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"Why are we doing this again? We're perfectly fine here," I say to my mom, who was counting boxes.

"I was offered a great promotion I couldn't pass up; we really need the money," she responds.

I used to live in Busan, which is along the southern coast of South Korea. My upbringing wasn't anything special; my normal family lived in an ordinary neighborhood and a typical high school with typical students. My brother Chan and I were enrolled in the same high school; he a senior, and I a junior, which he teases me about relentlessly. We lived with our mother, Bang Siwon, but now we're uprooting and moving to the city of Gwangju.

In our old school, Chan was somehow very popular and had a large friend group, whilst I didn't really have any friends of my own beside him, and he noticed that. Chan regularly made an effort to include me when he hung with his friends, which I really appreciated; he really did try to make a place for me among the social scene of school, even if I never talked to anyone. But now that we're moving, I don't know what's gonna happen to either of us in terms of fraternizing. It's scary, but definitely exciting.

"Do you have everything packed, sweetheart?" my mom asks, hoisting a miscellaneous box onto another.

"Yea," I reply monotonously, cracking my knuckles, "I just moved them downstairs while you were helping with Chan's stuff."

"Good. Would you be able to help me get these all into the living room? The moving truck will be here in a couple of minutes," she says motioning to the boxes on the floor. "And grab the plane tickets from the kitchen counter?" I nod and grab some boxes and moving them into the living room.

As we tend to the boxes, Chan does one last check around the house, making sure we've cleared everything. A motor revs in the driveway of our condo, and Chan nearly bursts with excitement. "Trucks are here!" he yells. Stuffing the plane tickets into my tiny backpack, I rush to move all of the boxes into the moving truck.

After about an hour of back-breaking labor, we finished loading everything into the truck. "I think that's it," my mom affirms, wiping the sweat off her brow. "The plane leaves in a couple hours, let's hit the road."

"Thank you for your help!" Chan shouts at the movers, waving his hand animatedly out the front door. He turns to me and smiles; "Let's go get on that plane!"


"Flight AD3 boarding now! Flight AD3 boarding now! Flight AD3!" the intercom sounds. I jump out of my seat excitedly, grab my carry-on, and rush to board the plane, my mother and brother following suit.

The plane didn't have as many people on board as I thought it would. I got the window seat, Chan sat in the middle and our mother on the end. My idiot brother eventually fell asleep on my shoulder during the flight, but if I'm honest, it didn't bother me at all. I laid my head on his and proceeded to fall asleep.


short beginning chapter! the chapter length will extend as time goes on! -q

a great start, i think -p

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