Extra Parts.

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This will be used as a fill in sort of thing. So here it goes. (They aren't in chronological order, by the way.)

*Everytime I went to her house, I always felt that sense of unease. Like the sense of "I'm not welcome here." Even after time, when I thought they would know me, they still gave off those vibes.

*I had a dream one day. It's was very surreal, and it for sure tried to send me a message about my then girlfriend. It was broken up into three segments. I only remember two at the time of typing this, specifically the second and third segment.

The second segment started out in a setting where I was going into a school building. (Those who know where I approximately I live at know the place. It resembled the intermediate school.) I saw my coach go into the building, and I stopped because I heard people's voices in the distance. I turned to see who was talking, and it was a group of guys with a some girls in the pack as well. Within the group, I saw my then girlfriend. It was strange for her to be with a group of people like them. (They seemed to be the bad kids in school almost.) We glanced at each other, and I was about to say something to her, then my coach said that if I was coming in. I replied yes. Her expression was just filled with sadness and regret. I wanted to go over there and help her, but coach was waiting for me.

The third segment was one that tied back to the picture incident. I scrolled through Instagram mindlessly, and stumbled across something that I would never forget. (It wasn't something extremely bad, for your information.) It consisted of three pictures, the first one is simply a warning for the content ahead. The second one showed the same group of people and her with them. They were all sort of hung over from something. I don't know from what, but it certainly seemed that way. I could distinguish her in there. She was sort of hidden away. The next and last one consisted of only her. She was all sorts of happy in the photograph. She was probably in the influence of something they provided. Needless to say, I was shocked, and I went into a panic of emotions. Then, I woke up.

I told her about the dream, and also told her about the hidden meaning. The meaning was that she was cheating on me. She of course said that she would never do something like that because she loves me. (Or loved in this case.) It was comforting to know that she wasn't, except that she could be making that up.

*Never had she used proper grammar to text me, or written with proper grammar in that regard, despite me always using perfect grammar. Ironically, she's taking advanced English. No wonder it's so hard for her.

*She knows how to draw.

*She knows how to read music.

*She made a dance account for encouraging people of all types to dance. She suggested the idea, and I told her to go ahead, because I want her to influence the world that no matter who you are or how you look, you still can dance. Dancing shouldn't be stereotyped and we shouldn't shame people on how they look. Sad thing is she doesn't post a lot on there anymore. Looks like she doesn't want to influence people anymore.

*This is a combination of what I was listening to when I was in my room all day and the anticipation of the Paul McCartney concert that's coming in the summer. I am a Beatlemaniac, or overly obsessed to listening to The Beatles.

**MATURE CONTENT. The nude photo of her is no longer tagged with her account, but the picture is still on that account to this day. I have proof that it was tagged with her account.

*After our breakup, I kept a lot of screenshots and screen recordings of her malicious acts. If you think that I'm making all of that up after the fact, then I'll show them to you. Also, I screen recorded the ultimatum and her response.

*I will still respect her as I do with everyone else, because I'm mature enough to say that was the past. Let it be in the past.

*The friend that hooked me up with the girl lied about her liking me, and he lied to her that I liked her. It's a double lie, but at the time of him telling me that, we were already months into our relationship. He said to us we are the perfect couple many times, as did many others. Things fell apart however.

*QUESTIONABLE CONTENT. Just to clarify. When I was still with her, and finding out the DDLG thing, I wanted her to not be associated with the things that I've mentioned about that thing. Although, I don't know if she did that stuff in secret. She did say that she didn't want to influence me with that. Could that mean I'm right about the secret thing? That's a question that's up for answers. Then again, maybe I'm thinking about things too much. But I did know something about her and those accounts.

*The letters that I thought I would never open, I opened them when I started to cry uncontrollably. The "when she gets mad at me" letter said that I'd give her time to recollect herself, and everything would be fine. I did let her get her time, as I mentioned earlier. She went on for two days! How was I not going to feel miserable after those days of agony? On the "when you feel sad" letter, it said that she will try to make me feel better. Needless to say, there was no better, only worse. Broken promises.

**MATURE CONTENT. She kept on liking the DDLG accounts (Yes, multiple.) content for the duration of our relationship, even when she said that she'll stop with her DDLG thing. Keeping a close eye, I was. Maybe I should've said something about that. Then again, it would've been worse. I don't know.

*The 2018 Christmas party, the event that was held at her house, because she never really went to my house, was filled with negative energy. A majority of her family was there, and the vibes were intense. I then became ill to my stomach, literally. They did care for me, however, by giving me pepto bismol. Series of events happened, a doctor trip later, not being in school, and taking medicine capsules made me better. But that night was just filled with negative vibes.

That's all of what I have to say.

P.S. Since we're not together anymore, I don't have anyone to go to prom with, and I'm willing to go to prom with someone. It's my senior year. I want to remember this year. I guess that's why the media likes to over-popularize high school senior year.

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