Girls night

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Finally got to update again sorry for the long wait. hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters

Percy's POV
I woke up this morning with a sleeping Annabeth by my side.
Saturday mornings are usually like this as Annabeth works late Fridays and I don't so I always wake up first. She slowly began to stir.

"Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep" I asked softly. All I got in response was a mumble and a shush as a still sleepy Annabeth tried to go back to sleep. Me being me couldn't let that happen so I whipped the covers away and dragged her to the kitchen for breakfast.


Later that evening Piper called begging for a girls night as they hadn't seen eachother for a couple of weeks now. After much reluctance from Annabeth and maybe a little charmspeak from Piper, Annabeth relented and offered up our apartment for their girls night.

Once we had cleared away from lunch Annabeth began preparations. I dont know about anyone else but Annabeth can clean the whole apartment in like half an hour. If it was up to me I'd still be deciding what to do first.

Luckily Annabeth had asked me to go shopping earlier this week and we still had some snacks left in the cupboards so the girls would have enough to get them through the evening. Whilst Annabeth got the living room all cozy looking she tasked me with getting all the snacks ready and in bowls. not a hard job right? wrong. i dont know how but i always manage to make my life more difficult.

my fist mistake was trying to carry all the snacks from the pantry at the same time. most of them ended up on the floor. good job they come in packets.

my second mistake was that i eat more of the snacks then what went in the bowl. oops dont tell Annabeth. what am i going to do? i got it smaller bows will make it look like there was more to begin with.

my third mistake wasnt actually my mistake it was Annabeth. she started humming along to one of her favoriet songs, she just sounds so cute. from where i was stood in the kitchen i could see her dancing around in the living room to the song she was humming. that's my adorable wise girl. you see she's so distracting. anyway whilst i was oogling my girlfriend i had forgotten i was pooring the popcorn into a bowl and so now they are all over the counter.

Annabeth's POV

ugh sometimes i hate piper. i mean i love her and i do miss her but i had had a really long day at work yesterday and Percy didn't let me sleep in so i was still exhausted and didn't feel much up to a girls night. But piper has her ways (namely charmspeak) and so here i am dragging pillows, blankets, cushions and anything remotely squishy into our living room. admittedly there wasn't much there so i was hoping piper would tell the girls to bring blankets and pillows of their own.

i was just about ready when i heard percy call out my name.
"Annabeth, what am i supposed to do today if your having a girls day?"

oh... i hadn't thought about that, i had been distracted getting the place ready that i hadn't even thought about percy.

"I don't know Percy, I didn't even think. What do you want to do, you could go to Jason's as piper's coming here!?"

Percy seemed pleased with the suggestion and went to go shower before heading to Jason and Piper's apartment.

While Percy was still in the shower I heard a knock on the door, I'm guessing that was the girls. I slowly made my way to the door not really wanting this day to start but before I could get to the door Piper had let herself in

"Annabeth it's been too long" Piper squeezed with a hug. She shuffles herself into our living room and plonked her stuff on the floor.

I was still kind of shocked but instead of commenting on pipers antics I decided to ask where everyone else was.

"Oh there on their way don't worry, there's no backing out now" she giggled and smirked . She knew I wasn't up for a girls night but she's Piper so she will manage to change my mind by the end of the evening.

I was caught up in the Piper commotion and completely forgot about Percy.

"Are the girls here" he called from the bathroom.

"No just me honey" Piper called back in response.
She then whispered to me "he's not staying here is he? Coz we need some serious girl talk"

"No Piper don't worry he's heading out to your place to see Jason" I reassured her.

Soon enough all the girls started to arrive. There was hazel, Reyna, Rachel, Katie, calypso, juniper and last to arrive was Sadie.

Once we were all seated on the comforters we dove straight into girl talk. I was so distracted that I had forgotten that Percy was still here and hadn't left yet. When I looked round he was leaning against the door frame smirking at me, probably highly amused by what we were talking about.

"Hey were you eavesdropping"

Percy didn't reply he just started laughing and slowly walked toward me. I was sat with my back to him on the cushions. As he walked over the girls went quiet he was smiling down at me and I was smiling up at him.

"I love you annabeth" with that he tenderly kissed me on the forehead and walked towards the door. Before he walked out the door he turned and smiled at me, the girly grin that formed on my face didn't leave for many hours.

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