Chapter 10:: Everyone finds out😒

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Atua's pov::
Ever since I've told Jax that I'm pregnant with a tribrid baby boy he went and told the club making me pissed off. Right now I'm at the house til I heard trackers doing work so I grabbed my keys and locked the door after putting my shades on and fixing my hair then went to see what's going and saw that they were making another house but this one looked like the old Salvatore brother's house so I went to talk to the guys in my heels.

?? - miss this is private property

AM- it's ok I'm actually here to talk to you guys

They stopped working and came to me.
??? - what's up?

AM- I was wondering how long will this building take cause I really want to have my get together here and I'll pay you guys 500 each only for one day that's all.

They looked at each other and talked to each other til they turned to me as I waited patiently for the answer.
?? - deal

I smirked and shook his hand and the other workers.
AM- thank you so much, here's my card So you can contact me and have a lovely day gentlemen. *handed them my cards*

I walked on the porch in my heels wearing my black dress and shades with my baby bump popping out.

Then I headed back home and unlocked the door and walked in closing the door and putting my shades on the counter by the door and hung my keys

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Then I headed back home and unlocked the door and walked in closing the door and putting my shades on the counter by the door and hung my keys. I went to eat me some raspberries til there was a knock so I went to answer the door as I popped a raspberry in my mouth and ate it.

AM- guys what are you doing here?

Chibbs started smiling making me groan
AM- I'm guessing Jackson opened his big damn mouth about me being pregnant to you guys?*glaring at Jax*

Clay- aren't you going to let us in?

AM- nope I have people coming over

I closed the door in their faces and went back to the kitchen and ate some more raspberries. Then soon my front door opened and in came the club making me groan and my eyes purple.

AM- get out! *pointing to the door*

JT- calm down moon!! *shaking me*

I was growling as I lifted my head up slowly with my eyes yellow.

I was growling as I lifted my head up slowly with my eyes yellow

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Then I looked at them with my eyes yellow still.
JT- geez atua what's wrong with you?!

AM- leave me the hell alone!!!

Then they left closing the door as I smirked then went back to normal. Then I went back to eating  raspberries til my door bell rang and I went to answer it and saw that it was Amy, Ty, Scott, jack, Tim is the one who's too damn annoying, Lou who I don't like and Amy's daughter, Georgie and Mallory who talks to damn much, Lisa who I love, Peter who I hate, my sister, my brother Marcellus, Jax with the club who I'm hating now.

AM- go away Jackson and samcro I don't want you near me again and I mean it. *eyes yellow*

They walked away with everyone starring at me weird.

HM- sis aren't they your best friends?

AM- no they aren't anymore

I let everyone in and closed the door  til a hand stopped it and saw that it was....The rest of my family with.. Antonio!!!!
I slammed the door in their faces and put everyone else out too and locked it. I went and ate the raspberries as I was going through my phone.

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