Chapter Four

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I pounced on my helpless prey, a tiny rabbit who struggled to escape my sharp leopard jaws. It had seemed like it was just yesterday that I was let free, but that was a week back from now.
Im now in a small valley a few days in travel away from Jamaa, just between it and Appondale.
I was glad to be back on my own. I was better off by myself. Although, my thoughts kept wandering back to who ever had paid for me to be allowed to get out of prison.
It was strange.
It just didn't add up.
Back to my rabbit I had caught, it was a feisty enough to make me want to squeeze my jaws tighter. That's exactly what I did.
Soon it turned to a lifeless feast.
When I got to my own homemade den, I quickly ate my dinner before something else could fight me for it.
I hadn't eaten a rabbit in a long time.
I realised how much I had missed the juicy meat.
After my meal, I groomed myself the way cats do, licking each paw and rubbing behind my ears.
Then I heard something.
I felt I was being watched so I softly hissed.
What ever was out there knew I was here too.
I smelt another cat. Maybe anothher snow leopard.
I know what you might be thinking, snow leopards should be in Mt Shiveer. But I was different.
I was solitary. A loner.
I crept into a bush, quite close to where the rustling was coming from.
I arched my back and let out a pounce.
Unexpectedly, I had caught it.
Er. . .him.

His hoody had fallen back, revealing his face. He wore an eye patch on his left eye and had the most darkest of grey in his right eye.
I felt startled that it was another leopard.
I kept him pinned to the ground as he finally figured out what had just happened.
"You can get off now," he growled.
I didn't like his attitude.
I kept my position.
"What were you doing spying on me?"
"I wasn't spying. I was making sure you're safe."
"Safe?" I said, saying the word with confusion.
He grumbled.
"Let me go before I say anything further."
I rolled my eyes and hopped back.
I kept my eyes on him though.
"It's not like Im going to run away. I have to speak with you."
"What? Why?"
He sighed.
"It's about the Twilight Guild. They're planning to attack Jamaa." He paced around, then turned to me.
"What does that have to do with me?"
"Because I know you're capable of fighting. I know you have the potential of war."
"So?" I scoffed. I lowered my head. "I can't help if that's what you're asking. I can't defeat Dark, he's too strong."
He looked at me and our eyes met.
"That's only if you say you can't," he turned away. "But it's the only way to stop them if you join this battle."
"And if I don't?"
"Then Jamaa will suffer and perish with phantoms roaming the streets."
That's when my ears perked up.
He nodded.
"From what I've heard, they're going to team up. Unfortunately, Dark has already developed a way of opening the phantom dimension in Lost Temple of Zios."
I was shocked.
No one had seen phantoms in hundreds of years.
I lowered my head again.
I felt useless.
"But it's your choice," he looked down at his spear that he now held in his paws. "Fight and win. Or run and lose."
I took a deep breath.
"What choice do I have now? Dark doesn't stand a chance."
And he didn't.
I was Trixie. Trixie Livestone.
I wasn't going to let the Twilight Guild destroy Jamaa.
And not with phantoms either.

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