Too Much Hurt Too Many Tears pt 2

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Lucy helped Nick into bed he was so drained.

"Sleep tight big brother"

"Love you baby sis" .

And with that he was out like a light paranormal hangovers where no fun what so ever.

Lucy joined Becky and Amanda in the front room.

"Is Nick ok?" Becky Asked

"He will be once he's slept it off"

Both girls then looked at Amanda.

"What are you looking at"

"Come on spill you have had a smile on your face since you and Billy fixed the camera" Becky said.

"What happend?"

Amanda smiled.

"He kissed me!"

"Ok hold it I'm going to make coffee and then you can tell us about it". Lucy said heading for the kitchen.

The rest of the crew are leaving the drive thru with Amanda taking her car the van was jam packed with Sam, Sara Claire and Ashton in their too.

Zak's phone started to ring he looked confused when he saw Veronique's name flash up.

"Hey V what's up"

"Why isn't Nick answering his phone"

"Now don't freak out but he got possessed Lucy took him back ahead of us he's probably asleep he's fine V"

"It's not Nick I'm worried about Zak, Bella was taking a nap and she's just woke up screaming she's had one of her visions...he's still alive Zak he's going to take Lucy you have to get to her."

Zak was in a trance he zoned out trying to take in Veronique's words. "How is this possible she got the email saying he was dead" he thought.

"Zak? Zak!"

"Don't worry V we are on our way".

Zak hung up and turned to Billy.

"You ok Dude? Woah you look pissed".

"Step on it Billy we got trouble... Carters still alive he's going for Lucy"

Billy floored the van.

Aaron, Jay and Ashton all looked at each other.

Sam, Sara and Claire just looked at each other not having a clue what was going on but also worried two of their sisters maybe in trouble too.

Lucy was making the coffee and had her head down stirring the cups she looked up and saw his reflection in the window, he had sneaked in and was right behind her. She tried to scream but he put his hand over her mouth with a cloth soaked in chloroform. Lucy was knocked out quickly but in the struggle she managed to knock a cup onto the floor.

Becky was now sat right next to her friend on the couch.

"I'm so happy for you Hun its about time something good happend for you"

"Don't get too excited we only kissed.. But it was a damn good kiss..." Amanda stopped as she heard the cup smash in the kitchen.

"Did you here that?"

The girls got up and headed for the kitchen and found the back door open and no sign of Lucy.

"Something's not right go wake Nick" Amanda ran upstairs

"Nick wake up its Lucy!"

It was no good Nick was out of it.

She ran downstairs and looked through the window to see Carter throw Lucy in the back if his van and Becky about to jump on him.

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