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Pet screamed. And screamed. And screamed. Not just wailing like a banshee, there were a slew of curses thrown in between. Negan had wanted her to perform, to act as if he was attacking her and forcing submission. But to Pet, this was not a stage and it was not an act. She fought him like she had never fought him before as he struggled to control her wild thrashing body. She wanted to shriek questions at him. Why? Why was he doing this? How come he was pretending not to know her? And why was he going to give her to Zane?
But she didn't. Even as he tore the rest of the ill fitting garment from her and shoved her to the floor, she didn't ask any of those things. Somehow she knew she shouldn't dare.
All the air was pushed from her lungs as his heavy body came down on top of her. She was on her belly, fingernails clawing into the wood as she squirmed to get out from beneath him. His knee was thrust between her opened legs, pinning them that way while he captured her neck and held her head to the floor. She felt his scruff rubbing against her upturned cheek and his exerted breath in her ear. He was whispering so softly and insistently that it calmed her shrieking to a certain degree.
"I'll have a chance to explain. I promise, Pet. I need you to fight me through this. Right now I'm no one to you and you are no one to me. Do you understand?"
Pet growled in response and nodded slightly. She gave a well timed buck and caught him in the groin, sending a dull spark of pain through him. Something told him she was more than willing to accommodate his request and she wouldn't be pretending when she fought him off.
"Bow down!" He barked through gritted teeth.
He had yelled so loudly and unexpectedly that it made her jump. Negan certainly was going to make sure everyone within the hierarchy and below would hear him. In response, she roared back.
"Fuck yourself!"
"You're going to regret that sharp tongue yours." He growled.
Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he stood, taking her up with him. Immediately she went at him, reaching up and raking her nails across his neck. It left five angry stripes with small beads of blood rising from them and left a wicked burning sensation. He touched where she clawed him and saw that she meant business. She had always been so easy to provoke. He had tried to teach her to keep her impulsive, hellcat proclivities in check but with a Valkyrie like Pet, it had proven impossible. Luckily, it was exactly what he needed at this moment. She was staring up at him with such barely controlled rage that her eyes were like polished jade and glistening with tears. She did not let them fall though, not even when he slapped her hard again, this time on the other side. When she snapped her head back, a ferocious snarl on her reddened face, Negan was holding her manacles tightly in his fist. She fought to grab them and vicious struggle began. By the time he was able to subdue her, the hut was in shambles. It had been a hell of a racket too. The small table and chairs had been upended, shattering the half empty bottle of wine. The hammock had been pulled from its anchors in the wall when she hooked her fingers in the woven straps to keep him from pulling her to the floor. Now as she lay there on her belly, naked with her wrists bound securely behind her back, panting like defeated animal, he couldn't help but smile. She had done well even though he was sure she hated him right now and that was exactly what he needed.
The commotion coming from his hut had indeed made people stop and take notice. But perhaps most importantly, it had grabbed Lex's attention. She had tried to ignore it but as soon as the sound of the furniture splintering reached her ears, she couldn't resist and headed towards Negan's quarters. Her guards tried to accompany her but she backed them off, preferring to spy rather than make an appearance. As she moved quietly, she realized she was angry at herself. Why should she care about what was happening in there? But she did and it was out of character to say the least.
The forts were well made but there was still spacing between the wooden planks during the summer months, allowing for airflow in the stifling Virginia heat. Lex was pleased the workers hadn't started filling them with mud and hay in preparation for the coming colder months. They afforded her a decent view on what was taking place inside and her eyes widened when she caught the first glimpse.
Negan had the charge on the floor, her wrists manacled and her ass raised high. He was kneeling behind her, his leather belt doubled in a tight fist and he was dragging it slowly down the woman's spine. She was gagged with a piece of the shredded coverup and Lex could see the glistening tracks of tears that slipped down her cheeks. It made her smile but it also made her feel an odd pang of want. This man exuded something she hadn't come across in her lifetime, even before hell descended on earth. He was a rogue, arrogant and bold in everything he said and did. Fear couldn't seem to touch him and the way he could look at someone as if seeing right into them, searching for vulnerabilities and finding them with ease was unnerving. She hoped she had been steely enough to remain unreadable because feeling vulnerable was foreign.
