
When she looked again, the smile was gone. It was replaced with a terrible scowl and a dark gleam in his golden flecked eyes. There was the hatred and it made her heart ache and tears spring up.
"Enough of that shit." Daryl growled. "Read the last couple pages, Rick. You'll know exactly who you're dealing with."
Rick had been studying her, watching her reaction to the graphic confessions. She was taking it quite well for a woman who had a very uncertain future.
Rick turned to the end, scanning the content and he sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and read again.
"I've done this to him. I took his freedom all because I wanted my revenge. I can't believe he's alive and I can't believe how devoted I still am. I love him like I have never loved and I vow to give back what I've taken. I'll get him  out even if he kills me when I do."
Rick read a few more parts silently and let out another sigh. He looked her up and down before tossing the book inside the cell with Negan.
"That's for you. A trip into the past." Rick sneered, bending down into Pet's face. "And as curious as I am about what makes you tick, I have to figure out what to do with you now."
"What's to figure?" Daryl cut in.
She heard the click of a gun hammer and felt the cold barrel push against the base of her skull. She whimpered despite herself. There was no doubt Daryl wanted to kill her but Rick reached out and pushed the weapon back. When she snuck a look at Negan, he was oblivious to what was happening. He was flipping through the pages of her diary, a non descriptive look on his scruffy face. He truly didn't care that her life had just been threatened.
"Maybe I should put you in there with him." Rick grumbled.
That caught Negan's attention. He tossed the journal on the cot and stepped towards the bars, a genuine smile appearing.
"That's a fine idea, Prick." He suggested, licking his lips in anticipation.
Rick reached down and grabbed her by the front of her shirt, pulling her into an unsteady stand and shoved her face first into the bars. The cage rattled at the impact and Negan was suddenly in her face, one fist tangled in her hair. She looked to him imploringly. There was no fight in her and she shut her eyes again, blocking out the blackness of his stare.
"I'd take the bullet if I were you." Daryl said gruffly.
"You love him?" Rick yelled, pressing her even harder against the iron bars. "You love this murderer?"
"For fucks sake, Rick! Just kill them both!" Daryl called out leveling his gun at Negan.
"No!" Pet cried. "Please don't!"
The tears came then, hot and heavy, spilling down her cheeks. There was no sympathy from anyone, not even Negan as she begged for his life.
"Put her in here!" Negan roared. "I'll take care of it for you!"
It was all too much. Pet felt her legs start to buckle and they gave way until Negan was forced to release her hair as she slumped to the dirt floor. Maybe eating a bullet would be better. It would be better than being tossed in that pen. Negan would toy with her and kill her slowly with his words and bare hands and he would enjoy it immensely at this moment in time. And even if he decided not to end her, he would drain her till she would be a ghost of a woman. There would be no love in any touch he gave.
Daryl suddenly growled and rushed at her, slamming his boot into her chest and knocking on her back. He pinned her down with his heel, digging it into her belly brutally. He brought the gun down and aimed it right at her face.
"He killed our friends!" He burst. "He bashed their fucking brains in! Why shouldn't I take something from him?"
"He doesn't give a fuck about me." Pet seethed. "Maybe once but not now."
"Oh, he cares." Rick interrupted. "He's not going to show it but he does."
"You're wrong about that." Negan responded.
"Am I?"
Rick pulled her from the floor and shoved her back into the chair roughly. Gently, he traced the back of his hand along the hollow of her cheekbone. She flinched.
"You seemed to like her enough to break up your harem for her." Rick said, gently.
"Go ahead and give her go, Prick. She may wrap those legs around you but it's all for show. And what a show." Negan answered. "Pet plays games. You shouldn't believe anything she says. There's always a motive. Just give her to me."
He smiled and motioned for Rick to hand her over. Rick returned the dark smile.
" I have a better idea." Rick answered.
At hearing that, Daryl grabbed Rick and swung him around by the shoulder. His face was twisted in outrage, the gun in his hand shaking with suppressed fury.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He roared. "You either shoot them both or throw her in there and let them kill each other."
"I need to talk to you outside." Rick informed him.
He had shed the button down that he wore over his tee shirt and began tearing it into strips. Before the appearance of Pet's journal, he had completely expected to throw her in that cell and let her get the living shit kicked out of her. He didn't think that he would need restraints for her but the plan changed. The revelations written in that little book had sealed it even though it would probably only be temporary.
Binding Pet's wrists to the back of the chair, he pulled the knots tight and moved her out and away from the cell. He stood behind her and stared at Negan for a moment before smoothing her mussed copper hair. Pet closed her eyes and bit her lip, physically and emotionally spent. She couldn't believe she had found herself wrapped in another predicament brought on by her scheming. Alexandria was supposed to be safe harbor. It wasn't anymore.
"We'll be right back." Rick said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You can catch up."
Daryl stormed up the cement stairs with Rick following close behind. They didn't go far, just right outside and out of earshot, leaving Pet and Negan to glare at each other silently.
"Well, look at you." Negan finally said, breaking the excruciating quiet. "It wasn't that long ago when you were tied like that for me. Do you remember?"
She narrowed her eyes, glowering at him.
"Why don't you read all about it?" She hissed.
Negan grinned devilishly as he picked up the journal.
"I only wish I had this a year ago." He drawled. "That's how long it's been. That's how long I've been locked in here alone. I thought about you, Pet. All. The. Time."
