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No sooner had Pet gotten back to the safety of the stables than Daryl came strutting into the barn. He looked her up and down, observing her flushed skin and noticing she was trembling slightly. He scowled.
"Saddle me up one of them horses." He ordered.
"Right away." Pet answered meekly.
Daryl watched as she struggled with the heavy saddle as she slid it over Odin's back. She could feel his eyes on her but she ignored him.
"Kevin's a good kid." Daryl said suddenly. "He volunteered for his job."
"How nice." Pet retorted unenthusiastically.
He waited until she secured the final strap before bounding over to her and grabbing her by the arm. She winced as he dug his fingers into her bare skin and she tried to pull away.
"Get off of me!" She growled, trying to wrench herself out of his grip.
"I'm sure you noticed things have gotten easier for you." He snarled back. "Unfortunately I can't be your babysitter forever as much as I think you need a heavier hand."
"He's better than you." She spat back.
"I know." Daryl responded coldly. "He's better all around. That's why I'd hate to see him taken advantage of."
Pet finally yanked her arm away from him and let out an exasperated grunt. Daryl didn't want her to take advantage of him? What a joke, she thought. If anyone had gotten taken advantage of, it was her.
"We barely speak." She hissed.
Well it was true now. She was never going to have any words with him again nasty or otherwise.
"Good." Daryl huffed.
He gave her a sudden shove that sent her stumbling backwards. She lost her footing and fell backwards into a fresh pile of horse crap. Daryl climbed up into the saddle, a smirk on his bearded face.
"See it stays that way." He ordered and spurred Odin out of the barn.

The little stunt that Negan had pulled on her left her steaming for days and she made sure he knew it. She wouldn't speak to him no matter how hard he provoked her. She cut his rations too. The comfier sheets were gone as well. What made matters worse was that Kevin had been made her permanent escort, as per Daryl's orders. She was pissed at him too but not as much Negan who had used him to get his way.
"If you expect me to apologize, I'm not going to." Negan said, as she changed the bedding. "I enjoyed it too much. I think Kevin enjoyed it too. Didn't you, Kevin?"
The kid turned scarlet and set his jaw tight, trying to seem unflustered but his complexion was a dead giveaway. He didn't want the job just as much as Pet didn't want hers. She treated Kevin coldly and gave him a guilt trip whenever opportunity offered.
"I'm sure he did." Pet quipped. "I thought he was my friend. It's a shame he gave me up just to see my tits."
That made Kevin blush even harder.
"It's worth it if you ask me." Negan returned. "Trust me, kid. You don't want to get that close to her. She has a way of making things go bad."
"Hurry up with those damn sheets, will ya?" Kevin barked.
He didn't have to tell her twice. She scrambled to stuff the hard pillow in the case.
"You should really be nicer to Kevin." Negan told her, as she shut the cell door. "Daryl could come get his job back,"
"Daryl's gone." She snapped. "He left the same day of your little show, Negan. He came to the corral and had me saddle one of the horses. I did. Right after that? He shoved me down into a pile of horse shit. All in all, it was a great fucking day to be me. I only hope the beast of a stallion I gave him bucks him off a cliff."
"First of all," Negan drawled, "it was your show, baby. And any day is a good day to be you because you're doing it out there."
Kevin locked the cage door and released Negan from the bars. He rubbed his wrists and sat down on the cot.
"See you at dinner." He called after her.

Pet did see him at dinner and it was a full two hours late. She sauntered in carrying his tray with the scraps that were left after the community dinner hour. It was wilted greens, a burnt piece of ham steak and a half eaten maple cookie that she was chewing on as she turned up the oil lamp.
"You know if you keep feeding me like this, the only thing that'll be left sitting here is my huge dick." He told her, reaching for the tray.
"There's already a huge talking dick in there." She chimed.
"I see you grew your nuts back, Pet. You and your smart mouth are tough with bars separating us. I'd have you bent over this bed if I was a free man. You'd be feeling my belt. That always seemed to get through to you. Temporarily at least." He answered, inspecting a piece of brown lettuce.
"They took your belt, Negan."
"They took everything, Pet. Actually, you took everything." He spat back.
"I was trying to get you out of here. I didn't have to try but I did. You don't think I regret what I did to you every single day? I loved you, Negan. I loved you and all you wanted to do was own me. Never once did you say the same to me. Not even when I accepted our pact and you marked me permanently, did you ever say those words to me!" She yelled.
