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(kind of a short chapter) [EDIT: i was in a very flirty mood when i wrote this.... sorry not sorry]

Harry was snuggled comfortably in his bed, Draco laying next him.. Harry was laying on Draco's arm causing it to become numb.. Draco was awake next to him but he didn't want to wake the boy up yet.. he looked like a kitten sleeping next to him.. it melted his heart.. about 30 minutes later his numb arm started to ache a tiny bit so he leaned down, gently brushing his smooth lips against Harry's making him smile a tiny bit.. Draco continued to kiss him but Harry didn't budge.. so Draco slowly slipped his arm out from behind him and kissed down his chin.. and to his neck where light bruises sat. He left hot kisses on his neck and throat.. Harry let out a whimpered moan making Draco smirk.. he bit gently on his collarbone and licked over it gently making him gasp softly "wake up Lion" Draco said, kissing all over his neck and Harry grunted softly "i'll leave more" Draco hummed, sucking and kissing hotly making Harry move his head back into the pillows.. Harry's Adam's apple kept bobbing as he gulped, trying not to drool.. Draco chuckled softly as he went up to his lips and kissed him slowly.. Harry put his arms around his neck and kissed him softly "good morning to you too" Draco chuckled, pecking his lips again making him giggle "i didn't want to wake up" Harry pouted softly and Draco smirked "but it's Christmas" Draco said quietly and Harry shrugged "so, i only want to spend the day with you~" Harry giggled and Draco smiled, kissing his lips softly once more "but you still have the Weasley's here, Hermione, Sirius, Remus and Nymphadora too" Draco hummed and Harry shrugged "i mean, you're here too so you can spend it with all of us" Harry said making Draco smile.. He never had a 'family' to spend Christmas with.. to sit around a fireplace and Christmas tree filled underneath with presents.. laughs and chatting.. only silence and monotone chats.. not presents.. just bland tea and crumpets by a dead fire.. Draco brushed his nose against Harry's and he giggled "i want coffee" Harry muttered softly and Draco smirked and sat up "then let's go get coffee" he hummed and Harry nodded, getting up. Harry only had a white button up on that he fell asleep in. it ended at his thighs.. they walked down stairs and into the kitchen, no one was in there.. Harry turned to the clock and groaned.

"it's 6 in the morning Draco" he groaned and Draco smirked "I know" Draco hummed and Harry groaned again making Draco laugh "you're such a child" Draco said walking to the coffee pot as Harry sat on the counter. Harry let out a giggle that made Draco smile, he popped the coffee cup under the spout and let the coffee drip down into it. Once it filled the cup to took it out and dropped 2 sugars into the mug. Walking to harry and handing it to him "thank you" Harry hummed gently pecking Draco's lips making the little pop noise and he smiled.. Draco stood between Harry's legs and looked at him with a smile as he took a sip. "yummy" he said softly after swallowing it. Draco smiled and Harry let him take a sip.. they sat in the kitchen together for about 30 minutes.. Ginny, Hermione and the twins came down into the kitchen without them noticing "I love you beautiful" Draco hummed.. Ginny's heart sank "i love you too" Harry giggled softly and Draco kissed him.. leaving the kiss linger between them "stop making out" Hermione chuckled getting a drink of water, and they blushed.. Harry was already finished with his coffee "Merry Christmas to you too Hermione" Harry muttered and she giggled "Happy 6 months baby" Harry blushed at the softness in Draco's voice and he smiled.. leaning his head against Draco's "Happy 6 months" Harry giggled.. Once everyone was awake they went to the living room.. Molly lit the fire.

Draco was sat in a arm chair with Harry in his lap. Hermione, Ron and Ginny sat on a 3 people couch, Fred and George sat in a larger arm chair. Remus, Tonks, Sirius was sat on the other 3 people couch. Molly was up giving people their presents.. Molly handed Draco 3 small boxes and gave him a wink, which he smirked to. Harry was very confused.. They were all handed their gifts and they opened them one by one. Draco held back on opening his 3. Harry giggled at his new writing journal and Draco smiled, holding his waist comfortably "Harry, you have 3 more love" Draco said as everyone started chatting again, Harry blushed as Draco played with the loose ends of the Harry's shirt "wait? why" he giggled softly and Draco's gentle cream colored face turned a warm pink "because, I love you a lot and want to give you some things" Draco gently nibbled the end of Harry's ear making him giggle more.. As Harry spent more and more time with Draco he kept using contacts, just so he didn't need to deal with his loose glasses. Draco placed the largest box of the 3 into his lap, it was still small though.. Harry gently took the small ribbon off and opened the box.. taking out a beautiful diamond cologne bottle, the glass was chiseled at ends and gently curved.. it looked expensive.. Harry's pulse fluttered happily and he smelt the tip.. it spelled of cherry blossoms and the ocean.. how can it get this better? I mean it was an already beautiful and expensive gift.. "thank you so much Dray" he said gazing at it with happiness.. "don't thank me yet love, you still have 2 more" he chuckled and Harry blushed more... how much money did he use on him? Draco handed him the next box which was a rectangle.. when Harry popped of the top he put his hand over his chest. It was a beautiful teardrop shaped diamond.. it had an engraving of a DLM which made him smile even more. "Baby" Harry said softly, gently tracing his thumb over it. Draco gently kissed his ear making his heart flutter 2x faster. "I love it" he said breathlessly "then you'll love your last one" Draco hummed, holding the smallest box. Same as the others with the smallest ribbon around it harry has ever seen. He giggled and took the small ribbon off, slowly opening it his heart fluttered. It was a beautiful diamond ring that was shaped like a crown (photo at the top owo) "oh my god, Draco.. oh my god" he had a lost of words.. it was so beautiful "Draco" was all he could let out.. Draco smiled, holding around his waist and setting his head on his shoulder "how much was all of this?" Harry said softly and Draco smiled. "£44,388.30" Draco said softly and Harry's jaw popped open "Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Harry said in shock getting everyone's attention back. They already had Hermione's and Sirius' attention "what" Draco chuckled and Harry shook his head "love, you know I can't take these" he said softly and Draco smiled "but you are" Draco hummed and Harry blushed.. after a lot back and forth between them Harry finally gave in "fine but I have to make it up to you" he pouted and Draco smirked gently kissing his nose. "what just happened?" Ron said and they laughed "Draco here got me the most freaking expensive things i have ever had in my life and i'm very mad because he spent so much money on me" Harry exaggerated his voice making Draco laugh "i mean come on, he's rich he's obviously going to spoil you Harry" Hermione giggled. Harry was blushing as he held the small things... Draco slipped the diamond teardrop out of Harry's fingers and put it around his neck, latching it around the back. He had a smile over his face that he was trying to hide which made them smile. "Put the ring on him" Hermione hissed and they laughed, Draco gently took the box and the ring out.. holding onto Harry's left hand and sliding the ring on so when he looked at it, it looked like a crown. "I can't believe you actually used £44,388 on me Draco! you're literally insane" Harry said putting his hand on Draco's that was still across his stomach.. "only insane for you, love" Draco cooed, gently kissing his shoulder and over to his neck making him giggle "that tickles" he giggled and Draco smiled, "wait, Hermione take a photo" Ron laughed and Hermione picked up the Polaroid camera she just got and took a photo of Harry and Draco being adorable, Harry's head was turned away from the camera and Draco's nose was just barely touching Harry's making him smile "you guys look like you just got married" Ron laughed, everyone laughed including the boys.. 

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