Chapter One

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Mist spread throughout the forest, blurring my vision. Deep smell of Sarepia Forset trees wrapped around my nose. I sped past mushrooms and dodged fallen branches. At this moment, I knew they were catching my tail.
I could hear just my heart beat and I pushed myself on. My legs were growing tried, but I knew I couldn't give up. This was now my only chance of escaping when I spotted a nearby rabbit hole. It wasn't really a rabbit hole. What ever or whoever dug it was huge. But it was just enough for me to hide in.
I pulled my skull mask further over my eyes. Thank goodness it hadn't fallen off.
I held my breath, straining to hear what they say.
"Retreat back to Black," the hyena with a both red eyes said.
"We can't afford to let her get away," the other said.
"Don't worry, we won't let her get away next time," the first chuckled.
He looked at the hole. I thought he had seen me when he squinted, but he just shrugged and trailed behind his brother, cackling the whole way.
His evil laughed echoed through the forest. It tickled my ears. How could anyone laugh so much?
I emerged outside once I knew I was safe. My paws were now caked in mud. I had forgotten it had rained last night.
I continued on my journey. I didn't know where I was heading. Maybe to Jamaa, I could find a good book on the Twilight Guild.
Twilight Guild.
It wasn't easy knowing they were wandering around. Especially when you would hear the story when you were just a kitten. You would hear terrible stories on how they planned to destroy Jamaa and take over with great power. Although I thought that was just a furrytail when I was way younger, that exact story has come to life. Those hyens work for Black.
Black thinks he has ultimate power over everything. I have never met him personally, but I have read lots about him. I just haven't found the right books.
Sarepia Forest turned to the everlasting Jamaa Township. The much cooler air was now gone, and the sun now kissed my face. Once my eyes adjusted I walked through the town.
Jammers were trading, jammers were chatting.
I faced my head to the ground, making sure my skull mask kept my face covered. One look at that big, ugly scar on the left side of my face, and a jammer would be sent running all the way to Crystal Sands.
I never liked talking about it. I don't like expressing my feelings, even with those I trust. But there was no one I could rely on.
Even if I did have someone to trust, they were all gone. After that terrible fire, I lost everything and overyone.
I moved through a group of jammers who were discussing something about being scammed.
Of course I had no problem. I don't trade.
Someone shouted. I turned to them and there before me was a crowd of jammers.
One of them pointed accusingly at me.
"That person stole my sapphires!" She screamed.
I moved backwards.
"You filthy scammer! Give her back her sapphires!" I could hear everyone chant.
I looked at them confused. I felt stiff and frozen until a monkey leapt at me. I jumped away.
My heart pumped blood faster and way too much than my body could take. I felt something sharp hit my paw as I tumbled to the ground, half unconscious. I could hear jammers whisper and murmur.
Then that was it. I blacked out.

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