C h a p t e r 1

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(wow look a chapter good job me, also I swear they will get longer, especially if you vote and comment ;))

I lunge to the right as a dagger is thrown at my thigh. However, its deadly aim- undeterred by my sudden movement, sends it plunging through my flesh, though not quite deep enough to reach bone.

The dagger is quickly replaced by the hand by a larger sword, plucked from the girl's belt, which I only glimpse for a moment before it, too, is thrusted into my side. My vision starts to darken and, as she pulls out a third weapon, I know I have lost this fight and will pay for it dearly.

My death is swift, but not merciless, a thin line of red mist and her smirking face the last thing I see before eternal darkness.

The words 'Game Over' flash up onto my screen.

Carla whoops as corny victory music plays from her controller, her avatar dancing the same wild movements as her.

"You know what this means?" She asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes in response and choose to study the peeling paint on the windowsill instead.

"It means," she emphasises, "That you have to drive me and me and my friends to the cinema and watch it with us!" I groan and she throws me a dirty look.

"Hey, it's not my fault that my mother dearest wishes for us to be escorted to the cinema while we watch the newest Barbie movie, or that it happens to be a twelve due to 'moderate threat', so we need someone over the age of eighteen to accompany us."

"I don't get that. Why am I, a nineteen year old, suddenly mature enough to handle a bunch of small, bratty eleven year olds?"

"Ah yes, Barbie, so mature," she stifles a laugh. "And besides, you promised." she whines.

"Fine, just for you, my second favourite cousin." I wink.

"I'm your only cousin, she pouts, confused.

"That may be, but Baz takes priority.

"But Baz is a dog." she points out, now slightly wary.

"Exactly," I say, as I flash her a grin, this time she is the one to roll her eyes. I urge her towards the exit "Come on, let's get you home."

"And for the record, I let you win."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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