You Literally Rescued A Princess From A Tower...

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A/N So i'm hoping you all are enjoying what i have so far, the plot further on is still a work in progress but in all fairness this entire idea came from a dream I've been having be thankful i used this dream as a plot and not my 'Catinator' Dream. Thank's to all who read and feel free to Vote,Comment and Follow!

Sang's POV

To say i was confused was an understatement, i thought i had used there way of greeting back at them but the way the blonde had laugh i was certain i was far off i was that frustrated i hadn't even registered the elder male that had appeared out of nowhere until his soft voice registered in my ears causing my to look towards the older male who had much shorter hair then the other males that were turning a similar colour to Grey eyes.

I watched as the elder male spoke with the blonde one and though i couldn't hear what they were saying i figured he was the one in charge.

''Elder may i have permission to use my magic to gather knowledge of your words?''

My words seem to have caught the Elder male's attention as his eyes fully focused on my, he had a kind face, though his eyes showed he had seen a fair amount in his time they still showed softness she hadn't seen since her father.

I watched as he came towards me his voice filling the room as he kneeled to the floor. I closed my eyes for a second to focus of my magic, it was still faint but enough that i would be able to at least understand them better. Opening my eyes i gently raised my hand palm up indicating to the confused Elder to place his against mine, he seemed to be smarter then the rest because it took him mere seconds for him to understand what i was wanting.

Watching as his large palm gently connected with my i summoned what magic i was able to, it wasn't much but enough to feel the presence around me and enough for me to do what i wanted it to do. 

It only took a few seconds for my magic to take hold of his language as best it could as it brought it to my own mind before my eyes fluttered open to be welcomed once again by the kind Elder.

''Now little bird...what do the call you?''

I wanted to cheer at my magic for being able to be strong enough right now to give me the ability to understand these males language it would have been much harder not being able to properly communicate if i hadn't been able to pull it off, though i was confused at him referring to me as a bird.

''I not eun i....Sang'' magic gave me enough to understand them for now but it seems i may have difficulties speaking their language.

''Of course...Sang, now how about you hop back on the bed here, Axel will go grab a a cloth and some water so we can clean that arm of your's and you can perhaps tell us more about yourself?''

I contemplated his words for a second

''What a hop?''

Not the actual question i wanted to ask but my mouth decided to speak without my brains permission.

''Oh that's just a figure of speak i meant for you to sit on the bed''

I placed my finger on my lip again in thought, they don't seem like such bad people...for now, maybe once they know who i am they could return me back to my land.

''That fair''

I said nodding in agreement as well, as i slowly slid myself up against the bed watching as the Elder too stood on his own feet.

''seann name?''

I asked the Elder as i sat near the end of the metal bed.

''Did you just say Sean?''

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