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Harry combed his hair slowly and fixed his tie and flattening his blazer.. he took a long breath and he heard pattering behind him, Dakota came trotting in with her little bowtie around her neck. Harry chuckled and pet her making her tail wag "beautiful girl" he cooed and her eyes squinted up as she smiled. "take the flowers" Harry chuckled, grabbing the basket of flower petals and the took it into her mouth. Hermione poked her head in "hey, it's about time" she had a beautiful white dress on and he nodded. Dakota walked out after Hermione and the music began, Arthur walked Harry down the aisle after Dakota trotted down the aisle making people awe and laugh at the beautiful fluffy dog, walk down the aisle with a basket of flowers in her mouth. She went to the podium next to Draco, sitting down still keeping the basket handle in her mouth. The music was slow and heart touching.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, Take Draco Lucius Malfoy as your lawfully wedded husband?" the elder hummed, holding a book in front of him as Harry and Draco held hands. Dakota before dropped the basket down gently and went back to get the rings from Hermione, Resting them on her head and walking back slowly, this caused everyone to laugh more. "I do," Harry said softly, he couldn't stop smiling, he looked down at his feet and smiled more, looking back up. This didn't feel real, it felt like a dream. It once was a dream to Harry, now it's a reality. "and do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Harry as your lawfully wedded husband?" he said slowly, "I do" Draco said, rubbing the back of Harry's hand with his thumb "with the power invested in me, I pronounce you Husband and- Husband! You may now kiss the- just kiss!" He said making everyone laugh again, Draco chuckled and kissed him softly and Harry smiled into the kiss. Harry and Draco linked arms and walked down the aisle, Dakota stole the spot light by walking in front of them. "We did it" Draco hummed and Harry chuckled "we sure did" finishing their walk down the aisle.

It was hours later, Harry was in just his white button up and socks, his hair messy again and a cup of water in his hand as he sat on the kitchen counter in Sirius's old house which Draco redecorated for him. Draco was making dinner for the two of them as Dakota laid on the cold tile floor with her tail curled up by her side, Draco chuckled and stepped over her as he cooked.. There was grand white cabinets, a beautiful marble island in the middle of the small kitchen and marble counter tops. Harry was sat on the counter top closest to the window which had pretty silk curtains and a push out window which has plants and succulents rested on the shelf. There was a large double door fridge in a shiny silver to match the dishwasher, sink, and cooker. At the island there was bar stools for both of them but they rarely sat at the island, they usually sat at in the connected dining room that has a nice wooden stained table and smooth white chairs with table ornaments and hanging lights above. Dakota's ears wiggled and she opened one eye to see what Draco was doing. "What do you want to do for our honeymoon?" Harry said, bringing the glass up to take a sip of water. Draco hummed as he used lime zest over the pan of stuffed chicken "whatever you want to do baby" Draco said, walking over to him as he waited for the chicken to finish and the vegetables to finish steaming. Harry sat his glass down and put his hands around the boy's neck as he stood between his legs, gently putting his fingers in the ends of Draco's silky hair. Draco put his hands on the top of Harry's hips and pulled him to the edge of the counter and pressed his body against the cabinets as their noses brushed gently "i want to go to a pretty beach" Harry said softly, his mouth barely moving as focused on the soft breath against his lips. Harry couldn't help but smile until their lips gently connected, the kiss was soft and slow and pure bliss. "you're the only pretty thing i see love" Draco said smoothly making him giggle "ready to eat baby?" Draco said, rubbing his hip gently with one hand as the small bell dinged making Dakota look up and her ears perk up. "yeah" Harry whispered softly, his voice was as soft when he first liked Draco, like very soft for some reason.. He'd always whisper when Draco was around, or when he's talking to him, his voice would become very soft and gentle and he'd giggle a lot and blush more than ever. It was as if Harry and Draco were the only ones in the room if it was with a group. Draco slipped out of the boy's grip and got the plates ready, he put the chicken onto the plate and steamed vegetables and peppers. Harry got down and took his glass and followed Draco to the dining room... they sat down and ate happily, talking about anything that came to mind.

"I love you beautiful" Draco said softly, gently spinning Harry as they danced in the living room... "I love you more" Harry giggled as he pulled him close so their noses touched "all we need is a kid and our family will be complete" Draco hinted with a wink as he placed his hand against Harry's lower back and smiled "how many do you want?" Harry said softly and Draco brushed his nose against Harry's "2 maybe" Draco hummed and Harry nodded "we can go get Teddy, his grandmother isn't in the best health so I believe Teddy would like it here" Harry said softly and Draco smiled "how old is he now?" Draco hummed and Harry took a minute to think "2 or 3- i can't remember fully" Harry said and Draco nodded "he'll be our tester" Draco chuckled and Harry smiled, Draco pulled the boy close and kissed him softly, Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss back passionately. They heard a bark which made them laugh "i think it's time to go to bed" Draco chuckled as he looked over at Dakota who's tail was wagging quickly "I think it is too" Harry said and the 3 left upstairs. Harry didn't bother changing into anything since he was wearing his button up still but Draco took his shirt off and put his joggers on and laid in bed. Harry cuddled to his chest and Dakota jumped onto the bed making them chuckled.. she curled up at the end of the bed and let out a huff. Harry turned the lamp off next to him and they sat in darkness for a bit until they were both asleep...

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