Battle scars

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Percy's POV
It was a day like any other. Me and Annabeth were just walking down the street on our way to meet my mom. It was a beautiful day and there were loads of people on the street. Of course things couldn't go smoothly for us.

We were turning a corner and at the end of the road was a group of about 6 or 7 empousia. They saw us. It was too late to run now. We had to stand and fight. I glanced over at Annabeth and knew she understood, we were not going down without a fight.


Annabeth's POV
They came at us from every side. We were surrounded. All 7 of them came at us at the same time, we were getting cut up at every turn. I'm surprised we hadn't passed out from blood loss. But we never gave up. Percy and I were back to back slowly rotations in a circle; slashing and stabbing at every chance we got. We were gradually getting rid of them as they turned into piles of yellow dust.

But they were getting us too.

Every time we slashed and stabbed, so did they and they hit their mark more times than not. I was bleeding so much that I could no longer feel the left side of my face. I knew I had a few broken ribs and my right arm had a deep gash on it.
Percy seemed to be much worse. His trousers were cut in so many places and he was leaving a trail of blood in his wake. He had a big gash across his chest and shoulders but that didn't deter him. He was leaping over an empousia and slashed her back as he landed. She puffed into smoke and Percy found his next monster.

Percy's POV
We limped into my mom's apartment and crashed on the floor. Annabeth passed out in my arms and I wasn't far behind her. I saw through blurry eyes my mom come running up to us just before everything went black.


When I came to my mom was hovering above my face and she was shaking my shoulders. I could see Annabeth had been sat up against a wall. Most likely thanks to my mom because I knew Annabeth didn't have the strength to do that herself after the injuries she sustained. My mom had brought over the demigod first aid kit and asked if we needed any help. I told her no and then it was just me and Annabeth.

Nursing each others wounds was nothing new to the two of us. It comes with being a demigod I guess. But... This time felt different. The air was quieter. I felt guilty. I feel like this is all my fault. I glanced up at Annabeth about to tell her that I was sorry. When I saw a tear fall from her eye.

"Annabeth, are you ok, why are you crying" conserned I shuffled over to hug her.
"This is all my fault. Your hurt really badly and it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me suggesting to walk we never would have bumped into the empousia"
"No Annabeth this is all my fault. Being the son of Poseidon means I attract more monsters. It's my fault for even being born. And you being with me just puts you in more danger."
The room went quiet as we both thought over what had happened today and what had just been said.

It was then that Annabeth realised we still haven't attended to our wounds yet. She started grabbing some wadding and bandages whilst I got the ambrosia, nectar and antiseptic wipes to clean the wounds. Over the years we had got into a routine with fixing eachother up. I would attend her leg wounds whilst she worked on my chest and shoulder. Cleaning and wrapping wounds untill we were both feeling a lot better. We were sat facing eachother on the floor. I had brought Annabeth's leg over mine so I could wrap it and she had removed my shirt to clean my wound up better. We were sitting really close tangled up in eachother not wanting to be further apart that needed. I was about to apologize again when Annabeth grabbed my face pulling me in for a much needed kiss. In that moment I knew exactly how she felt, that neither one of us was to blame and there was nothing that could be done about it now. We were both alive, our injuries are manageable and we were going to make a full recovery.

As we pulled apart an "I love you" fell from my lips and Annabeth grinned wide and pulled me in for another.

Wow ok idk how I feel about this chapter there was a lot that I didn't feel I got across very well but I'm trying and I can only get better right 😂
Anyway thanks for reading and voting on this story and on me I really appreciate it. 🥰😍😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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