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Annabeth POV

It was graduation day for Percy, he was a nervous wreck to say the least. I had made him get his suit and robe ready last night before we went to bed so that we didn't waste time in the morning. He looked really good in a suit but that was besides the point. while he was busy getting dressed i was talking to sally on the kitchen getting a lunch basket ready as after his graduation ceremony they were headed to the park to have a family pic-nick.

"Oh my goodness Sally, i cant believe we are actually here. No wait i can. He's worked so hard for this. I knew he could do it i just cant believe the day has actually come."

"I know exactly what you mean. All those long nights studying really payed off. I'm so proud of him. I knew he could do it. My baby boy is all grown up now and he's a collage graduate!"

Once she'd finnished i steped closer to her. She radiated motherly love and you can never get enough of that now can you? She wrapped her arm over my shoulder In a one armed hug. "I know i have you to thank annabeth. You helped him a lot you know. If it wasnt for you i dont think he would have even gone to colleage let alone graduated."

"I think you underestimate him Sally. He really wanted to graduate, and he pushed himself i just corrected his grammer and proof read his work. Thats all. The rest was all him." She smiled at me as if she knew something i didnt and shook her head . "You dont realise the hold you have on his heart do you. You dont realise that he didn't go to colleage because he wanted to or at least that wasn't the entire reason. He did it for you. He did it because he loves you and he wanted to show you that he can be all that you need him to be."

What was she saying? ... of course he wanted to go to college we tallked about it. He said he wanted to do it because then he could get a good job in the future and... provide for our family. So maybe it was partially for me but i know he did want to graduate. I know how hard he has worked for this. Before i could say any of this sally continued "He confided in me a few months back that yeah he loved colleage and he wanted to get a degree but he could have lived without it. He could have found other means to survive. But he didnt want to. He wanted to go to colleage to show you he could do it that he was willing to suffer through assignment after assignment for you. To prove that he was good enough and that his love was strong enough to survive anything. He also mentioned that without you he actually wouldnt be alive so i guess you also have that going for you."

I was speachless. Had percy really done all of this for me. I mean he must have known that I'd love him with or without a degree to his name because he's my seaweed brain. But I also understand what Sally is saying. Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty. His loyalty to me was one of the reasons he was doing this in the first place. So that we could be in collage together. So we could graduate together. Spend more of our lives together. He did it for me the same way I did it for him. I wanted to be closer to him so we both went to the same college I made sacrifices just like him. But like him i also have no regrets. I love him. So it's worth it.


Lines of students sat waiting for their names to be called. Rows upon rows of chaos all filled with eagerly awaiting students and proud parents. Once the names began to be read out for the graduates to collect their awards the noise settled; less chaotic more excitement.

I was sat with Sally and Paul in the field of parents and family members of those graduating. I was trying to peek over the heads of all those in front of me to see if I could spot my seaweed brain amongst the crowd. So far i couldnt see him and that was slightly worrying. I mean that boy can get himself into all kinds of trouble without much difficulty. My anxiety was eased as I spotted his black messy hair and charming face peering over the top of his fellow classmates heads, in search of something. He was looking along all the rows when he finally caught my eye and his charming face broke out into that dazaling smile that absolutely melted my heart.

We broke eye contact when the girl behind him nudged him forward. It seemed they had just called his name and being so lost in the moment we had lost sight of what was going on around us. With one last breathtaking smile and a sly wink he walked on stage to collect his degree. My heart swelled with pride. I heard a snivel next to me, when i looked across I saw Sally weeping tears of joy, a proud smile on her face and her hand clasped over her heart.

Once the ceremony was over sally gathered us for photos. Being the proud mother she was she took about 1000 photos of percy in many different poses. Paul was taking photos of percy and Sally. There was a beautiful one where Sally was wiping a tear from her cheek as percy softly kissed her cheek.
Paul had just finished taking a photo of percy and his mother when percy said "your turn Paul, get over here" I took the camera from Paul's hand as he took his place besides percy. I took severl of the both of them hugging and laughing and messing around. My favourite one was a candid shot of Paul looking so proud with a tear in his eye and percy tipping his hat to Paul in thanks.

Finally it was my turn. I handed the camera to sally and ran at percy. He caught me and swung me round in an embrace. Whilst still caught in his arms I met him in a kiss. He put me down and we took more photos. I'm sure in a few weeks time we'll see them framed on the kitchen wall.

We left the school for the pick nick in the park.

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