Chapter 9 winner winner chicken dinner

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"Oomf" For about the 10th time I land on my ass. Me and Niall are down by one and we've given the game another 10 minutes. I knew I shouldn't of wished them all that luck at the start. Wait no. Now we're a draw! "Go Niall! It ain't you birthday but we a party, likes it your birthday!" I sing as I get up brushing the dirt off of my ass.

Louis and Liam start off with kick off. "C'mon Vic, we have 4 minutes left. It's your time to shine." Niall peps me up. Okay I can do this. When Zayn starts us off I take Louis while Niall grabs Liam. No more slide tackles I think. Wastes too much time. I get the ball off of Lou and pass it to a free Niall before running down to the goals. Niall makes a big pass to me and I set up the goal. Focusing on the goal behind Harry and ignoring his cockiness I think about the weak spots. It's a hard one to get through his legs and it will be easier to go the corner but I'm here to take a risk. Hearing Liam and Louis coming up behind me I quickly take a shot aiming right between Harry's legs. As soon as I kick it I shut my eyes praying for a goal. As soon as I hear a cheering Niall I open them to see the ball has gone straight through the middle of his legs and into the goal. He seems to have tripped over in the process.

Me and Niall run around the backyard yelling and boasting.

Niall is actually so funny. We have the same sort of humour and we laugh a lot. I can see why Tess likes him so much. They would actually be pretty cute together.

Once we settle down we all go inside and collapse onto the couches. I get up to go get a drink of water before coming back and finding Harry in my spot.

"Out of the way loser" I banter. "Pardon me?" He says acting innocent. "That's my spot. Move." "Technically it's my spot now. And also I'd like to see you make me." He challenges. The boys all look at me to see how I will react but to be honest I'm too tired to retaliate with him. Instead I just walk over to my spot where he is sitting and sit down on him.

"If you wanted to sit down on my lap darling all you had to do was ask or put on some sexy music" he winks. Ugh. I put my legs over Zayn and Louis' remaining in my seat.

"I think those curls might have given you some brain damage there styles. Not everyone wants you. Get over yourself." I simply state.

"Don't act like you don't want to get with the curl master babe. Nobody can resist my luscious curls"

"You sure are delusional." I laugh getting off of him and heading upstairs for a nice shower.

After my shower it was now about five thirty. Good, it's not too early to put on my pyjamas. Well, my 'pyjamas' and robe. Deciding wether or not to see what the boys were doing ended up with the answer as no. I think I might just sit up here for a while and read a book. Okay yeah, nerd alert. Sorry for enjoying fine literature.

After over an hour my reading is interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I call out expecting aunty Karen to tell me dinner is ready. I hear them come in as I try and search for where I dropped my bookmark. Damn it where did it go?

"Looking for this?" An all too familiar husky voice speaks and soon I see my bookmark in the hands of no other than, Harry Styles.

"Yes I am. Now give it" I ask not so politely trying to take it from his hands.

"Tsk tsk. Manners please Tor" he says quickly retreating his hand from my reach.

"My name is Vic or Victoria! Don't call me Tor!" What's with him and Tor. He can't just give me a nickname. "Now give me my bookmark"

"Come and get it." He challenges. Not again. I expected him to start running downstairs but surprisingly he just stood there. I got up making sure my robe was tied up properly and went to him. As soon as I got close he but his hand above his head so I couldn't reach it. Is this kid like 10? "Harry give it to me!" I attempt to jump up and grab it but the higher I jump the higher my dressing gown goes up too.

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