Chapter 15:: Protective Daughter to Dad

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Atua's pov::
So my dad is in mystic Falls and he is supposed to come back yesterday but something must have happened to him to make him take a long time in mystic falls. It's also been 2 weeks since I gave birth to my and Antonio baby boy Aiden Moon Garcia Mikaelson or Aiden for short. Oh and I moved back to the family house so when I'm busy they can watch him.

Right now I'm feeding Aiden while I'm worrying sick about my dad so I went to find my mother to watch him

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Right now I'm feeding Aiden while I'm worrying sick about my dad so I went to find my mother to watch him. Once I found my mom I saw that she was her room doing her hair.

AM- hey ma?

HM1- yeah moon?

AM- can you watch Aiden for me I need to go to mystic falls I have this bad feeling that something happen to dad so I'm going to go find out.

HM1- ok

AM- he's on your bed sleeping

She nodded and I went to get dressed real quick and start heading to mystic falls.

I put my hair in a messy bun and put my flower headband on then grabbed my phone and keychain which is also my wallet

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I put my hair in a messy bun and put my flower headband on then grabbed my phone and keychain which is also my wallet. I sped to mystic falls to Damon and Stefan house and over heard Stefan talking to Caroline so I carefully started ease dropping til I heard that she had to go to Elena's house because my dad wants to see her so I sped to Elena's house and opened the door. I sped in because I don't have to ask to walk in. I stopped and I heard Caroline voice.

CF- what do you want Klaus?

KM- I just want to talk to you so I don't have to sit here to listen Tyler's no shut up mouth.

She scuffed and started having a attitude with my dad making me start to get pissed off.

AM- actually he's worth many things and it still looks like you are still dressed like skank so there's that

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AM- actually he's worth many things and it still looks like you are still dressed like skank so there's that.

I sped to her and bit her then threw her on the floor and smiled at my dad as I wiped the blood from my mouth.

KM- you read my mind *smirking at Caroline's body*

I waved my hand and wrapped my arm around his neck and we were about to leave til Tyler stood in front of me.
TL- you can't take him atua

AM- you know who you're talking to Tyler?

I stood in front of my dad face to face with Tyler and compelled Tyler that he didn't know how Klaus escaped and that he needs to get a life. Then we left and headed back to new Orleans. Once we got to the house I went to mom's room and got Aiden to see he's starting to wake up crying so I picked him up and grabbed his nuk and his blanket then I layed him in my arms and gave him his pacifier and covered him up rubbing his back as I started to walk around the house to relax him. I went to my room and grabbed one of his bottles and his formulas then went to make his bottle. Once I got done making Aiden bottle I went to put his formula away and shake his bottle and headed to my room. I closed the door and saw that Antonio was laying down taking a nap so I grabbed Aiden feeding pillow and burp rag. I climbed on to the bed and climbed underneath the covers after taking off my jacket and shoes. Then I layed Aiden pillow down between me and Antonio and layed him down covering him with his blanket and grabbed his pacifier from his mouth and started feeding him as I layed down on my side facing him. Once he finished his bottle I put the burp rag on my shoulder and started burping him then put his pacifier in his mouth and started rocking him to sleep then once he fell asleep I grabbed his blanket and pillow then went to put him in his crib.

Then I covered him and gave him his bunny

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Then I covered him and gave him his bunny.

Then I changed into some pj's and turned off the lights and climbed back in bed underneath the covers and cuddled up with Antonio and started falling asleep

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Then I changed into some pj's and turned off the lights and climbed back in bed underneath the covers and cuddled up with Antonio and started falling asleep.

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