Chapter Five

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It was now dark and I had finally put together a fire.
Felix Pridemoon -the leopard I had met before- came back with two rabbits he had hunted.
I wasn't really hungry, since I had already eaten. But I politely accepted his offer.
"So do you know when will this attack happen?" I asked when I finished with my meal.
Felix licked his lips and groomed his ear as he pulled down his hood.
"I'm not sure or certain. But I can tell you this, it's close."
I nodded and turned to the flicker of flames in the fire.
It reminded me so much of my past. I never liked fire, it never liked me.
My head shocked with a vision, of my mother's scream.
My little sister, Glazer, also let out a cry for help.
I sighed with the pain in my heart. The pain buried so deep.
Felix looked over at me. He wasn't trying to catch my eye, but under this mask of mine he could still sense I was upset.
"Trixie, if I may ask," he started. "Why do you keep that mask on?"
I smirked. Although he couldn't see it.
"Why do you wear an eye patch?"
He stayed quiet.
I felt bad.
"Because, it hides my past. It hides," I paused. "Me."
Felix caught my eye from the whole of the mask. It only showed just enough for my eyes to be able to see through.
"But you don't have to hide. We're friends here."
I wouldn't have called it friends. More like just met. But his company has been good, so far.
I sighed again.
I slowly removed the mask.
I waited for him to gasp. I waited for him to stare.
I waited for him to call me ugly.
But instead, he smiled.
"You don't think it's ugly?"
"No, why would I think that? I think that scar has a meaning."
I scoffed.
"A meaning?"
He nodded.
"A meaning of a warrior. Warrior's look tough on the outside, but it's what counts on inside. You're warrior both in and out." He turned and laid down.
Wow, I hadn't expected that. I was always use to being laughed at and being mistreated.
Not compliments.
Not kindness.
I put my mask back on and laid down too, thinking about what he said.
Then I drifted off to sleep.

I scrambled to my feet, but I was unable to keep my weight up. My legs were trembling and my scar pulsed with agony.
That's when I noticed the blood pour from my scar and pooled around my head.
My heart raced.
I couldn't breathe.
My eyes blurred with tears and I could feel my neck being tightened. It now had shackles and kept me pinned to the ground. All four paws were also in smaller chains.
Someone called out to me.
It was Felix.
He came running to me but tumbled and soon was in the same state I was.
I let out a cry to him but he kept repeating my name.
Trixie. Trixie. Trixie. . .
Startled at first, I woke from my dream, or should I say nightmare.
I looked up to see Felix, looking down at me.
"Where am I?" I mumbled, even though I could clearly see we were still in my homemade den.
"We're still here," he said. "You were having a nightmare."
I nodded.
I felt relief to know it was just a nightmare. But I was more relieved he had woken me up from that slow, painful death.
"So is it Temple of Zios we're after?" I asked.
He nodded.
"If we make it in time, we could somehow find a way to stop the portal from opening and, most importantly, stop Black. He doesn't understand how powerful they can be once they hit Jamaa."
We started walking through the valley.
"I just don't see how we snow leopards can defeat the Twilight Guild on our own."
He smirked.
"You have a better idea?"
I cringed.
Now he was just being mean.
But I blushed, which I was relieved he couldn't see, and admitted that I didn't.
"All right, it's settled then. We find the portal and defeat them by ourselves. No questions."
Sure boss, I mumbled.
He seemed to hear it but only smirked in response.
"We're going to have to go through Jamaa though."
I looked at him.
"Yeah, that's no problem." I lied.
I felt like I never wanted to go to Jamaa ever again. But now I was stuck with it.
"Maybe you should take your mask off."
I glared at him.
"So everyone can judge my scar?"
He sighed and halted.
"Trixie, if you get accused again, there's no way I can free you this time. I've used the rest of my gems."
My eyes widened behind my mask.
So he was the one who bought me out of prison. But how did he know I was caught?
He seemed to know a lot about where I go.
"Fine." I mumbled.
I hesitated before taking it off.
Felix studied me.
He passed me his hood.
"This is just so they don't get you mixed with the real thief this time."
It will do.
I took it and made sure no one, not even Felix, could see my scar.
I tucked my mask in my satchel.
This was going to be a three days walk to Jamaa, so we settled with ten minute breaks when we needed it the most.
I only hoped that we could stop Black.
But that nightmare was so. . .so real.
What if it was reality and not just a nightmare?

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