The sudden crack of the leather against the woman's skin made her jump and pulled her from her wandering thoughts. She pressed her eye to the space in the wall to watch the beginning of the bitch's suffering and she smiled.
It was true that tears had spilled from Pet's eyes and while it looked as if they were from physical distress to the outsider looking in, they were not. Yes, the first strike of Negan's belt had come down on the side of thigh and it had stung. It had made her suck in her breath and whimper through the gag but they both knew that it only made her eager. The psychological anguish was way worse than the sharp, sensuous snap of his favorite implement. What did he mean he was going to give her to Zane? Those words had barely left his mouth and he expected her to perform on command and here she was.
"You belong to me now." He yelled and brought the strap down again.
She let out a muffled squeal and shook her head 'no'. Inwardly, Negan smiled. What a cunning, little actress, he thought. He knew that she was confused and scared but she was putting all her trust in him, acting out her role as his victim. She was always so god damned resourceful.
"No?" He boomed. "I'm about to show you who's boss, you defiant little bitch!"
His fingers moved between her legs and began stroking her swelling core teasingly.
"You were a king's slut? Well, let's find out how fucking receptive you were for him." He taunted.
His little Pet was ready for him as always, responding to his rough handling as though they were soft caresses and gentle strokes. She was so damn wet and the walls of her sex tightened around the fingers he thrust inside her. He was so eager to have her again that he almost missed the flash of movement outside of the hut. Popping the button on his jeans, he focused his gaze on it, his eyes hooded by long, dark lashes and gave a knowing half smile at the unseen voyeur. He hoped it was Lex and as her light perfume drifted in on a gentle breeze, he knew it was. He had snared her.
Outside, Lex shivered at Negan's purposeful stare and almost ducked down. Had he seen her? If he had, his attention quickly reverted back to the shaking charge that was at his mercy. She watched as he pulled his cock from the confines of his pants and rubbed it between the woman's legs. He pushed himself slowly into her, pinning her completely. Negan's eyes rolled back and closed, a glimpse of white teeth showing as he bit his lip at the first wave of bliss. Lex both loved and hated what she was seeing. It left her feeling conflicted. She relished in the charge's suffering. Clearly, this man knew how to assert his dominance immediately. It was a trait she admired. A woman could be broken easily with the methods he was using and he certainly seemed to have a hold on this one. On the other side, she found herself a little too curious about him and that was dangerous. She felt like a moth to the flame.
Negan began a series of violent thrusts, bringing the belt down in unison with each stabbing pop of his hips. He peppered her ass with quick strikes of his hand, raising a relentless burn while his leather strap bore deep, penetrating shocks of pain to Pet's rippling back. The way he was ravaging her now brought Pet back to the beginning when she truly was a nobody to him. He had used her then too, not just her body either. He had used her in a scheme to take her community too. And even then when she was racked with fear of him, her body had always responded. It was no different now as she tried to stifle the soft mewls of pleasure that were proving impossible to hide. She was supposed to be in agony.
Negan heard her telltale sounds of impending release even though they were muffled. Reaching for a lengthy piece of Pet's torn garment, he removed the one from her mouth and pulled the new strip over her head and around her neck. Pet gasped loudly as she felt a forceful tug on the newly fastened rein around her throat. He didn't relent until she was upright on her knees, her back flush with the front of his body. His soft lips were brushing against her earlobe.
"Do you remember, Pet?" He whispered hoarsely. "Relax your body and give into me now. I've claimed all of you before and I'm about to do it again. We have a captive audience."
Pet's eyes flew open at the sudden revelation that they were being watched but Negan threw her back down until her face was pressed to the floor again. She felt him pull out of her excruciatingly slow and let out a low moan as if it was painful to let her go. He snapped the belt against her ass one more time. She writhed against the harsh burn and then froze as she felt him line himself at her tightest entrance. She remembered the pain of the first time and how he had pushed her through it until she felt nothing but fullness. He had delivered a mind blowing orgasm too despite her fear and trepidation. She let her body go lax as best she could as he began entering her, quicker than he had ever done before. He couldn't show gentleness. Not now.
Lex heard the sharp yelp and saw the charge's face contort with a momentary shock of pain and then an ear piercing screech followed.
"Good girl." Negan panted. "I can see why your king branded you. Everything about you is so fucking tight."
