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no more dream - bts



My first class was history; it was extremely boring, but already having a friend there made everything a bit more bearable. However, I got a weird vibe the entire class period, as if someone was staring at me; but I assumed I was just being paranoid because I'm new. Soon, the bell rang, and San approached me, "Let's go walk to our next class together."

"At least I never need to worry about getting lost," I say, chuckling. I grab my bag and walk with San out of the door and start to walk to our next class, Chemistry. I walk inside and follow San to his seat like a lost puppy, totally unsure of myself, and take the seat beside him. "I'm glad no teacher has called me up to introduce myself," I whisper to him as I see other students funnel into the class.

"Don't jinx yourself, Y/n, you never know" he whispers back, grinning mischievously. The last bell rings, and I see a man stand up in the front of the class.

"Welcome back class, I have some exciting news for you all today," he says with a smile. Oh shit I think, feeling my heart start to race. "We have a new student! Bang Y/n? Can you please stand up for me?" He asks. I was at the back of the room and stood from my chair, making everyone look at me.

I'll just pretend to be confident I think. "Hello everyone, I'm Bang Y/n and I'm from Busan, please take care of me!" I greet, before quickly sitting back down. I felt myself release a breath I didn't realize I was holding, thinking, that wasn't so bad.

A girl in front of San and I turns around and greets me with a smile while the rest of the class started talking to one another. "Hi! My name's Wu Nari," She says as she sticks out her hand. I grab it in mine and shake it. Her hands were really soft, and she had very striking eyes.

"It's nice to meet you," I respond; she smiles brightly and turns back to the front of the class.

"Alright class today we are going to be learning the basics about Okazaki fragments," our instructor says. I'm already lost... I could just daydream all day while looking around the room.

I see people taking notes and others are drawing onto their desks. "Y/n, do you know anything about leading and lagging strands?" the teacher asks, whose name I still don't know. I start to panic and scrape the bottom of my brain for anything about Okazaki fragments.

"The lagging strand is upside down from the leading strand. The leading strand starts with 5' and ends in 3' where the lagging strand starts with 3' and ends in 5'," I spout, wringing my hands under my desk out of nervousness.

"At least you aren't going into this unit blind," he sighs with a small smile, turning back to the board and addressing the class once more.

I immediately turn to San and confess, "I have no idea what the fuck I just said." I hear Nari chuckle from in front of me and San suppress a laugh. I feel pride; I'm making friends.

The class ended and it was time for break. "Come sit with me and my friends, I want to introduce you to them," San says as he grabs his laptop and shoves it into his backpack along with his notebook. I eye him carefully.

"Are you sure they'll like me?" I ask hesitantly, hoisting my backpack up onto my shoulder. I already finished packing my bag, not like there was much to pack anyways.

"Of course they will," he assures, grabbing my hand and leading me to the cafeteria. San seemed to be a cuddly and touchy type of person, which I didn't mind much, so I never rejected his skinship. 

We entered the cafeteria, and I felt a bit underwhelmed. Busan was a large city, so I was used to a throng of loud students. Underwhelming, but perfect. The cafeteria was peacefully quiet-- just how I like it.

 We arrived at a table with 7 other people. San sat me next to him and all of the other boys looked at me.

"Oh shit, did San get a girl?" Someone with blue-gray hair asks.

"No, I'm her tour guide today, she's new," San says. "This is Bang Y/n." I quickly ran my eyes over the one with the blue gray-hair, raking my eyes over each boy as quick as possible. Uh oh. They were all super cute.

A younger boy seemed to perk up. "Hi, I'm Choi Jongho!" he said cheerfully, bouncing as he spoke.

"I'm Kim Hongjoong," The boy next to his says with a bright smile, calming my nerves. He seemed fairly amiable.

"My name's Kang Yeosang," A boy with reddish hair says; he had very striking eyes.

"I'm Song Mingi," that same blue-gray haired boy, now known to me as Mingi, said.

"Park Seonghwa," an older looking man greeted with a smile that could blind someone, voice rich like honey.

"I'm Jung Wooyoung," a boy says with dark brown hair with a purple tint says. He was a bit louder than the rest. I look at the boy next to him and he seemed to be looking down. Wooyoung nudges the boy but he doesn't seem to look up... maybe he's shy?

"Yunho, say hi," Seonghwa says as he pushes the boy's shoulder from reaching behind Wooyoung.

"He's not obligated to greet me, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to," I mention softly, feeling guilty into having his friends pressure him into greeting me. Suddenly mystery boy perks up.

"No! No, it's fine..I'm Yunho," he says, raising his head to look at me. Immediately, I recognize him.

"Flower shop boy!" I exclaim, the corners of my eyes crinkling up.

"You guys already know one another?" Hongjoong asks skeptically, raising a brow as his eyes move from Yunho and I. Yunho I thought quietly. Finally, a cute name for the cute flower shop clerk.

"She walked into the shop yesterday because she was buying a plant for her new house," Yunho explains, giving a pointed look at Hongjoong. I nod in agreement. San is silent for a moment but then laughs lightly.

"At least you know someone else in the group," he smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Suddenly the bell rings and San helps me stand up. I congratulate myself internally; I can already tell San and I will have the friendship everyone wishes they have, a perfect platonic match. "C'mon we gotta get to class," San says as he grabs my hand again and starts to run off.

"Bye, everyone!" I yell to the rest of the group, waving with my free hand. The majority of the group wave back and yell goodbye, except for Yunho, who seems to just stare at us with a somber look on his face. I turn away, almost feeling hurt.

"I don't think Yunho likes me very much," I admit to San, letting my shoulders drop as we walked away.

"Really? I think he likes you a lot."

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