Fans are important...well most of them

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Chapter 1- fans are important well most of them!

Lucy woke up in Zak's arms and then looked down at her finger. She couldn't believe she was going to marry Zak although when exactly they weren't too sure yet they certainly where in no rush they where just loving being together. It had been 2 months since she received the email from Kev saying Carter was dead that was a load off her mind for the first time in over 10 years everything was going right.
Zak started to wake next to her.
Morning sleepy head.
Morning Lucy what time is it? Zak said still sleepy.
A little after 7.
Oh I can afford another half hour before we have to get ready to go to the office.
Lucy kissed him and said.
I will leave you to sleep then.
Who said I was sleeping? He said as he dragged Lucy back into bed.
You are a bad influence on me Zak!
You won't be complaining in a minute. Zak whispered.
He slowly trailed kisses down her body. She shivered. It felt so good.
He stopped on her upper thigh and lingered there. Lucy knew what was coming he was teasing her though so much to the point where she wanted him to touch her "there" so badly it hurt.
Oh Zak please...don't make me beg. She moaned.
She inhaled sharply as she felt his tongue go to work on her. It never took him long to make her climax like that which annoyed her slightly he was so damn good at it.
Lucy took control threw him down onto the bed and sat down on him he entered her with ease.
She rocked back and forth and sense of satisfaction came over her knowing she was the only one who could make him moan and go weak like this.
Lucy! Oh God please don't stop!
She felt him tense up and then collapse beneath her.
Zak looked at the time.
Oh shit! We are going to be late!
Lucy laughed. See I told you nothing but a bad influence. As she ran and beat him to the bathroom.

Zak sped towards the office with the heater on in the car it was early January and it was chilly.
He had Skrillex Get Up blasting the speakers Lucy sat next to him tapping her feet to the beat in the front seat she had just enough time to down an espresso before they left she was a bit hypo. He skidded to a stop outside the building and they ran to the office.
Sorry we are late! Lucy shouted still bouncing after her caffeine fix.
Woah! Someone's had their coffee this morning Nick said as both her and Zak sat down in Jess' office.
Right guys now that we are all here you guys are doing a meet and greet tomorrow at the Adventuredome theme park.
Cool nice easy day! I like it. Billy said.
There's a bonus as well you guys get a free rides and food at the park after it.
Awesome!! Lucy and Aaron shouted and hi fived.
Don't be getting any ideas... I ain't doing any roller coasters. Zak complained
Party pooper! Jay said

The next day Lucy and Zak decided to take both their cars, Zak picked up Aaron and Billy and Lucy picked up Jay and Nick. They made a bit of a race out of it.
Zak pulled into the parking lot to see Lucy , Nick and Jay stood by her car waiting for them.
Getting a bit slow and rusty Zak?
Teased Jay.
No fair you had Lucy driving she's a speed freak! Said Zak
It's true I am but I am also the better driver admit it you just got beat! Lucy stuck her tongue out.
The team went into the main entrance to the park where there was a huge table for them all to sit at with plenty of marker pens for them to use.
Soon the gates opened and before they knew it there was a queue of people heading back out of the entrance and back out towards the parking lot. The crew where enjoying themselves meeting the fans taking pics for them as well as their own for Twitter. Then at the very back of the crowd they could hear Pussycat Dolls "Don't Cha" playing on loop there was three female fans clearly trying to put a message across to Zak. Lucy didn't let it bother her though it also helped when most of the crowd realised they where trying to upset her and they started to shout
Ignore them Lucy we love You!
But nothing made her smile more than when they came to Zak to get posters signed, like the pro he is he signed them, when one of the girls said.
Do you like our message to you?
What's that? Don't I wish my girlfriend is hot like you?... Jokes on you Lucy's not my girlfriend anymore is she, she's my fiancé.
Ooooh BURN! Jay and Billy both said as the girls gave Lucy dirty looks and then walked off.
Lucy could you sign our posters please? Said a red headed girl and her blonde friend.
Sure what's your names.
Sarah and Ashton. And can we just say how happy we are you and Zak are together you are an awesome couple I knew it right from the UK episode back in September!
Wait you're @AshtonHollyX aren't you?
Oh my god you remember me!
Oh yes we do Zak interrupted. You fought Lucy's corner when that Taylor girl was having a go on Twitter.
Lucy laughed.
She's also partly responsible for your face paint in New York!
Oh Really! Zak said as he joined in for a picture.
Lucy looked at Zak and he nodded.
What do you two say to coming around the park with us after we clear the crowd.
Wow Cool! Sarah said.

The crew and the girls had a blast going round the park. Lucy spent most of the time trying to convince Zak to join them on the roller coaster she had no luck by the time they reached the beginning of the queue Zak ended up being dumped with everyone's bags and a few pairs of shoes because it was one of those where your legs dangle.
The ground was wet so Lucy jumped on Jay's shoulders so not to get her socks wet and Sarah jumped on Billy's. when Ashton said.
I think I will stay with Zak!
You not a coaster fan either? He asked.
Not really.
Oh come on! You are such a chicken Sarah said.
I don't know...
Aaron looked at her in a way Lucy had never seen him look before.
I will look after you he smiled.
Ashton hesitated a bit.
Ok . She caved and handed her bag and shoes to Zak.
Nick, Lucy, Jay and Billy sat in front with Sarah, Aaron and Ashton behind.
Aaron's Vlog we are about to ride a roller coaster with two lovely fans Ashton and Sarah. The girls both waved at his phone before he got told to put it away as the restraints came down over them. Aaron could tell Ashton was still nervous so he took hold of her hand. She looked at him and smiled.
Zak looked up as the ride started and started to climb to the top of the first drop.
Hey look Zak! No hands! Lucy shouted as she let go of the brace briefly.
Yeah Zak you big baby! Nick teased.
That's ok guys at least I'm 100% safe down here. Zak shouted back as they went over the first drop.
They came off the ride laughing and joking Jay and Billy with Lucy and Sarah on their shoulders and Ashton walking with Aaron and Nick.
They turned the corner to see Zak cornered by the same three fans from before. Lucy looked on in disbelief as one of them tried to kiss him. Jay put Lucy down as Zak was holding the fan at arms length.
Lucy walked up behind her pulled her hair turned her around and slapped her.
That's it you are so in trouble now I'm pressing charges. Said the girl.
That's not going to happen you are outnumbered we are Lucy's alibi and we didn't see her do a thing. Said Aaron.
Yeah why don't you three turn around and go home. We don't need or want fans like you! Nick said.
You ok Sweetie? Lucy said to Zak.
Yeah I couldn't get away sorry.
It's ok we saw everything. Lucy said pulling him in and kissing him slipping her tongue into his mouth. Knowing full right that the girls where still watching as they walked away.

Later on at home Lucy was tweeting pics of them at the park. When she sighed.
What's the matter Lucy? Zak said.
Are they all going to be like that?
Who the Crazies at the park? No fans like that are a tiny amount. You know most of them love you Hun.
I know I'm sorry I acted the way I did.
Don't be sorry... I liked it
I bet you did! Lucy winked at him.

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