With a roar, Negan hurled the dinner tray against the wall, the sparse amount of food scattering everywhere. He raced towards her and wrapped his fingers around the iron bars.
"Words!?" He boomed. "Fucking words?! I gave you everything and you want words. Here's some words for you. You destroyed everything I built by one impulsive action. One minute I was king of the fucking world with a growing empire and a damn near perfect mate at my side. I was saving people and communities and with one deceptive swoop my perfect mate tore it down. My actions spoke louder than words. Even if you got me out of here you would spend the rest of your short days paying it back to me. What are words to you anyway, Pet? All yours a devious little lies including your professed love."
She was about to light into him but the sound of the outside door creaking open stopped their argument cold. A shadow moved against the wall before the caster came around the corner and when they did, Pet's mouth dropped open. It was Maggie and she was carrying a rather large gun complete with a silencer on the barrel.
"Lover's quarrel?" Maggie said.
She said it in a sing song tone that sent a shiver through Pet. It sounded a tad crazy.
"The Widow!" Negan exclaimed. "Of course. Why not?"
"Maggie!" Pet exclaimed.
"Yes. It's the Widow, Negan. Thanks to you." She hissed. "I'm here to return the favor."
Pet had backed up, her back pressed against the wall. Her heart was thudding so loudly she could hear the blood pulsing in her ears. When she stole a glance at Negan, he was smiling. He was acting like Maggie was here to have tea.
"Actually, I'm glad you're both here." She sneered, reaching in her pocket and dangling the cell key. "I'm not here to make a widow or a widower out of anyone. You have to have been married for that.  Oh. And maybe actually know how to love and show loyalty. No, this is more like a Romeo and Juliet. I'm sure you remember how that ends."
"Well it's about fucking time!" Negan said enthusiastically.
Maggie cocked her head.
"I'm glad you agree." She retorted. "I'm here to clean up Rick's mess. It should have been done the day he shot you. Just think Pet, if that had happened you wouldn't be facing a death sentence now."
"What's the point now, Maggie?" Pet interjected. "The way we have to live? It's a life sentence. You'll never know."
Maggie raised the pistol and aimed it directly at Pet's face.
"I'll never know!?" She boomed. "How could you say that? My husband is dead. I have a child without a father! That's a life sentence, you piece of shit!"
She jammed the key in the lock swung the door open and pointed the gun at Negan, her aim unwavering.
"I know all about your life sentence too. You know, how awful it is? It must really suck getting to dry hump each other with your tits in his mouth. You found a way to be together and I'm here to make sure it stops. You don't get to love each other, not even in a cage. You don't deserve to get to love." She hissed.
Maggie motioned for Pet to join Negan in the cage,
"I almost thought about sparing your life until I was reminded of the outpost trap you almost led us into. It doesn't matter to me that you changed that warped mind of yours at the last possible second. If you hadn't blabbed about it, it would have been Alexandria that fell instead." She informed her.
"What?!" Negan bellowed.
Maggie let out a derisive snicker.
"Oh. You didn't know? Yeah, that was her. She's a dangerous manipulator. You taught her well, Negan."
Negan's fury with Pet reignited all over again. He made a move towards her but Maggie pulled the hammer on the gun and he stopped, clenching and unclenching his large fists.
"You didn't tell me that, Pet."
His voice was ominously calm.
"That was when I thought you ordered my death!" She answered.
"Enough!" Maggie screamed. "When Daryl told me the end result of Rick's brilliant plan, I came right away. This is over finally. Say goodbye to Pet, Negan."
Pet screamed and covered her eyes.   
"Wait!" Negan bellowed. "Just wait."
His tone went calm. Almost soothing. Pet slowly uncovered her eyes, relieved to still be breathing for a moment longer.
"I got final words." He continued. "I know you don't owe me but I'm asking you."
Maggie let out a short, sarcastic laugh. Her eyes were wild. Pet understood. She was fulfilling her thirst for vengeance. Vengeance was what had driven Pet herself to seek out Simon and it came with a cost. How ironic that it was ultimately Simon that was going to get them killed in the end anyway.
"Sure, Negan." She agreed, pressing the barrel to Pet's head.
