"Jungkook seriously. Can you stop moping like a kicked puppy?"

Everyone was bloody tired of Jungkook constantly watching a certain blonde from afar, like a lovesick, hopelessly whipped baby animal while said blonde was busy with his own friends, currently occupying Jimin's lap and being disgustingly lovey dovey.

It was endearing at first, how the big bad boy was so incorrigibly and unknowingly wrapped tight around Kim Taehyung's little finger. But now it was gyrating on everyone's nerves.

Especially since the guy refused to converse, spent all their lunch time staring pitifully at Taehyung's head, and when he did open his mouth the conversation somehow always diverted to how soft his hair looked and how pretty his lips were and how he would look under him.

Right in front of their salad.

See, they all admitted that Taehyung was beautiful but they really didnt wanna know about all the ways Jungkook wanted to fuck him. All the places he wanted to fuck him in.

"Its gross. You have been doing this for two freaking years."

"Like you are the one to talk gyeom." Jungkook snapped, raising his eyebrow at his friend, finally looking away from the blonde. He eyed yugyeom's position practically glued to bambam's side, implying to their forever puppy love phase that they seemed very reluctant to leave.

"Its different for us cuz we are dating. You are not dating Tae and he already has a boyfriend." Bambam deadpanned, shoving a large piece of lettyce in his mouth.

"And that matters how?"

"Its unhealthy jungkook and its ruining our progress and reputation. You need to get over him." Yugyeom insisted.

"You are not my Mom. Dont tell me what to do." Jungkook pouted, returning his attention back to Kim so-fucking-pretty Taehyung.

"Wow. Real mature. What are you, five?" Bambam scoffed.

"Let us know when you are finally over your stupid need to fuck Kim Taehyung and we have our Jungkook back." Bambam got to his feet, his chair making an unneccesarily loud screeching sound against the floor.

He trashed the tray in the dumpster, Yugyeom following soon after. "Maybe you should settle for friendzoning instead of fucking Taehyung." He adviced before rushing after his own boyfriend.

Jungkook sighed, unaware of Taehyung's curious gaze at the commotion. The taller fiddled with the leftover food. "I cant friendzone people I wanna fuc-oh wait." A little lightbulb seemed to light up in his brain.

"Why cant i friendzone people i wanna fuck?"


Shit. You can't friendzone someone with that ass Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook found himself shamelessly gawking at the perky ass clothed in tight black pants as Taehyung bent over for gods knew what.

The fabric fit snug around his body, highlighting his shapely ass and surprisingly well built thighs, and jungkook was slobbering all over the place.

Lords what wouldnt he give to touch that. Just squeeze those round globes in his palms and mark those thighs with hickeys and-

Woah. Focus Jungkook.

"Ahem." He coughed into his fist, hoping it would get Taehyung's attention who was now, thankfully, standing up straight, his top falling over his sinful bottom and covering the delectable parts from Jungkook's view.

You And Me | vkook [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now