His tone made her swallow hard. It was oozing with contempt and his jaw was set tight, an angry muscle pulsing beneath his salt and pepper scruff. She was very familiar with that look and she was very happy that they were separated by the cold iron bars.
"And here you are." He continued, curling his fingers around the barrier.
"Negan, I didn't know..." she began.
"Do you think I fucking care about what you knew or didn't?" He roared suddenly. "I'm here because of you. You can blame Dwight or Simon or even me but the truth is it was all you."
Pet stayed quiet. What he was saying was true, every last word and she couldn't deny it. Fresh tears began falling and Negan scoffed.
"Save it. Everything that everyone warned me about was true. You had me. You had me and you knew it and now...well, just look around. You are a fucking walking plague and just as dangerous as those dead fucks."
"You made me a promise." She finally snapped.
"As did you, Pet." He growled. "You were supposed to be devoted to me. I promised to take care of you but you just had to go and take on everything by yourself as always. And you know what? Everybody pays because you're an asshole."
"I was devoted to you. You promised to kill Simon. You said we would do it together. He tried to kill me and you put him in charge of my community instead." She yelled.
The tears of heartbreak turned to tears of anger.
"There was a plan in place and you fucked it up as always. You're not equipped to be a leader." He informed her. " Lord knows I tried. I do know what you were built for though. I just loved ripping you up. And if I get out of here? You're going to regret you ever met me."
"Well, you're not getting out of here."
It was Rick returning with Daryl who looked absolutely livid. His face was a deep red and his fists were clenched into tight balls. Whatever they discussed, he wasn't very happy about it. Pet was pretty sure that was good news for her. Death may have been taken off the table.
"It wouldn't make much sense to execute you considering we spared Negan his life but I also can't let go of flagrant deception either. You were given so many opportunities to come clean, Pet, and you decided to lie to me at every turn. I really wanted to believe you." Rick lectured. "You set out to dedicate your life to this dictator and that's exactly what you're going to do. You may not be in a cage but you will still be a prisoner of Alexandria and you'll be taking care of him. You made a pact and you're going to honor it."
The thought of being Negan's sole caregiver made her stomach burn. She had no idea what this sentence would entail but she was sure it was going to be a pure torture and it seemed Daryl thought it was a bad idea too.
"Putting these two together is like gasoline and matches, Rick." He grumbled, flicking his eyes between Pet and Negan.
"Exactly." Rick answered. "Pet needs a lesson in keeping her word, something to keep her honest and here is how it will go. You'll be in charge of keeping your murdering tyrant alive and well. I've got good people doing it now and they really don't want the job at all. I don't blame them. You professed your undying love for him and now you're going to prove it."
"Pet doesn't learn like that, Prick. As a matter of fact, she doesn't learn at all." Negan interrupted. "That's coming from a man that tried. You should just kill her now before the curse comes for you."
Pet's eyes widened at Negan's sudden and brutal cruelty. And when she looked into his stormy eyes, she knew he was serious. It was a harsh realization that she had been sentenced to care for a man she loved but that wanted her dead.
"You won't have a guard when your not tending to him," Rick continued, "but know this. If you run from here? If you just decide to up and leave? I'll kill him and then I'll find you. You'll be digging a grave right there in that cell, custom made just for him and you'll be together always when I slam that door on you."
The statement was chilling. The thought of Negan's body below her feet was outright macabre.
"I'll put a bounty on your head so high, you'll have groups out hunting you down. Supplies for your safe return." He added.
"If you fuck up and he gets his hands on you, ain't no one gonna come save you. We'll just listen to the screams." Daryl added.
Of course he would drop that tidbit, Pet thought bitterly. It wouldn't surprise her if he made it happen for her.
Rick released her from the chair and pulled her roughly to her feet. Grabbing her jaw firmly, he made her look him in the eye. They were so cold, she shivered on the inside.
"You'll continue with this sentence until I change my mind. Whenever you have to get into that cage someone will let you in. We'll make sure he's properly restrained for when it needs to be cleaned up."
"I'm giving you fair warning." Negan spoke up. "The longer you draw this out, the worse it's gonna fucking get. Trouble followers her like a black cloud. You should send her back to Sanctuary. Do yourself a favor before it's too late."
Rick huffed.
"Still trying to control things? Nah, I think you and your girl deserve each other. The only reason she's not caged is because I think you made her this way. So now she gets to live out her end of the deal you both had. Only difference is that you won't be able to protect her from being out there." Rick explained, pointing to the outside door.
Negan let out a short laugh.
"She doesn't need my protection but you might need some."
Daryl grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up the stairs and out into the street and told her to go home until it was time to feed her new charge. As Rick locked the door to the jail, he turned to Daryl.
"I know you don't agree with what I'm doing, Daryl. You were right about her the whole time but I think this is adding to that arrogant bastard's suffering."
"He don't give a fuck about her no more. You heard him." Daryl scoffed.
"I don't think that's true and I expect you to help him care."
Daryl shot him a quizzical look.
"I mean I don't want you to be easy on her. She needs to feel it too."
Being hard on her was going to be a cake walk. It was true that he didn't like Rick's plan. It seemed almost petty for a man as hard nosed as Rick Grimes but the idea of hassling the lying little bitch was appealing as hell. She had almost gotten them killed and would have if she hadn't changed her mind at the last minute. And the fact that she remained dedicated to Negan made her caustic. He only hoped Rick knew what he was doing. If Maggie knew that Pet was walking free in Alexandria she would have a fit and he wouldn't blame her.

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