Chapter 6: Fighting Doesn't Solve Anything

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"No. I can't tell you." He shook his head, staring at the ground, "Look, I gotta go. I'll see you around."

Alex stared open mouthed as Luke Hemmings, the Luke Hemmings, walked off, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. She was confused, intrigued, but more than anything curious.

She was going to get her answers, one way or another, even if it killed her in the process.


After her encounter with Luke, Alexandria realized that she had left Mary alone with Chase, a thought that quickly had her fighting her way back to her seat. Of course, Mary and Chase were nowhere to be seen. Panic coursed through her veins as she frantically asked the girls next to them if they'd seen where they went. Nothing. Breathing coming out in short pants at the thought of Mary suffering the same fate as she almost did, Alex quickly searched the whole area—the concession stand, the bathrooms, everywhere she could think of. Finally, she went searching in the parking lot for Mary's Volkswagen bug, head pounding as the worst possible scenarios played on repeat in her mind.

Finally spotting the bug in the far corner of the lot by the tree line, Alex sprinted over. She froze when she saw what was actually going on inside the car. She could see Mary with her shirt off on top of Chase, head thrown back in pleasure. Stumbling away, Alex shook her head as tears welled in her eyes. She was a horrible person. She couldn't even protect her best friend from the snake in her bed. Going back to the football game was unimaginable, so she decided to just walk home. It wasn't too far, and the cool night air felt nice against her feverish skin and helped clear her head.

But, of course, the calming quiet didn't stay for long.

Alexandria was only about one-fourth of the way home when faint shouting could be heard. Her first thought was that someone was in trouble, so, naturally, she ran to find the source. Her feet thudded across the concrete of the sidewalk, voicing the pounding of her heartbeat as Alex ran to help. She was already on edge, and the need to help someone, anyone, was almost overwhelming. But, the closer she got to the noise, the more voices she could hear. Her confusion showed on her features as Alex slowed down to a walk, the shouting coming from what looked to be an abandoned building. What on earth... her thoughts trailed off as she stood before the metal doors of the building. Loud shouts and cheers could be heard from outside, and as Alex sized up the building, a cold chill ran down her back.

Not a good sign.

Alex always got cold chills when she knew something bad was about to happen, but, still, she couldn't just very well walk away. She was far too involved now, or, at least that's what she told herself. Still, Alex stood outside for a good five minutes just trying to muster up the courage to open the doors. Finally, she decided to simply act instead of trying to think. She knew she would convince herself not to, so before that could happen, she swung open the door.

Yelling flooded out into the silence of a practically abandoned part of town before the doors swung closed, the sound lost in the animalistic shouts of the people inside. Alex's eyes frantically darted in all directions as she tried to take in all of her surroundings. People were crowded everywhere, but no one payed her any attention; they were too focused on what looked to be a boxing rink in the middle of the floor. It was an elevated slab of concrete, with a thin, worn out mat covering the floor. People cheered and screamed as the two shirtless figures standing on the padded concrete circled each other, their fists raised without any gloves or padding of any kind.

Alex quietly advanced, staring in shock and horror at one of the tattooed figures, his well defined muscles covered in a sheen layer of sweat, making him shine in the poorly lit room. His face was filled with determination as he stared down his opponent, a guy about three inches taller than him and much more muscular.

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