Chapter 2::Day Ruined😭

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Atua's pov::
As I was washing my face my phone buzzed and I went to see who it was and saw that it was.... Jinsu!!! I turned my phone off and went to dry my face  then grabbed my iPod then headed downstairs and set things up and sang my heart out. Nobody knows why I hate my birthday so much it's because I was a relationship when I was just turning 18 years old with Jinsu and let's just say that I looked like Barney filled with bruises all over my body. I hid my bruises and the truth from everyone for 6 years and guess what it was on my birthday. Silas doesn't even know and he feels what I feel cause we've connected way before I was even thought of and before my parents were born. After my relationship I wrote this song about what happened with Jinsu.
I played the song and sang it as I was feeling the song.

I noticed that the family was standing there watching me so I wiped my tears and grabbed my iPod then headed to my room slamming the door and flopped on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Klaus's pov::So me and the others were in the living room til we heard singing so we went to see and saw that it was atua

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Klaus's pov::
So me and the others were in the living room til we heard singing so we went to see and saw that it was atua. She seemed like she was broken or something cause it looked like tears were running down her face as she sang the song. Then soon when she was done she grabbed her stuff and went to her room slamming the door.  We were wondering what is going on with her like she hates her birthday, she cries sometimes, she reads and other things. I went to check on her and saw that she cried herself to sleep making me worried.

Once she woke up she grabbed her phone and saw something then threw it at the Wall. Then soon Silas came running in and saw that she's a mess. He grabbed her and brought her downstairs with her iPod. He stood her behind a microphone and played a song then stood up with a microphone.

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