Chapter 18

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I've been on a high ever since what happend yesterday.

Ever since he saw me having fun. - without him.

It feels good to have proved him wrong.

To have redeemed my old self.

The girl who was independent, and dignified. The girl who had confidence and wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in.

It feels good to have me back.

Maybe it's for the better that I'm not speaking to Matt right now.

But who knows? Maybe we will be talking again before we know it.

We always end up getting into silly little fights and disagreements, but underneath it all I don't think either of us can stick being mad at each other.

It's not very long until our prom now,

Actually it's three days.

Today I got a half day off school because my mom drove Soph and I to the mall to shop for dresses.

Im actually quite happy with mine.

And before you guess, yes it is lace.

My dress is white all around, and strapless. It's tight until it gets to my waist, from there it flows out a little (just a small bit) like a tutu and stops a few inches above my knees.

The back is lace and the print is flowers so I think that should look pretty.

Cameron is coming over later and we're going shopping for his suit.

I'm planning on matching his dicky bow with my dress.

It should be good fun.

One of the thoughts that has crossed my mind a lot for the past few days is who Matt is going with.

And I don't even want to think about him,

But for some reason the thought never leaves my mind.

I wish it did.

I wish it was easy to forget about him.

But it's not.


I run downstairs and grab my hand bag, "I'm leaving!" I yell, before I slam the door.

I walk outside and see Cameron's car parked right by my driveway.

He smiles as soon as he sees me, I open the passenger side door and help myself into the car.

"Hey." We both say in sync.

"Ready?" I ask, looking at Cam.

"Ready." He says, starting to drive.

I turn the radio up and wind the windows down.

Cam and I sing along to the radio the whole way.

We laugh a lot too.

What makes it funny is, none of us are able to sing so we sound like two crows doing a duet.

But hey,

Who gives a shit?


"It has to be white, my dress is white." I order. Cam is being so difficult, He's disagreeing to anything I say.

Its sort of funny actually.

"Okay how about a pink bow. I can add a pink flower to my hair or something." I suggest, "No, pink is too mainstream." He disagrees.

The Story Of Us (a Matthew Espinosa fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now