True kisses

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Harry and Hermione talked as they walked down the hall.

"are you up for the spin the bottle tonight?" she teased and he smirked "sure thing" she smiled and held her head up high "Ginny's going to be there" she teased, they've been dating for a while.. but they never show affection, go on dates.. they just.. hold hands sometimes.. "spin the bottle you say" the one and only Draco Malfoy stood in front of Harry, talking directly to Harry.. not caring for Hermione next to him.. "yes, you coming?" Harry had to tilt his head back to look Draco in the eyes.. he grew over the summer "depends on who's going" he had his arms crossed as he held his posture correctly. Harry shifted his glasses "me, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Dean, uh Seamus, uh. I think that's all.." he said looked up at him with soft eyes. Draco nodded "where?" he hummed. Hermione was rocking on her feet as she watched this interaction "room of requirements" Harry said finally, and Draco smirked "time?" he hummed causing him to blush more... "uh- 3" he muttered softly "alright, see you there."

"what the hell was that Harry!" Hermione yelled once they got to the Gryffindor tower.. her arms flailing around madly "What Hermione!? He was nice for once!" he yelled back, and she groaned "Whatever" she walked up the stairs to her dorm. Harry fell on the couch and crossed his arms "hey babe" lips pressed against his cheek and Ginny sat next to him.. he hummed annoyingly.. and stared at the fireplace "you excited for tonight?" she said happily and he hummed again "maybe we can actually kiss~" she said eagerly, and he snapped his head to her "actually kiss? We could kiss whenever we want; it's not an actual kiss anyway it's a peck on the lips, nothing more" he snapped, he turned away. She sighed, defeated.

Most of the people sat around in a circle, just waiting for 2 more people.. Hermione and Ginny were talking, Ron, Dean, Seamus, Fred, and George were all talking. Harry, on the other hand, was walking rather slowly to the room of requirements "why so slow Potter?" Draco said, leaning against the wall by the huge mahogany door. Harry blushed "oh uh- I didn't actually think you'd come," he said softly.. standing in front of him "why not? I have nothing better to do tonight so" he had a soft smirk over his lips "we... should go in," Harry said looking at him then at the door and he nodded, rolling off the wall and pushing the door open. Harry followed behind him and filled the two open spots.. it went Draco, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, George, Fred, Dean, Seamus and back to Draco. Hermione placed the glass bottle in the middle.

"who first," she said and Ginny leaned over and spun it.. it landed on Seamus.. his face turned red.. they leaned across the circle and their lips touched.. they both separated quickly and wiped their lips.. everyone was giggling. Draco chuckled some. "Seamus" Hermione nodded to him and he spun.. Dean.. his face was highly red "we didn't plan this right- there are only 2 girls" Dean said and they all laughed. Dean rolled his eyes and gently kisses Seamus' lips and they separated away. Dean spun and it landed on Hermione... Ron's eyes narrowed as they pecked and nothing more. Hermione spun and landed on George who laughed and pecked again. George spun and landed on Fred, everyone laughed loudly as they pretended to make out... they laughed and bumped fists. Fred spun the bottle and it landed on Ginny "ew" he said kissing his sister awkwardly. Ginny spun, and it landed on Harry, she smiled and went for a passionate kiss but after their lips touched Harry pulled away. he spun and stopped when it did.. he was frozen... everyone was.. it landed on Draco.. his beautiful pale face was a light pink. Harry shook his head quickly.. got up and ran out.. he was in the bathroom now.. blushing and shaking.

"do I go look for him?" Draco said softly, and Hermione looked at him, same with Ron "you're the last person he wants to see" Ron spat, he received a slap to the arm. Draco left to find him anyway.. the first place he went was the bathroom.. "sorry for walking out.." Harry said as he watched Draco come in through the mirror "hey.. i- I don't want you to feel awkward" he stopped next to Harry in the mirror.. slightly behind him.. Harry turned around quickly as his heart pounded and kissed him.. Draco was socked but gently kissed back... Harry pulled away with a hot blush over his cheeks "sorry-" Draco shook his head he smiled "shh" he said softly, and Harry giggled "are you okay?" Draco said, and Harry nodded "I am sorry about running out. I just- mmm" he said, and Draco smiled.. "want a hug?" he cooed softly, and Harry nodded, and Draco pulled him to his chest.. "you're so small" Draco giggled making Harry blush.. he looked up and smiled "mean," he said softly, and Draco smiled, Harry puckered his lips.. he wanted another kiss.. which made Draco blush more "are you sure?" he whispered and Harry nodded, keeping his lips puckered. Draco leaned down and kissed him softly.. slowly and gently.. they separated with a light pop.. "you're a better kisser than I thought" the words slipped from his mouth like he always said it. No hesitation. Draco chuckled and leaned against him "want to go back?" he hummed quietly, and Harry nodded.. when Draco released his arms around Harry, he noticed the boy's crooked glasses.. he chuckled and fixed them — kissing his head softly. Making him blush. the door opened "what are-" It was Ron.. he saw Draco fixing Harry's glasses and pushing his fringe away from his eyes "we were just leaving" Harry said gently moving the hand away from his face making Draco smirk. They left the bathroom and went back to the room of requirements.. they were all sat on couches now, talking. Ron went to Hermione and Ginny. Harry sat in the corner on the large armchair which could fit two people "sit?" Harry patted next to him as he looked at Draco who smiled and took the spot next to him.. "I'm sorry" Draco said, and Harry looked at him.. slightly confused "sorry for?" he stretched his words.. "everything.. being a jerk to you and- just being a prick" Draco muttered, and Harry smiled.. leaning his head on Draco's arm.. He sat up once he saw Ginny walking over to him "hi baby~" she cooed, sitting on his lap and moving in slow circles.. this made Harry very uncomfortable.. his face scrunched up awkwardly. Draco chuckled softly at Harry's face "what are you laughing at" Ginny said sourly, and Draco rose his eyebrows "how cute Harry's face turns when he's uncomfortable with you" he said bitterly, and Harry blushed "what do you mean?" she snapped, and Draco laughed again "you can tell he hates it when you sit on his lap. His face scrunches up. I bet he would love it if you'd get off of him" he snapped, and Harry blushed more. Ginny looked at him and rose her eyebrows.. he didn't say anything but look away. She groaned and sat off of him. walking back to Hermione. "thank you" Harry sighed and Draco smiled.. he turned Harry's head and covered their faces with his hand and kissed his bottom lip softly.. "holy.. mmm" Harry hummed quietly making Draco smile... he dropped his hand with a large smirk.. "are we going to continue the spin the bottle game?" Dean said sitting down on the floor again, and everyone got up to sit too. Harry and Draco sat next to each other.

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