1. [Edited]

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The loud hum of chaotic chatter bounced pandemoniously of the brightly lit walls that basked in the glare of the white light it was reveling in after months of abandonment, the long vacation having induced the never ending shadows of darkness across the polished tiled floors and shiny metal lockers.

A sea of dark heads streamed through filling the narrow hallways in a buzz of excitement at being reunited with friends and colleagues and lovers in the natural environment of their college. Eager to share gossip and flaunt about trips to foreign destinations.

A blob of silver in the mass of browns and blacks floated gracefully forward, stopping only once strong arms were wrapping around a blonde's waist.

"TaeTae!! I missed you so much!"

"We literally met yesterday, Jiminnie baby." The voice, dripping with honey and deeper than the oceans and seas, chuckled in response, twisting in the other's hold to face fluffy hair and soft cheeks that the younger smushed between large, warm palms, a large grin spread across pretty features.

"24 entire hours. 24 hours too long. It was hell." Taehyung could only snigger at his boyfriend's exaggerated whines, pulling his arms back from where small adorable fingers had wrapped around his wrists to keep fhe hands nuzzled against his round face.

"You big baby. Why am I dating a child again?"

"Coz you love me." Jimin grinned self appreciatingly.

"I guess I can't argue with that splendid logic."

The couple kept up a steady streaming of disgustingly saccharine couple-y behaviour, hands barely staying off of each other, touching, caressing, patting, brushing silky hair strands away from each others' faces.

Much to the dismay of the two pairs of eyes watching the oblivious pair from two different locations.

"Stop eye fucking him and give it up Jeon. You have been trying for close to two years now and it's obvious he has no interest in you."

"He is just playing hard to get. How do you even know?" The doe-eyed ravenette huffed akin to a toddler, making a pathetic attempt to argue against that highly logical and annoyingly pessimistic yet true statement.

"Uh...well the fact that he has a boyfriend would be enough of a clue for any sane person. They act as if they are a newly married couple." Yugyeom could only point out indignantly, arms crossed across his chest as he leaned his torso against his blue metal locker, eyes flitting back and forth between his friend and the subject of his earnest interest.

"Doesn't mean much. It's just a lousy boyfriend versus me. He can't resist me. You will see." Anybody could sense the hesitance he felt in his own words.

"I have been seeing and he has most certainly been downright ignoring you. For two years now-"

"Can you stop saying 'two years'?"

"You know what else? It's his boyfriend who, not to mention, has also been his best friend since we were practically in diapers and who his family absolutely loves versus you, who is...well, no offence, You. It's quite obvious who he will and has chosen. Wanna know the answer incase it'snot obvious? Ding ding ding. It's not you."

"You are so mean to me gyeom. Why am I friends with you?" The shorter all but whined, so betrayed.

"Coz you are a complete idiot and you need someone to copy work from."

"Shut up you shit. Go away if all you wanna do is be a prick to your bestfriend. As if I havent covered your ass when you dissapear your boyfriend to get it wrecked."

You And Me | vkook [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now