0.6 || miami

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    "It's time to leave New York and I'm not even sober yet". Tuuli complained when she had to sit down on her suitcase to be able to close it. "We don't have to leave New York". Max simply replied as he was watching her from his position on the chair. "Yes, we do". Tuuli said and shot him a glance, he knew she wanted to move on now she could cross off New York from her bucket list. "Need some help?". He chuckled and already got up before she could say no. It's not that she had been shopping too much, she had just thrown her clothes in her suitcase and hoped it would close right away. Max pressed the top of her case and she locked it before he let go of it. "Aitäh, Max". [Thank you] She hummed in response, taking her coat to put it on. Max got his coat on as well, pushing a beanie over his ears as it was still very cold outside.

Tuuli lifted her suitcase off the bed and rolled it further, looking over her shoulder in the doorway to make sure they had brought all of their belongings. Max waited for her at the elevator and she brought the keycards of the room to hand in at the check out. He smiled at her when she stepped into the elevator and they went down to the lobby. A driver was ready for them to take them to the airport, which Max had arranged. Tuuli was secretly glad he arranged all of that. She hated calling people and she hated organizing things, which Max did without hesitation. They returned the keycards at the reception and walked out of the hotel.

The driver opened the trunk and took Tuuli's suitcase from her, afterwards picking Max's suitcase. She opened the door and sat down in the leather seat, Max joined her soon enough. "So, where to next?". He asked when the driver pulled away from the hotel. "Let's see which flights are leaving today". Tuuli smiled and shrugged. Now that was something Max couldn't do. He liked to have his things organized, where she was very messy. She had the relaxed, 'we'll see and everything will be all right' mind set that he absolutely didn't have himself. But it was Tuuli and Tuuli was smart, so he trusted her, even if he was blind. She rested her head on his shoulder. Last night, the masquerade ball, had been amazing, but also very tiring. She guessed it was the first thing she could notice since her surgery and her sickness, she was easily tired.

"Did you take you meds?". Max hummed and she laughed. "That sounds like I'm on coke or something". The driver briefly looked in the rearview mirror and Max and Tuuli looked at each other, suppressing their laughter. "But yeah, I took them". She nodded and briefly pulled her phone out of her pocket to see what time it was. They hadn't had breakfast yet, so they'd eat at the airport after going through the security. The driver dropped them off at the main entrance and Tuuli rolled her suitcase after her, her backpack with her camera and her laptop on her back. They stood still in front of the electric screens that displayed all the flights leaving this day. "Atlanta?". Max suggested, pointing at one that was leaving in two and a half hours. "Miami caught my eye actually". Tuuli said, her sky blue hues looking up at him. "Then we go there". Max said and she nodded.

"It is on your bucket list, right?". He asked, not knowing why she'd have a bucket list if they'd decide at the airport where to go anyway. "It surely is". Tuuli said and they made their ways to the ticket office to buy them. Max insisted on getting them business class seats, even though the flight from New York JFK to Miami MIA airport, which was in downtown Miami, Florida. Tuuli had her ticket in her hand while going through the security of the airport, the usual of her luggage being scanned, water bottles being thrown away and told that she couldn't bring them. It became an automatic process when you're on the road with a Formula 1 team all the time. Max was waiting for her at the end of the hallway, so they could find Starbucks to eat and to calm down Tuuli's caffeine craving. "We have a discount with this". She waved her ticket in front of his face and he chuckled.

"Those fifty cents on five dollars make so much difference". Max smiled when she smiled as they were waiting in line. She ordered a caramel macchiato, having to spell out her name and it was still spelled wrong, all part of the routine of the airport. She got some sandwiches along with it and sat down at a table to guard their luggage. Max returned with a water and a salad, he still had to follow his diet as much as possible. "But really". He started while pulling the foil off his salad. "You say you have a bucket list, aren't you meant to follow that in like, steps? Not criss cross?". Max asked and her eyebrows rose while she was sipping on her coffee. "Do you have a problem with the things I want to do before I'm six feet under, Verstappen?". She asked in a tone that made him want to laugh. "No, Tuuls, of course not, I mean...". "Bitch, eat your salad or go home".

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