Chapter 18: Class Surprises and Headlights

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But, for this first piece, no one messed up. Sure, there were a few places that could've been better. For the most part though, the piece was executed perfectly. As the band played the final crescendo, giving the last note all they could, the band director gave a final whip of his hands, and then silence rang out louder than any note ever could. Hands were still posed over instruments as everyone froze, all eyes glued to the conductor.

But a single breathless smile blossomed across Alex's face before she could stop it, a contented happiness filling her to the brim.


Luke looked at the slip in his hand in disgust. The principal had handed it to him as he came in late once again. He really, really, did not want to be here, but he knew if he skipped again he would be in serious trouble. Also, Luke wanted to see Alexandria again and make sure she was okay after the episode at her house.

You are to complete 48 service hours helping in the orchestra room during your normal related arts period.

He read the paper once more, cringing at the words written on it. He had art this semester, and he was going to sincerely miss that class. It was his secret that he liked to draw; anything and everything, but most especially people. No one knew about his hidden passion but the art teacher Mrs. Crystal, and she had sworn that she wouldn't force him to go to any of the art shows - even though his drawings would've all won first place - as long as he didn't drop the class.

It had been their agreement from the start, and so far, it had worked out. He was able to keep doing what he loved, and no one found out. Luke was shaken out of his thoughts as he reached the door of the orchestra room, stopping dead in his tracks as he heard someone playing through the door. He vaguely recognized it as a violin, but he wasn't paying much attention to anything except the beautiful and intricate melody he was hearing.

He had never in his life heard anything that beautiful. You could practically hear the passion for the song dripping from each note, not a mistake to be heard. Luke hated to possibly interrupt whoever was playing, but if he didn't find out who was producing such a sound, he was going to go mad.

Carefully pushing the door open as quietly as he could, he glanced around the corner to where all the orchestra members sat in their chairs. All of the instruments were laid across their laps, except for a single violin held to the chin of a girl, who's hair and posture he immediately recognized. Several heads turned to when they heard the tattooed boy opened the door, some of their mouths dropping.

Luke, of course, paid them no attention; his eyes glued to the only one he cared about. Her eyes were closed tightly, a single crease forming in between her eyebrows as she played the solo with no mistake. When the single note finally rang out, and silence filled the air, Alex reopened her eyes, a slight blush painting her cheeks.

She glanced around and saw everyone staring at something behind her, towards the door. Quickly turning around in her seat, she froze once she saw Luke's familiar figure standing there.

Had he heard me? was her first panicked thought. But before she could react, Mr. Black's voice boomed across the room, shattering the silence.

"Mr. Hemmings, if you ever interrupt my class again, I will write you up and give you detention for the rest of the school year," he spoke calmly, yet firmly, slightly narrowing his eyes at the tattooed boy. Mr. Black, a middle-aged man with the build of a Calvin Klein model, had been expecting Luke, since the principal had called once she sent Luke down that way. He usually was not this stern with a student he hadn't met, but he had heard all the rumors about this mysterious new kid, and if any number of them were true, then that behavior was not going to be tolerated in this orchestra room.

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