Winter together

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Harry wrapped his scarf around his neck and looked in the mirror, fixing his hair slightly "do you think we'll get into trouble if we go into the snow?" Harry muttered, turning around to Draco who was putting a scarf on too "possibly not, only if we go in the back" Draco said (I know there isn't a back to Sirius' house just.. shush pretend owo) Harry nodded and Draco smiled. They walked down the stairs and Hermione watched them walk out the back door.. she peaked through the window to see what they were doing..

 Harry and Draco played in the snow for a while as Hermione observed.. they were throwing snow back and forth at each other, laughing... Harry stumbled to Draco, laughing, who was also laughing and had snow in his hair. Harry put his hands on his chest and smiled up at him "i love you beautiful" Draco said softly, Hermione read their lips, smirking "I love you too Dragon" Harry said softly, giggling in between. Harry put his hands by Draco's ear and one on the back of his head, gently tangling his finger tips into his hair, standing on his toes to kiss him, Draco put his hands on his waist and pulled him closer, leaning down for him.. the kiss was slow, small open kisses.. their eyes were shut as snow fell over them.. Hermione was giggling inside as she watched.. Draco pulled on Harry's bottom lip making him giggle and blush "your nose is cold" Draco laughed brushing his own nose against Harry's making him giggle "but your lips are warm and soft" he hummed quietly making him blush.. Harry rested his arms over Draco's shoulders and perked his lips "i disagree" Harry said and Draco smirked "oh yeah?" Draco hummed and Harry nodded.. "mmm i want to pin you in the snow right now" Draco laughed and Harry blushed "and do what?" he smirked.. Draco smiled "anything, kiss you slowly.. then tickle you" his voice was slow, until he started tickling Harry's sides.. Harry fell to the snow laughing.. "okay! okay! you win!" Harry laughed after seconds of painful laughing from the tickles, Harry's laughs slowed down and took breaths as Draco stopped tickling him, he was leaning over him.. Draco smirked and took the moment to kiss him again "you'll always win me over" Harry muttered softly once they separated slowly "oh? do i?" Draco said softly and Harry smiled "yeah" Harry hummed, "my back is uh- cold" Harry said once he noticed he was laying deep in the snow and Draco laughed, sitting up off of him and helping Harry up.. Draco gently brushed the snow off of his back and butt making him blush.. Draco hugged him from behind making him giggle "want to go cuddle inside?" Draco said, gently nibbling the side of his ear making him giggle more "yeah" Harry whispered and Draco place a warm kiss on his blushed cheeks.

After the changed from their snow covered outfits they went back downstairs to the living room. Harry sat on the floral black couch and watched Draco light the fire.. Harry looked over at the grand piano in the room "hey Dray?" Harry said and he turned around after finishing "mmm yes beautiful" he said, Harry's cheeks turned a light red "do you know how to play piano?" Harry said and Draco smirked "yeah, why?" he said and Harry blushed more "i don't know, just wanted to know" Harry giggled when Draco kissed his forehead "i can teach you" Draco said and Harry's eyes lit up "okay" he said happily, Draco smiled taking his hand and walking to the old looking piano. Harry sat down next to Draco on the small bench.. Draco popped his knuckles and started to gently play.. Harry smiled brightly.. he put his hands on the keys when Draco told him to.. 

They laughed and giggled as Draco helped Harry play, soon they got a smooth rhythm but sometimes Harry would hit a lower key causing them to laugh.. Hermione leaned in the doorway with Ron next to her.. Harry and Draco had no clue they were stood there.. Draco leaned down slightly as he and Harry looked at each other and pecked his lips making him smile "I love you cutie" Draco said and Harry giggled "I love you too" he said blushing.. "alright don't get all lovey dovey in here, i might get sick at how cute it is" Hermione said and they laughed "how long have you been there?" Harry said, blushing.. "since we heard you guys playing the piano" Hermione said, leaning off the wall. Harry leaned on Draco's arm "so- you played in the snow earlier" Hermione mentioned and they laughed "you were watching us then too huh?" Draco said, taking Harry's hand into his own "maybe"  Hermione laughed, Ron smiled "wait what happened in the slow?" he laughed "they were kissssing and being cuuuuuute" she teased making them blush. Draco released his hands with Harry and got up, walking up to Hermione "I want to spend time with Harry, I rarely get to have time alone with him.. also i need to figure out a way of coming out with Harry to the rest of the order" Draco whispered into Hermione's ear and she nodded "i'll shut the door so people don't come in and i'll totally not watch time to time" Hermione giggled into his ear and he rolled his eyes "just- i don't want him feeling uncomfortable with me knowing someone would be watching.." he whispered back and she nodded "understandable" she hummed.. Draco walked back to Harry and took his hand as the two left, saying goodbye "now, i got them out of here" Draco hummed, putting his hands on Harry's waist and sliding his fingertips into Harry's back pockets making him blush "we can cuddle" Draco said, pulling him close to his torso they touched making him giggle, as Harry gazed up at him "and have long kisses~" he hummed, kissing him softly and slowly.. soon it turned to slow open kisses as their tongues gazed over each other. Harry's hands were messily in his hair as they moved back and forth.. they separated once their lips were swollen and red.. they giggled and Harry leaned against the boy's chest "i don't know what i would do without you" Harry giggled softly, Draco gently slipped one hand out of his pocket and rubbed his lower back "you'd be in a horrible relationship that would hurt you a lot more than you think it would" Draco said softly making Harry blush.

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