Marcus Tepes (The First eldest Tepes)

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Faceclam: Ben Barnes
Full-Name: Marcus Lucius Tepes
Tittle: King of Supernatural creatures, Darkness & Vampires; and The Protector of humanity
Species: Ancient One (which is like a rough draft of a human and a vampire)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Born: Born before Adam and Eve
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Younger Siblings: Valderus Tepes (or Vald for short) and Canis Tepes
Married Or Single: Married, to Aria Haven Tepes
Heir/child: Anabel Tepes
Status Of Living: Deceased, burned like a witch by Helsing member, because they tried to kidnap his daughter
Nicknames: The Warrior, The Ancient Ones(all three of the brothers)

Eye color: dark brown to the point it's almost black

Second eye color: Red (The Full Moon, sometimes Instinct, Livid or flashes them when ever she feels like it)

Hair color: medium dark brown

Height: 5'11

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Welsh, German and Romania

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Marcus is a very serious man with a moderate sense of humor. He was sweet, kind, gentle, soft-spoken, honorable, and humble but sometimes he can be a cocky, cunning, mischievous, and definitely sarcastic but not in a bad way. Marcus is someone who always followed the rules but when it comes down to his wife and daughter he is always there for them no matter what happens. He also has a strong sense of honor and justice as shown by his great compassion. But all in all he is an all around loving guy. However, due to the loss of his mate, Marcus went through a deep depression which is a side effect of losing a mate, and gave up on the meaning of life itself. That act, affected his daughter greatly to the extent that it caused a nasty one-sided fight.

Likes: His wife and daughter, quite places, also loves reading books, astronomy and book collecting

Dislikes: Helsing, human, disrespect people, and loud places (but has to tolerate it)

Weakness: the Sun, Fire, holy water, stake to the heart, and Lycian venom

Death: Burned like a witch in order to save
his daughter from being killed due to Helsing clan Tried to kidnap his daughter.

Venom: is an organic, poisonous fluid that is produced by saliva glands within a Ancient Ones's mouth. It serves six purposes:
1. As the basis for their physiology.
2. As a means to paralyze their prey in pain to prevent them from escaping.
3. As a pleasant scent to lure in the Ancient Ones's human victims.
4. As a toxin poisonous to children of the moon, shape-shifters, and to any living thing.
5. To repair a torn limb of a Ancient Ones.
6. And, very occasionally, as a means for Ancient Ones to propagate their species. The victim cannot run so the vampire can kill the victim or allow her/him to change.

Tepes Blood: As it has been known the Tepes Family blood is very precious and has special properties to it, meaning Immortal, Wolf Shapeshifting and, etc. Not only that but, there blood can be quite lethal when taken by force.

Wolf Physically: The Tepes family is famously known for having the ability to Shape-shift into wolves, due to that they have certain Wolf physically that comes with it and they are;
Compass Sense: which allows the Tepes family to sense directions like a compass, knowing where a specific direction is.

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