Chapter 4:: Cafe Performance

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Atua's pov::
Ok so yesterday when Tia got back from the meeting she gave me more money and gave me 3 days off. Right now I'm at the cafe relaxing when soon the door opened and saw that it was Antonio. Then soon my friend seraya announced that there's going to be a performance by Chris Stapleton making me clap. He stepped on the stage with his guitar and started singing.

I cheered and clapped my hands then put 20 dollars in his guitar case and went back to drinking til I heard a familiar voices...Jack and Amy!! They were singing a song for Jack's birthday which is today.

I cheered loud and screamed happy birthday Jack making him laugh.

AM- happy birthday Jack!!!!!

Then they sang another one which made teary eyed and seraya saw my face and hugged me.

AM- god that got to me

She chuckled shaking her head.

AM- it's not funny seraya

Seraya- oh stop being such a big baby moon

AM- I'm not it was a heart felt song

Amy and jack walked off the stage and saw my face and laughed.

AM- it's not funny guys

They laughed

AM- you bullies  *pouted*

Amy hugged me as they were still laughing til I saw.... Jinsu walk in!!! My body froze and turned around and grabbed my things and headed to the house crying til I bumped into somebody and saw that it was Ty.

Ty- what's wrong Wolf?

AM- nothing I'm fine ty but thanks for asking

I continued heading to the house and once I got there the family was  talking as I ran upstairs crying and slammed my bedroom door and dropped my stuff on the chair and flopped on my bed and cried for hours.
As I was in my bed crying my door opened and in came Jack, Amy, seraya, Ty, my dad, Silas, and my mom.

AF-  what's wrong moon?

AM- I'm fine guys

Then soon my phone started buzzing and saw that it was jinsu making me throw my phone at the wall.

KM- ok atua what's going on with you??

AM-  I don't wanna talk about it dad now leave me alone 

KM-  oh come on atua tell me what is going on with you

I sat up and glared at him with my eyes purple which is unusual because my eyes normally turn yellow, blue and red.

KM- seriously atua  what's going on with you

JF- how about we all just give her time alone to calm down.

My mom was worried but still left to keep me calmed. Everyone left the room except for Jack and Amy and Ty.

Ty- are you ok?

I sighed

AM- I don't know what I feel anymore 

JF- now how come?

AM- it's really hard to say because I've been hiding it from everyone for 6 years.

I grabbed my guitar and played my and hope song that we grew up with my mom.Seraya came in and saw me  with my guitar as they sang with me.

Once we got done we saw that the family was standing there starring at us. Then I grabbed my iPod then told one to go downstairs and I dragged Silas. I whispered to him think of you song that we wrote. We sang as everyone were dancing.

Then I sang the song the song that I wrote after being with jinsu.

AM- I hope you guys understand these songs

Once I got done I noticed that everyone was looking at me like crazy.

HM1- what was those songs?

I sighed and grabbed my phone and iPod then I plugged my phone in the protector and put on the video and showed them.

Once the video was done I grabbed my phone and iPod then headed to the kitchen and grabbed some fruit and some fruit dip and cream cheese, strawberry jam and some crackers and a butter knife and a plate then started eating. I noticed that I had a miss call from The twins Jon and Josh so I texted them.

AM- sorry I missed the call I was busy with family and friends but I'll call you later ok? ❤🤙🤨

JU- it's ok

AM- do you guys work tomorrow?

Uce- no why whatcha need?

AM- can we meet up tomorrow at the cafe and see if Trinity has work too cause I need to talk to her to. It's important 🧐😔🤯😱

JU- what's going on what's wrong? 

AM- I'll tell you guys tomorrow at 9am

Once I got done eating and texting the twins I went to my room and picked a outfit for tomorrow.

I said goodbye to the others then went to bed early

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I said goodbye to the others then went to bed early.

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