"I think that since you're a widow and all and probably haven't ridden the high hard one in a while, I thought you might like to come in and get stuck with my huge dick. Pet never got to finish me off and since your last lay was an Asian prick, you're probably in need of some girth. Stereotypes and all..." Negan drawled and stuck out his pinky finger.
He never lost his dazzling smile, not even when an ungodly screech poured from Maggie's mouth like a wailing banshee. She redirected her aim and went to fire on Negan but Pet reached out and grabbed a hold of her trembling wrist at the last second. This time it was Pet that let out a desperate cry. The two women tangled together, slamming against the bars and moving out of the cell as they struggled for the gun. They twisted in each other's arms, grunts and growls escaping them both. Pet tangled one hand in Maggie's hair and shoved her hard against the cell door. It banged shut and locked, leaving Negan helpless to intervene. Maggie fought back, grabbing Pet by the throat. The move was returned with Pet's forehead crashing into the bridge of Maggie's nose, knocking her back but the struggle for the firearm continued and soon they were rolling around on the dirt floor, panting and scratching at each other's faces. Scrambling forward, Pet found herself on top of Hilltop's leader when a quiet pop resounded off of the dark walls of the prison. Maggie went limp and Pet found herself holding the smoking gun.
"Oh my God!" Pet gasped. "Oh my God!"
Negan rushed to the bars as Pet pushed Maggie onto her back. A small hole was leaking a good amount of blood from under her jaw, a trail of it oozing down her neck and over Pet's hand.
"You've done it now." Negan told her.
"I saved your life!" She hissed, panic permeating her voice.
"Not for long." Negan answered. "You really are a fucking curse. They're gonna kill us both after this shit."
Pet stared at him wide eyed. She felt like she was going to puke as she stood and looked down at Maggie's body. She studied the gun in her hand, tears springing to her eyes and she looked to Negan, her bottom lip quivering uncontrollably.
"Can't lie your way out of this one, Pet."
She said nothing. Her whole body had went ice cold and her mind was completely blank. She felt like she was in a dream when she shoved the weapon into the waistband of her shorts. Her eyes drifted to the cell key that had slipped from Maggie's pocket during the scuffle and she looked at Negan again.
"Open the door, Pet." He commanded in a voice she knew all to well.
"No." She whispered, shaking her head slowly.
"Open the fucking door." He repeated.
His knuckles were white as he clenched the iron bars tighter. His little Pet looked like a deer in the headlights, her eyes were so big and shining.
"No! I can't! They'll think you did this. They'll kill you." She stammered. "If you're locked in here that wouldn't be possible..."
"Open that god damned door!" He finally roared.
Pet visibly shook at his booming voice and started to step backwards towards the exit.
"Get over here!"
But Pet had disappeared up the stairs and out into the night. It was a frantic dash towards the stables but no one had heard the shot. Maggie had come for a quiet execution, the silencer doing its job except not on her intended victims. Leaving Negan there had been a split second decision and even though her heart was telling her to go back, her mind knew better of it. That was his only chance of survival. She was holding the gun that had brought Maggie down and he was tucked away in his cell under lock and key. She was the guilty one.
The race towards the stable ended with a small blessing. Odin was tethered and still saddled up from Daryl's last ride. He had brought Maggie back here. Pet was sure of it. His remark about Kevin was too coincidental to mean otherwise. She scrambled up into the saddle and drew her weapon, kicking the horse into a full gallop. It was late and there wouldn't be too many people to contend with at the entrance.
They bounded towards the gate and she could see some of the lights going on in a few of the buildings. Someone must have discovered the problem at the jail and as she approached the guard tower she could hear men shouting and she was pretty sure Rick's voice was among them.
"Open the gate!" She called to the guard, as she rode up on him.
"You're not allowed to leave. You're a prisoner of...."
It had taken a moment for the sentinel to recognize her in the darkness and he hadn't drawn his weapon. Anyone within the walls weren't enemies. Usually. Pet leveled her gun at him.
"Open the gate. I've already shot someone tonight. Don't make me do it again." She said coldly.
When he didn't move fast enough, she popped off a shot, barely missing his foot. The guard hustled to pull back the heavy gate of steel and wood, allowing her to tear off into the blackness of the surrounding forest. She was now a feral.

Feral: Love, Hate and Fine Lines....Negan and Pet Where stories live. Discover now