A/N: Chapter dedicated to MerleBlackBird for commenting and renewing my will to update xD. <3 <3

Here goes nothing...


[ 1 unread text message from Peaches🍑]

The message blinked on the screen of the expensive sleek, black Samsung smartphone.

Not wanting to seem as desperate as he really was, Jungkook waited a good five minutes that felt like eternity to the excited boy, before opening the text.

That cafe down the street *......ADDRESS.....*. Tomorrow.
4 pm.


No prblm

Ok. Dont be late.

Got it, babes|

Got it ba|

Got it.|

And try not to embarrass
urself. Yoongi Hyung is gonna
be there with his boyfriend. He might just punch                                                 your teeth in if u try smthin.

Ur hyung sounds
rly pleasant.

He is. >:(


yah. no need to be so hostile. Its a joke.

Had he fucked up already? jungkook, in his panic almost sent something cringey and stupid in a feeble attempt to make up for what he assumed offended taehyung but his reply got him sighing in relief.

can take a joke jk. do you not know me? i am                                                     only hostile when ppl try to make a move on me                                            even when they know am taken. =) <33

Jungkook would not admit it but that smile was anything but not creepy. He almost gulped but quickly gathered his courage. Why the hell was he scared of a twink like Tae? He probably couldnt even give him a scratch. Unless ofcourse, you know....... Ahem. Moving on.

It seemed to the bunny toothed boy, 'Yoongi hyung' was really precious to Taehyung. So all he had to do first was get in Yoongi's good books.

As easy as it sounded, that was no easy feat, and jungkook was yet to find out.

He had been so giddy that he didnt even notice how familiar the cafe was till he was standing outside the very very familiar quaint cafe, eyes wide, almost cursing himself for not realizing earlier but then coming to the conclusion he was being stupid. Well, much more than usual.

You And Me | vkook [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now