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It was four days before the auction and the Grove had been a flurry of activity in preparation. The cooks were busy prepping meals for the buyers that would be showing up in hopes of bidding for a charge while others were busy bottling wine, their community's specialty. Throughout it all, the queen had not emerged from her seclusion which was unheard of during auction time.
But Negan knew better. A woman like Lex couldn't keep away. She was a controlling tyrant, perhaps even more than he had been when he sat in power over the Sanctuary. He was sure she had been watching the entire time whether she herself was spying or someone else was doing it for her.
During those days, he kept Pet right at his side, making sure that everyone knew she was his and was in training. He had brought her out to the vineyards and had her pick grapes with the girl children, making sure not to reprimand her in front of the younger ones. He was sure they had seen enough violence in their short lives. But when they were out in the compound among the general population, that was a different story.
Putting on a show had been easy for him but Pet didn't appreciate her role in the game at all. Negan's treatment of her ranged from disregard to kindness to harsh disciplinarian without warning and he made sure everyone took notice.
When she would cook for him over one of  the open fire pits with the other domestic charges, he would taste what she was preparing. If he liked it, he  praised her gently, even offering the first serving. If he didn't approve, her efforts were met with a slap to the mouth. All her hard work would end up getting dumped into the flames and she would have to start over. Other times, people would see them strolling hand in hand in the market as if they were a couple, not just master and slave. Since he was considered honorary hierarchy, he gave her some luxuries from the seamstress like a silk scarf or or knitted gloves for the winter.
To the outsider, it appeared that the rebellious, flame haired charge had become remarkably tamed under the guest of the queen, following him around like a loyal puppy dog. In private, however, she railed against him and let him know in no uncertain terms that she despised his plan so far. She begged to change it, to plan an escape instead. But Negan had refused, unwilling to let these atrocities continue and she knew that she would have to play her part too. So much depended on her and she was terrified of failing. Negan had told her what she needed to do just two days before the event. He pulled her in close that night and they spoke in hushed tones beneath their blankets.
"It's up to you to stage the rebellion, Pet." He whispered. "That doctor is the only one that has free reign over in those longhouses. It's his job to keep them healthy and he goes there regularly to make sure they are. He can get weapons in there. You have to turn him. That's why I have to give you to him. I'll be busy distracting Lex."
"By distracting, you mean seducing." She spat.
It was so hard to keep her voice low.
"Do you think I like the idea of handing you over to a man that wants to own you? I fucking hate it but you're the key." He explained.
He did hate it. And the fact that he was ordering her to charm him in any way possible was maddening. The very thought of someone touching her intimately evoked the rancid emotion of jealousy. She was his and he was being forced to sacrifice her for the greater good.
"I'm sure you're just going to hate warming up that evil bitch." Pet mumbled.
Negan gave a low chuckle. Apparently, he wasn't the only one feeling like that.
"I love you, Pet. But we have to think about those kids. They are the future and they're being mass produced as slaves and unfeeling, murderous soldiers." He explained.
"Okay, Mr. Bleeding Heart, assuming I can turn Zane, organize a rebellion among a bunch of scared women and children and stockpile weapons inside what is essentially a well guarded prison, where am I supposed to hide all of that firepower?"
"I like the way you fucking think." He said, planting a soft kiss on her pouting lips. "Under those shitty boards they call a floor."
Pet huffed in response. He didn't even blink an eye when she explained to him bluntly exactly what he expected her to do. She thought maybe pointing out the magnitude of her responsibilities would make him rethink what he was doing. It was an impossible chance he was taking.
"I can't do this, Negan." She said softly. "How am I supposed to bring this place down? I'm scared."
"You brought me down, Pet." He reminded her, a tinge of bitterness in his tone. "You did that all by yourself. I expect nothing less from you. Besides, I'll be helping from the other side."
Before she could speak again, he captured her mouth, his large palm, cupping her chin and holding her still. She was frightened and he felt her trembling slightly. He released her mouth and traced his lips to her neck, burying his face in the soft, mass of her hair. He dipped his tongue in the hollow of her throat, feeling her pulse point fluttering wildly. There were no words to soothe her. He knew that. He could only reclaim her to assure her that she was his always, no matter what happened.
He rolled on top of her, the length of his body molding into hers as he nudged her legs apart. She sighed gently at the feel of course, overgrown scruff nuzzling her earlobe and she gasped when he pinched her nipple roughly, coaxing it into a hard pink point.
"You belong to me." He growled against her neck. "No matter how he touches you. You belong to me."
His fingers moved lower, tracing the tight little scars that were etched on her taut stomach until they found the center between her quivering thighs. He stroked the hardening pearl with determined swirls until he felt the first push of her heat. It coated his hand and he slipped two long fingers deep inside.
"Tell me, Pet. Who do you belong to?" He murmured, pumping her sex slowly until he found the secret place that would make her melt.
Pet arched her back and wrapped her legs around him. He was so warm, his touch driving her into a frenzy yet comforting her all at once. She was his and would always be and he was hers all the same.
"I belong to you, Negan." She answered, catching the first wave of bliss.
"I'll always protect you." He promised, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy. "Now come for me, my beautiful Pet."
His words pushed her over the edge and she bit her lip to keep from crying out in the silent darkness. He brought her wave after wave of all consuming pleasure with his knowing fingers and eager tongue, as if it would be their last time. And when he finally thrust himself inside of her to chase his own release, Pet held him tight between her thighs and showered him with whispered words of love and never ending devotion. When he finally succumbed to the feel of her welcoming, writhing body, he silenced his pleasure by clamping his mouth to gentle slope of her neck where he marked her with urgent suckling. She sighed at the old familiarity of it even though it made her wince when he dug his teeth in gently but firmly. The dark purple and red bruises had been his mark long before the two N's that were now permanently seared into her flesh. She did not plan on hiding it either.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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