Our holiday adventure

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Percy POV

Annabeth and I were on holiday at a beautiful resort in California. We needed a break from demigod life and just needed some time to ourselves to feel normal and do normal couple things.

The resort was close to the beach front so from our room in the hotel we had a perfect view of the ocean. The blues and greens of the vast ocean always seemed to calm me and having annabeth by my side makes it even better. She looks beautiful, absolutely incredible. I love how she's able to relax so quickly and naturally. Like she doesn't even notice how comfortable she is. I guess that's because California is where she was born so maybe a part of her knows she's home. Like how the ocean is home to me.

The past three days have been amazing. We've been down to the beach a lot, built sandcastles untill our hands hurt, swam in the ocean untill our muscles ached, and spent so much time walking the streets of the city untill the sun came up. And at nights we've cuddled up in front of the TV untill one of us falls asleep.

There's something about California with the sun ever present and the sky a bright blue. The way the sun makes Annabeth's hair look like strands of gold thread, and makes her eyes pop. There's something different about her smile too, it's real and big and bright. I know she happy here and she's enjoying herself because she can't stop smiling. There's something about California that brings out the best in us. It feels like happiness. Like you have no choice but to be calm and relaxed in California, like you are safe and surrounded by the ones you love.

Day four of our trip Annabeth's had a headache and didn't want to get out of bed, so, being the best boyfriend that I am, I stayed in bed with her. I didn't want to leave her, and exploring wouldn't be the same with out Annabeth spouting random facts about everything and anything we pass.

However, after several hours of staying in one room we both became a little restless. The ADHD was playing up because we hadn't had a change of scenery in a while and there's only so long you can lay in bed or watch TV before you get bored.

"Annabeth, how are you feeling? Still got that headache" I asked, wondering if there was anything I could do to help. At least then I'd be occupied for a while.
"It's a little better but not completely gone yet. I should be ok by tomorrow. I'm sorry that you've been stuck inside all day. I know it's not how you'd planned for this trip to workout." She replied meekly.
"Don't be silly Annabeth. I love you. I promised to take care of you for the rest of my life that includes headaches, paper cuts and stubbed toes. Ok. I don't care that we've been inside all day. Because my plan for the holiday was to spend every moment I could with you by my side because that's how much you mean to me. I love you."  As a response she cuddled up to me and kissed my cheek. " Your such a teddy bear. And that's why I love you too." That was all she needed to say for me to know she understood what I had said that I didn't mind being stuck in our room all day because I just love her and I don't need anything else.

It was getting late now and we'd been out of our room only to grab some food from the restaurant. Annabeth's headache had gone now but it was too late to go anywhere as most places would be shut. So we were cuddled up on the couch she was reading and I was playing with her hair. When she looks up at me with mischief in her eyes, and a big smile on her face.

"Uh oh! What's that look for?" I asked cautiously.
"Haha, how do you feel about going for a little swim...?" She had a plan, I could tell and I had a feeling it would get us in trouble. Knowing that it would probably get us into trouble didn't stop me from agreeing to it, whatever it was so without much hesitation I said "I'm in!" And with a big grin on her face she jumped up and ran to our bedroom.
"I'm changing first" she called behind her. All I knew was we were going swimming. I guess that means the beach so once she was ready she came out of the bedroom with a small dress over her swimsuit, then let me get changed. Once I was finished I walked out of our bedroom to find Annabeth already by the door looking eager to leave. So without further delay she rushed over, grabbed my hand and pulled me along the corridors of the hotel.

She didn't stop dragging me untill we got to a black gate.
"Annabeth, what is this place, I though we were going for a swim at the beach!?"
"Nope" was all she said before she began to clime over the locked gate.
"Annabeth! What are you doing? where are we? Come back!" She laughed then said "Come on scaredy cat I told you were going swimming"
At this point I'm already halfway over the gate. As I drop to the floor I see the pool just round the corner and realise she hadn't ment a swim in the sea but the hotels heated pool.

The pool was closed for the night and there's no life guide in sight. So with the coast clear and nobody around to tell us off I dived into the pool. As I resurfaced with a smile on my face I was watching Annabeth. She only dipped a toe into the water to test the temperature. I though she wasn't going to come in and was about to get out and push her in when she started to remove her dress covering her swimsuit. Underneath was a small black swimsuit. A new one that I hadn't seen before. And before my brain could short circuit she cannon balled into the water. She resurfaced laughing and swam over to me.

We spent a good hour swimming around and splashing eachother before we heard the first sign of life outside our little bubble. We stopped what we were doing and I pulled Annabeth underwater with me and pushed us up against the wall so if anyone came to look at the pool they wouldn't seen us. Hopefully. We shared an air bubble and once we were sure whoever had come was gone we slowly resurfaced. After checking our surroundings Annabeth begin to giggle, that giggle became a full belly laugh. I joined in. After a few minuits of laughing we both looked at eachother. "That was a close one" Annabeth chuckled.
"If we get caught it's all your fault remember that!" I joked and she splashed me in return.

After a twenty minute splash war which I won. I was beginning to get tired and I yawned loudly stretching my arms up in the air. Outside of the water the air was freezing so I quickly lowered them back into the water. Annabeth swam over to me.
"Should we head back to the room?" She asked quietly knowing I was tired and would crash if I wasn't in bed soon. But I didn't want to leave just yet. So I shook my head and pulled her closer untill we were pressed against eachother in the middle of the pool. I held Annabeth by the waist as she slipped her hands around my neck. Then we kissed. I loved kissing Annabeth. She's so soft and gentle when we kiss, less like the worrier I see on the battle field and more of the teddy bear I know is inside. It's like she melts, her tough outer shell is broken away and she becomes soft in my embrace. I realise I'm probably the same. When I'm around her I'm putty and she knows it. She knows the power she holds and knows I would do anything to keep kissing her. It's not a particularly long kiss but I'm left breathless after, and if the sound of her heavy breathes is anything to go by she is too.

As we were now both getting tired we climbed out of the pool to head back to our room. One problem. In the rush to get here we both forgot to bring towels. And the pool was heated so as soon as we stepped out we began to freeze. Annabeth had brought a dress to cover her bikini so she was at least covered. I on the other had just came in my swim trunks so I was becoming an icicle as we speak. We both rushed into the hotel as quickly as we could. Climbing over the fence whilst wet and freezing wasn't as easy as I had hoped, we had both slipped at one point and I was starting to lose feeling in my hands.

We made it back to our hotel room and changed into our warmest pyjamas. We were too cold to do anything but snuggle. So that's exactly what we did.

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading my story and showing your support. I hope you liked this chapter sorry for not updating in a while but it always makes me smile to see that someone else has read my story or saved it to their reading list. Please be safe, with everything going on right now I hope this story can be a little light in the darkness. ❤️

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