Welcome To Vegas

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Chapter 13- Welcome to Vegas

It was the next day and Lucy and Zak where on their way to pick up Becky, Sam and Amanda from the airport. Amanda was moving in with Billy and for the meantime Zak and Lucy offered for Becky and Sam to live with them until they found a place of their own.

They all climbed into the back of Zak's mustang.

"Hey Becky,Sam... Wait who's the red head?" Zak said.

"Zak it's me you idiot Amanda!" She had dyed her hair dark red.

"Woah sorry I didn't recognise you for a second...Billy is going to be so surprised you are here."

"How was your flight girls?" Lucy asked.

"So very long" said Sam

"Can't wait to get settled thanks for letting us stay with you till we get our own place guys" said Becky

" it's no trouble what you girls have done for us it's just our way of saying thank you" Zak said.

Zak pulled up outside Billy's place.

"Zak wait.. Drive round the back I have an idea how to surprise him." Amanda said.

"Practical Jokes I like... You girls are going to fit right in"

Amanda got out of the car and was stood by Billy's back gate. Zak took her case from the trunk and Lucy wound down her window.

"I will call you tomorrow about the thing with...

"The thing ok Lucy" Amanda knew she was referring to Zak's birthday.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Said Becky with a wink.

"See you tomorrow" said Sam waving as Zak pulled away.

Amanda took out her phone and called Billy.

"Hey how's my girl?" Billy answered

"she's fine but missing you."

"I'm sorry you couldn't make it over here baby"

"Me too, I've made it up to you though I sent you out a present you should have it this morning."

"Oooooh I'll go check"

Billy went out the front taking Sophie his dog with him, as he did that Amanda ran through his back yard with her case entering his kitchen and found her way to the sitting room and sat down casually.

"No babe there's nothing here." Billy sounded disappointed.

"Oh really it should be there now I'm not happy"

"I really wish you where here Mandy." Billy said entering the house again.

"I know baby"

"Where are you it sounds like there's an echo?"

"Im loosing signal your breaking up Billy."

Amanda hung up her phone.

Billy looked at his phone and sighed closing the porch door him and Sophie walked down the hallway. Billy let Sophie out into the back yard then made his way toward the front room he walked in and saw Amanda's new red hair.

Amanda looked up at him

"Mandy!" Billy shouted in shock.

"Hey you."

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