A Hard Hit.

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Around mid December, we were talking to each other, like regular, but then, she pulled out the hammer.

She said that she won't let go of her DDLG thing, because it's her "personality." What?! The very thing that tried to separate our relationship? You want to keep it? So that you can look like a fool? You just want to destroy things. No wonder why your relationships don't last, like you said in the beginning of our relationship. How is that a personality?

Heh, yeah, totally forgot to mention her past relationships. Oops...

That was a huge bummer for me. Like, why? Why is it your coping mechanism? Was there literally anything else that you could cope with? Maybe something that isn't a kink? Maybe do something light-hearted? I don't know, like YouTube videos all day? Play video games all day?(Yes, she does play video games.) Just don't do those degrading things. It'll bite you later on in life, and I don't want to see that happen. I can't do anything else about it then. I tried really hard...

Yeah... she made a pathetic attempt to stop her "little" kink thing after the picture incident. The day after, she was liking those disgusting, vile posts. What a hypocrite she is.

Also, my excuse for her to stop wasn't the best, but it really did make her think deep about it. Before she told me that she wasn't going to give her "little" thing up, I made her think that I was insecure about her "little" thing, sprinkled in with some very light truth. She did say that she'll stop it... for the second time. (The first time was a secret, but there was a reason why. The reason being that she made a pathetic effort to stop doing it.) It worked! For a while, though. As she then would say that to me. She really made me feel like crap, and made her look like a scumbag.

That was the moment where I knew she doesn't like to commit to a person. She wanted to use them for something. That something? I don't know to this day..

The thought of the inevitable was caving in closer...

I kept my end of the relationship by treating her like a princess even after the things that have gone downhill.

Hey, me again. I couldn't find a way to intertwine this part to the November segment. So, here it is. She did go to my little birthday get-together, even though mine turned out to be a bust, because everyone of my friends were either not friends to each other anymore, or they had work. She was the only one who did show up, alongside my godparents and one of my sister's friends. It was a fun night needless to say.

She also took me to watch a movie, titled Ralph Breaks the Internet. It was a good birthday present, even if there were some mishaps as to what theater she bought the tickets for.

She didn't come to my house! And it's Christmas break! I went to her house to her little Christmas family thing, and to her Newsies performance! And I went to her Christmas band concert, twice, one time in 2017 and 2018, and she could barely go to my house?! And she couldn't go to my basketball games that were at home, except for two instances out of the many games that we had? Look, I appreciate the things you've done for me and all, like the birthday present to the theater lately, but that still doesn't justify the amount of times you didn't come because of "your mom." I'm on to you.

Maybe it was the fact that I was away from family for the out-of-town basketball tournament. Nah, I had a great time going to the tournament, actually.

I was fed up, but still apologetic. I don't know why, but I don't and won't let anyone down.


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