If Pet's face wasn't already reddened by the ordeal, the curious voyeur would have seen a feverish blush rise up. But the queen was flushed herself and it took her off guard as she watched Negan buck harder, jarring the woman's body and causing her ample breasts to sway violently. He had discarded his belt and was manipulating her core until the cries of agony started to turn to squeals of impending ecstasy. Despite everything he was doing to her, the bitch was about to melt for him! How was that even possible? But it was true as she witnessed the release. Negan's throaty groan rose up from his parted lips as he fell over the edge, followed by his captive's, her honey visibly pouring from her punished sex.
It was all too much. Lex backed away from her vantage point, heart pounding and palms sweating. She was overwhelmed by feelings, both psychological and physiological and fear was mixed in there. That was the worst part. It trumped the pang of jealousy and the swirling burn she felt not only in her loins but throughout her whole body. Fear was a weakness and it was dangerous but she couldn't figure out why it was there. By the time she reached her quarters, she was convinced that she had probably been tortured more than the king's slut herself.
Later on that evening, Lex's guards spoke in hushed tones around their card table. The day watchmen had seen her returning hastily from the new guest's hut, flushed crimson and moving at a quickened pace. She disappeared into her quarters without so much as an order or icy glare. It was highly unusual behavior from a woman who could cut you with a stare or have someone gutted because they braided her hair incorrectly. What was even stranger was that she didn't request her usual nightly male company and it stayed that way for close to a week. 

Lex's absence didn't go unnoticed by anyone. While some were very happy about her scarcity, Negan was not. It made him suspicious and he had been on high alert since the day she spied on him and Pet. Any communication that the queen wanted to convey was sent by message through one of her guards. He was told that he had free roam of the compound and that when he wasn't escorting his charge she was to be locked away with the rest of the unclaimed. She also granted him permission to keep her in his quarters with him at night. At first she had denied that request but once it was relayed that it was how training was perfected, she relented begrudgingly. During those nights, Negan told Pet in quiet whispers about what was happening in this place and how he planned to take it down with her help. Her reaction was exactly what he expected.
"Why? Why do you want to involve us in this?" She hissed.
They were laying together in the hammock, their bodies molded to each other under soft sheets and a deerskin blanket. Their noses were almost touching as they had this near silent conversation. He made her promise not to yell as he went into detail.
"I have to do this. I don't think you know the gravity of this place. It's a fucking shit show." He said softly. "It's a hell of a lot more than slave trade. She's fucking  breeding them."
"This is suicide, Negan." She pleaded. "What good are we against all of them?"
She moved beneath the covers, her small iron manacles clinking in the darkness. Negan told her they could never break their roles, not even when it seemed like they were alone together. He was certain they were being watched closely even though Lex had hidden herself away. Tilting her chin up, he stared at her in the low glow of the oil lamp. Her eyes were gleaming with tears she didn't want to show and she was searching his for a for an answer, a damn good one too.
"She steals their fucking kids." He growled in her ear. "All of them. The boys stay to become soldiers but they're trained by motherfuckers with whips. Their own mothers only raise them until they're five."
"How would any mother agree to that?" She asked incredulously.
"It's not about agreeing. It's about the hope for survival, their own and their kids." He explained gently. "If they fight it, they get turned out there, bleeding from a knife wound to the gut. Better to be able to watch them grow up here. I have to admit the people here are thriving."
Pet contemplated the appalling information before daring to ask about the daughters of the Grove.
"They thrive because of them, Pet. I saw a girl. She was being held in one of the other houses. The kid was no older than fourteen I would guess. Lex called her the Genesis. A virgin, born and bred right here, I'm assuming. She's going up on the auction floor and she doesn't even know it's wrong. There were others too." He sighed. "But I can't get that child out of my mind. When she's gone, Lex will mold another one."
By the time Negan had gotten done explaining everything he knew, her head was spinning and she felt sick to her stomach. He also talked to her about Zane, pulling her into him even closer than before. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead and another on her lips.  It was achingly, long and it stole her breath before he continued.
"That doctor friend of yours...."
"He's not my friend!" She spat quietly.
"Your going to make him your friend, Pet." Negan ordered. "That man is ours and this community's only fucking hope."

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